Monday, February 20, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Robert Pattinson says he is too old to ever play Edward Cullen again and shaved off his head in hopes he would go bald just to make sure. He is not a fan of Edward.
Salma Hayek at the Goya Awards in Spain with
Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas.
I think Elisabetta Canalis is telling Steve-O, "No baby, I have never been here before, especially with another man so kiss me."

Guess she forgot about the time she said the same thing to George Clooney at the same place and did the same thing.
"Oh, Zac Efron, I thought you would be much taller in person."
The Zooey and Joel McHale hosting the WGA Awards.
Also there was Kristen Wiig in her Charlie's Angels replica pantsuit.
Will Ferrell at Mardi Gras.


  1. Oh Kristen why? That is so ugly!
    The Zooey is so darn pretty, not too sure about her dress though. I like the cut, but not the fabric I think is what it is.

  2. From a distance and if I squint just a little, Melanie looks lovely, I KNOW, I really said that!

    I think Elsabetta will do better with Steve-O than she did with George.

    Kristen, I like you, but that rose is going to drag down the front of your fugly outfit in a minute.

    Will is probably perfect for Mardi Gras.

  3. Something tells me Will Farrell kept that costume and he will wear it at least weekly from now on.

  4. kills me to say it, but Melanie Griffith looks good here...blech...

  5. Re: Twilight - I had never actually watched any of the movies or read the books, I just kind of assumed that they sucked but appealed to young folks because why, I don't know. A couple of weeks ago, "New Moon" (I think) was on cable so I watched a bit of it just to see what all the fuss was about.

    I don't think I have ever seen so many expressionless faces on a screen before. Seriously! How in the HELL have these movies gotten so popular? The acting I saw (mind you, I only made it about 10 minutes before I felt so disenfranchised with "today's youth" I had to turn it off and go wash my hair) was ATROCIOUS. Kristen Stewart should not be given work EVER. Not to mention the slithering asshat at the top of this photo set! And they are FAMOUS! They make MONEY! Shit, Jennifer Lopez is a fantastic thespian in comparison to these kids!

    I also have something to say about Kristen Wiigs outfit. IT's actually not bad, it's kind of fun. But from her posture, you can tell that she is not sure it's the right size. She looks as though she is afraid to straighten her back completely, because if she doesm her boobs might pop out. Miley Cyrus wore a dress with a similar cut to some awards thing a couple of years back, and was hunched over in all the photos because the bodice of the dress wasn't big enough. It annoys me. That is all.

  6. @maja - to understand the Twilight series popularity, you really have to start with the books. The books were huge, so you could have cast mannequins in the movie and still had them be hits. Erm, wait, that's what they did...

  7. I liked the Twilight books, but didn't see any of the movies mainly because of the casting.

  8. I hate Twilight and all of the actors cast in the movies.
    Will Ferell is my all time favorite SNL funny man.

  9. Salma looks amazing. So does Zooey ... I love plaid!!

  10. Got to party with Will Ferrel last night after the parade. He was a great King of Bacchus!

  11. I really hate Kristin Wiig's clothing choices. Why? She doesn't have a bad build. Why can't she wear something tailored or pretty?

    I hate to say it but Antonio Banderas hasn't been attractive for many years.

  12. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Jesus H Christ people the Twilight books were WORSE than the movies !! Have you ever read..actually of those? Its torture. At least the movies are over in 90 - 120 minutes.. Try losing two days to that garbage! Days I will NEVER GET BACK! Anyone who says Stephanie Meyers can write must really need some new authors in their lives.

  13. Anonymous2:56 PM

    @ vi : really?!?! Please tell me he's awesome in person.. I would be crushed to discover otherwise

  14. C'mon ms cool! Antonio not looking good? Dont see it happening! Melanie looks gorgeous! I think kristen wiig mb joking with weird outfit, but only she is in on joke. Unflattering dress fo' sho. Salma looks very thin. I grt feeling Will Ferrel huge asshole to be around, like Bill Murray. Anything twilight has zero appeal to me.

