Thursday, February 16, 2012

Paul McCartney Gives Up Pot

Despite having other children, Paul McCartney has never stopped smoking pot. I would like to see Paul stoned out of his mind. He always seems so uptight so to see him high as a kite hot boxing it in a recording studio sharing a bong with Snoop while they did a medley of Ebony & Ivory and Gin & Juice. Well, those alcohol induced dreams of mine will never come true now because Paul says that at the age of 69 he is finally giving it up because of his daughter Beatrice. He told Rolling Stone that he now is responsible and feels he needs to quit to show his daughter who is 8, responsibility. Apparently his other four kids did not bring this out in him.


  1. That's too bad, but it's his life...

  2. Well to be fair, the other kids had Linda for a mother who while being no-nonsense co-raised her kids to aware of and co-exist with the world around them. Poor Beatrice has that gold-digger failure Heather Mills as a mom. You know Heather is not raising their daughter with morals and self-respect

  3. Heather is threatening something I bet. He does not see her everyday so he probably stops when she isn't around.

  4. huh?

    I would be upset, if I were one of his other kids to read that. "We weren't important enough?"

  5. @joymama....that is exactly what I thought... drug tests or something due to the Legster. You just don't stop one day, especially when you are a senior citizen famous musician.

  6. I agree Enty. My first thought was, how many other children did you raise, while parenting stoned? More importantly, he never really discussed his Buddha use really, so why announce you retired from it?

  7. Paul seems uptight? Really? He always seems like the loosey goosey fooling around type to me.

    Maybe it's the new wife and has nothing to do with the kids?

  8. I don't know. I have a *much* younger sibling, and my dad has definitely grown more conservative in his older years -- not politically, mind you, but in his daily actions, habits, and how he approaches the challenges of fatherhood.

    And I don't hold it against him at all. If anything, I know turned out alright, and I don't resent being his practice kid. ;-)

  9. Paul uptight? What Paul are your talking about?

    Paul is no spring chicken anymore. He was much younger with the other kids and times were different. Maybe he assessed his siutaion and views things differntly.

  10. I have a 20 year old daughter and a couple of toddlers. I recently gave up smoking (side note: never did it in the house and never in the car with them in it or around them period) It isn't that I don't love my older daughter, I just became more mature and realized it was selfish of me to do that to my kids because it might kill me. Having said that, 69 is a little long in the tooth to have such a revelation. He probably is getting threats from HM

  11. @joymama nailed it. Heather Mills is threatening him. Linda McCartney smoked with him.

  12. He's an old fart and he's just growing up NOW? He should have stopped drugs long ago. He was a bad example for all of his other older kids.

  13. I think he really gave it up because every time he walks by a mirror irie he realizes how ridiculous he looks trying to hold on to his youth with his dyed hair and botox injections.

    Also, remember when he and Linda were detained, I think in japan, in the 80's for herb.

  14. there's not a court in all of the UK that would side with Mills against him for ANYthing, so her threatening him over it is highly doubtful.

  15. His old ass lungs just can't take it anymore. Probably has epic coughing fits when he does it now. But he has to keep his "youthful" reputation alive, so he blames quitting dope on the kid.

  16. I'm thinking that she's a cutious one and he found her in his stash.

  17. Lungs have nothing to do with giving pot up since most people use a vaporizer.

  18. Oh my heck, now he's going to make interesting music and date women who are age-appropriate and suitable!

    Oh, probably not. He's been stoned out of his gourd for decades -- the neurons are probably permanently shut off.

  19. Plenty of grown up mature people smoke pot. It also doesn't mean he doesn't love his other children. He & Linda probably had similar points of view while Heather is looking for something to use against him.

  20. Macca uptight?! Dude seems chill and laid-back as hell to me. Always has.

    I agree that it's pressure from Heather. What a cow. I always hesitate to say that I "hate" people, but that woman...

  21. Totally agree that he and Linda smoked together and probably even with their mutual kids once they were of appropriate age. Lots of people now (and even then) don't view pot as a drug any more than they view alcohol as a drug and I have to imagine he is one of them. Also agree Sir Paul wouldn't risk his voice/certainly has the cashflow to buy a vaporizer which takes the health risk down quite significantly.

    Have to agree, this is likely about Heather. God why did he marry her??

  22. But he's just reaching glaucoma age! Maybe he'll quit and then realize he needs it for 'medical reasons'.

    I concur, Heather the harlot is behind this. Marry in haste, regret in sobriety.
