Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Rainn Wilson Tries To Make A Joke Out Of Date Rape

Rape is never funny whether it is coming in the form of a joke in Tweet or that Seth Rogen/Anna Faris movie which hopefully they realize now was not funny. Rainn Wilson made a joke about date rape on his Twitter when he said that "If I were ever date raped I would want it to be to Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin." Not appropriate. You would think he would take it down right away, but there the Tweet stood, for a day until Rainn finally took it down yesterday and apologized. Who thinks to make a joke about being date raped anyway?


  1. I would ask "What is wrong with people?!!?" but I know.

  2. Ugg. Will little girls think it's cute/ok to tweet about rape now too just like they think getting beat by Chris Brown is ok?

  3. who would make such a joke? someone with no empathy who had never been a victim or felt physically unsafe.

    very surprising both that he would think of such a 'joke', and doubly surprising that he wouldn't have had the sense to not tweet it. and that he took it down after no doubt being pressured by others.

  4. remember when aniston made that comment about brad pitt missing the sensitivity chip? i know this is a completely different context, but that's the line that came to mind.

    it blows my mind this idiot would find that type of tweet to be funny. way to buy yourself a one-way ticket to doucheachussetts, rain whateverthehell.

  5. I used to follow him on Twitter but he is too mean spirited for my taste. I can handle a good share of snark, but he is just cruel.

    Rape jokes are not funny

  6. Well, "The Emily" Deschanel's fugly husband also jokes about Rape, cancer, and other things that should never be joked about.

    I lost a lot of respect for Emily since she married Hornsby. WTF is wrong with her...

    Was never a fan of Rainn. Now I have even more a reason not to.

  7. And his "apology" is posted so grudgingly, as if he thinks everyone is overreacting.

  8. Was his tweet something that should have been put out into the universe, no. But I am hard pressed to find any person who has not uttered once or twice in their life something totally offensive.
    Rape is nothing to joke about, but neither are posts about repeat domestic violence offenders like Michael Lohan.
    So if you wish to hate on Rainn, then you need to hate on Michael Lohan as well, Enty, and not wish him better health so you can make fun of him more with posts that generate money for you.
    /ends calm rant.

  9. I liked Observe and Report.

  10. I follow him and was really taken aback when I saw the rape tweet. I could'nt believe I was seeing what I saw. I saw the apology yesterday too. I'm a fan, but I just don't know what to think about him anymore. That crossed the line.

  11. Any man who jokes about rape should find out exactly what rape really is - if you catch my drift.

  12. I stopped following Rainn on Twitter a long time ago. He's nowhere near as funny as he thinks he is. Plus, I haven't forgiven him for ripping off Donal Logue.

  13. Rainn just isn't that funny without writers' lines. So he's cruel and shocking. I don't follow him, but I see him on the E! Twitter feed from time to time. He always makes me think "Really, dude?" This doesn't surprise me, coming from him. They should shut him down.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I think at the end of most every rape joke there can be a man found at the bottom of it.

    I think men often have ZERO concept of what women have to negotiate in their everyday lives as far as their safety is concerned.

    I have a class that ends late during the week at my uni and a few girls and I make it a point to walk across the dark campus to our cars together. This is something women have to think about at some point almost every day!

    There have been a lot of articles written by people transitioning from women to men. One of the most liberating things that is often said is- when they begin passing for a man, they suddenly realize they can walk down the street at night, etc. and not have to worry about their phsycial saftey.

    Clearly this piece of shit has NO concept/self awareness about women or else he'd never have made a joke like this in the first place.

  16. Maybe he should get his wish...cue Led Zeppelin.

  17. I just realized I forgot to tell you all what "The Emily" Deschanel's "hilarious" husband, David Hornsby, said on his little podcast as his character Yoda in "Yoda&Me":

    "Rape me once, shame on you. Rape me twice, shame on me."
    Here: (Episode 5: the X-Mas 2009 episode)

    What. The. Fuck. Is. That?! I was so pissed and disgusted when I heard that. That was said before she even married this P.O.S. Hence, my loss of respect for Emily.

    These loser "comedians" are NOT funny. I can't believe these people are actors and have fans.

  18. Damn! And that wasn't even the only "rape" joke in that podcast.

  19. What a douchtastic thing to say. He is a total asshat. That is an extremely lame apology. It sounds like this: " If you took offense at anything I say then, I guess I am sort of sorry."

  20. Have you guys ever read this blog? someone posted it on a mate's facebook page yesterday and has caused a shitstorm amongst our lot.

  21. Really poor taste, Rainn.



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