  15. Holy christ on a cracker Zac Efron looks SOOOOOOOOO LA douchey here!!!!

    The artfully arranged tousled hair that's sprayed within an inch of it's life. CHECK

    The designer facial hair ala George Michael in Freedom video. CHECK

    The odd shimmering balck jacket WITH fuzzy collar and crisp white shirt fully unbuttoned. CHECK

    And the sunglasses with "cool" patterns to be ironic. FUCKING CHECK

    Die Efron, just die

  16. Melanie does look very good here, and the dress is absolutely gorgeous.

    As much as I like Zooey, I'm just not sure about a plaid evening dress, unless the WGAs are a lot more casual than I thought they were.

    You know, I can understand why teenage girls might like the Twilight books/movies--the whole overwhelming passion, guy-who'll-do-ANYTHING-for-you, totally over-the-top attitude--because teenage emotions in general are so intense. What I really don't get are the grown women who are total Twihards--we're talking women old enough to be the mothers, or maybe even grandmothers, of the younger fans! I don't have the link saved, alas, but there was a photo of a really poorly-done tattoo of the 3 Twilight principals done on a woman's thigh, and by getting a good look at her skin & muscle tone and her hands, it's obvious that the woman in question is at least in her 40s, quite possibly other words, more than old enough to know better than to get a shitty tattoo that covers the entire outside of one thigh. (That tattoo basically says to the world "I never want to have sex ever again," IMNSHO.)

  17. OK, I'm back and I found it--it's the last one on the list:

    (I have to say I kind of like these Twilight fans--the commenters, not the people w/the ink--they're obsessed, they admit they're obsessed, but they're not so obsessed that they can't see the humor in both their obsession and the object thereof. Reminds me of a lot of the NIN fans I've known over the years, actually...oh, shit, is that Trent coming over the horizon swinging a mike stand at me? Um, gotta go... *runs away* ;-)

  18. I tried to read the twilight book 1 when my sister and sister in law were raving about it but it was written so poorly. I almost never put a book down once I start. I have plodded through some of the worst books out there but this one... was down by the end of chapter 1.

  19. The scariest thing about all these older women loving Twilight is when they hit on these young actors at the movie premieres. It's truly scary!

  20. Um, how does one 'shave off one's head' exactly?? (Enty needs an editor!)

    Steve-O is SO gross! She really must be desperate.

    I really cannot stand Zooey Deschanel. She is so fake! You know she probably sits around at home in sweats and talks like a real person instead of a kewpie doll. Blech.

  21. All I can think of when looking at Melanie Griffith's dress is the Carol Burnett skit where she played Scarlett O'Hara and made a dress out of curtains but left the curtain rod in it.

  22. What's up with Salma Hayeks arms? They look super skinny/bony. She looks weird here actually.

  23. Maja, Kristen always has bad posture, it isn't the outfit. Oh, and thank you for reinforcing my decision never to watch a minute of any Twihard crap.

    Melanie only looks good because the picture was taken from far, far away.

    Steve-O is out of Elisabetta's league. He's a funny, nice guy, and she's an untalented fame whore.

  24. I read about two pages of Twilight, and that was enough.

    That book makes The DaVinci Code look like Moby fucking Dick.

  25. Agree with you Mooshki. Steve O is actually really smart and works hard, is always nice to his fans and very athletic, and yes, I am a grown up. I love him and his memoir, just his fans I cannot stand.

  26. I'm another one who tried to read the first Twilight book to see what all the fuss was about and couldn't take more than a couple of pages. I was dismayed to realize this was the same book on the best seller lists, etc. I have a new-found respect for high school English teachers who have to wade through this tripe year after year.
    @Maja: Disenfranchised with "today's youth"--thank God!
    Zooey's so adorkable! ;)

  27. Will Ferrell looks like the Burger King king!

  28. @maja @ida couldn't agree more, I guess it makes me old (34), but I tried to read the first book and couldn't because I thought it was literally making me get dumber-- then when the first movie was on HBO again tried thinking there must be something there... and managed to get thru but only due to insomnia and the fact that my husband and I started talking back to the screen and yelling at the characters to make it more entertaining. Its seriously so, so awful.

  29. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I love what Kristen Wig is wearing. That woman can do no wrong.
