Tuesday, February 14, 2012

President Eisenhower Met With Aliens

Has this guy Timothy Good been on Coast To Coast before? I used to always listen to the show but now it is about once a month so I am no longer up to date on my chupacabra sightings or crop circles or afterlife or aliens. I feel so out of touch. Anyway, Timothy Good is making some waves because he says that he witnessed former President Eisenhower meet with aliens on three separate occasions. Oh, and just to make sure your doubting goes up a few more notches, the meetings were set up via telepathic messages. The aliens would contact the FBI via telepathic messages and then the FBI would tell the President and they all met in New Mexico.

It is always New Mexico. It is never Key West or Hawaii. What? The aliens don't like the beach? A little sunshine? A nice cold pina colada? Nope.


  1. Well, Enty, aliens don't like water. Remember?

  2. If you ever want to know where the 'boonies' are located at that base is right in the center.

  3. I'm more interested in the progress the bigfoot hunters are making. They have their own show and everything.

  4. @Patty, but if they find bigfoot then the show will be over.

  5. Gah you guys....SASQUATCH...it's a SASQUATCH

  6. I thought it was Yeti T. Sasquatch, Esq.

  7. LOL @Vicki. Brought me straight to thinking "Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius".

  8. Then why didn't the aliens meet with the president telepathically? Would've saved everybody some time, I'm sure.

  9. I've heard the same story connected with Harry S Truman, as well. Jackie Gleason said his golfing buddy Richard Nixon let him take a quick look at some artifacts the government has stored--an alien craft and a dead alien body, I believe. Maybe they've met with every President?

  10. Hey...until proven otherwise...I believe this story.

  11. "We have contacted the Earthlings. But they think it is Dubstep"

  12. The President meeting with aliens. This is historically known as, "The State of the Union Address."

  13. I've started watching Finding Bigfoot. I always laugh when they have the Bobo guy stand in for the creature. But it annoys me when they say 'it feels really squatchie'; that's such a dumb word.

    And anyone who doesn't believe in aliens, you need to start watching Ancient Aliens and you will start questing your beliefs. The new season starts Friday on H2.

  14. What? New Mexico has beaches (no ocean) and plenty of sunshine and some damn pretty good cold pina coladas. WTF? Yeah...ok I'm from NM. Btw Coast to Coast was way better when Art was hosting.

  15. @iheartjacksparrow. I can't stop watching Ancient Aliens. I am fascinated, utterly fascinated, at the orange guy with the crazy hair. And he sounds pretty intelligent!

  16. Anonymous9:43 PM

    I have to admit I podcast the hell outta c2cAM .. Haven't heard this one yet but I'm on it tomorrow!

  17. the story of these Nordic beings, I've heard of before.

    I saw some woman I think on History 2 recounting her "abduction" and she said first there were the nordic looking aliens, tall, white, blond hair and blue eyed who were the sort of guards to the greys.

    Odyssey of the Gods anyone???

    **the crazy thing is, usually the more insane something sounds, the odds of it being true aren't more likely, but most likely.

  18. This is good gossip fodder. I would enjoy seeing one of these every few days. I know there are lots and lots of conspiracy theories out there. And we all like the weird stuff here. Thanks Enty!

  19. Just doing my part to keep this site Kartrashian/Blohan free.......

  20. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Thank you _-_=_!!! I'm with u 100%%
