Monday, February 13, 2012

Pastor's Daughter Shot By Gun Brought To Church

I'm not sure why anyone would need to bring a gun to church, but Moises Zambrana did and was showing it off to two men including the boyfriend of the pastor's daughter when the gun went off and a bullet hit the pastor's daughter, Hannah Kelley, in the head. The three guys were looking at the gun in a closet. Seriously? There are so many metaphors that come rushing to my head when I think of three guys sitting in a church closet stroking and fondling a gun until it goes off. About 40 people were still left in church when it happened. Hannah is clinging to life.


  1. That poor girl.

    According to the report I read, dumbass was trying to sell it. He took off the clip, but didn't check the chamber.

    Stupid people shouldn't be allowed to have guns.

  2. Amen to that Vicki.

    The innocent always end up paying for other peoples idiocy.

  3. Vicki Cupper is the voice of the reason

  4. The dogmatic and devout insist that God makes everything happen for a reason. I seriously wonder how they can explain a situation like this.

    Sidenote: I'm also astonished that Chris Brown had the nerve to thank God last night for his Grammy. I hate it when athletes, musicians, actors, et al do that. If there *is* a God, I assume s/he/it has bigger things to worry about than your fucking accolades.

    At any rate, religious hypocrisy truly knows no bounds.

  5. Ida, I want to strangle people when they say that bullshit.

    I didn't watch last night, but I wish people had started booing when he said that. I know I would have.

  6. Why do some people bring guns to church? Remember a few years ago some idiot in Nebraska or Wyoming or some place like that started shooting up a church (inside) at the beginning of the service? Luckily the security guard shot him dead. That's why people bring guns to church.

  7. This is so sad. And WHAT A FUCKING MORON. Gun safety is not hard, it's mostly common sense stuff.

    And #3 on my list is don't have a round chambered unless you are fixing to fire. That will save you the trouble of having to think about where your bullets are.

    If you're showing people a gun (after removing clip), the first thing you should do is check the chamber publicly so that all parties know what they're dealing with. Everyone in this situation screwed up tremendously and it's heartbreaking.

    (Rule #1 is treat every gun as though it is loaded and able to fire. Rule #2 is never point the gun anywhere you don't want it to shoot.)

  8. There's just something about bringing a gun to church that just doesn't seem right. I'm sure Jesus loved that.

  9. What is it with Florida!??!??! I've always had a good time there.

    If Chris Brown was the only thing God had to worry about we would all know because of the HUGE lightening strike!

  10. Ida- I wrote almost the EXACT same thing verbatim last night on fb when I heard him say that!

    Also, what Vicki said.

  11. I would have been looking for the lightening bolt to strike us all last night if I was in that audience. Chris Brown is truly a disgusting individual. Wonder if he's shopping for guns...

  12. ITA agree about CB thanking god....he should be thanking god that he had the money to stay out of nasty butt-rape PRISON for what he did. Instead, he thanks god like they're just besties...GAG.

  13. @feisty, you're right, all the rules I learned at firearms safety class as a young girl. My Dad had guns in a gun safe but my brother and I still went to class.

    Why weren't they outside? Bet they didn't want the pastor to know one of them had brought a gun to church.
    Sadly, he knows now.

    CB can have Adele's recent throat problems with Julie Andrews result.

  14. Feisty, I was just up at firearms factory in NY and listed to the 10 commandments of firearm safety a lot. And they all come back to number 1! :-)

  15. Guns are treated very differently in Canada so maybe thats a large part of my thinking... but something about their story seems off, no? I'm sure there is some kind of Polic investigation going on but still.. its odd. Thats for sure.

  16. Nope.

  17. @Dishtlk, I don't think there's anything off about their story - they sound like not too smart rednecks.

    @Del Riser and amh.producer - Same here, I grew up around guns, and the rules were drilled into me from a very young age (and when I was a kid, #1 rule was NEVER Touch a Gun Unless The Adult Says You Can). They're like the rules for robots in I, Robot. I can't violate them and don't understand how other people can.

  18. Thanks for the link Vicki! It's still super sketchy to me but they mentioned he was selling the gun to the guy he was showing it to, i guess that makes it add up a little more.
    Ugh. I hate guns... My boyfriends Dad passed away almost 2 years ago and he was a big hunter, we ended up giving his guns to one of his hunting buddies. My BF hasn't hunted in years and I didn't want them in our house. If he was still a hunter I may have felt differently.

  19. I was praying for Chris "Ah ain't no woman beater no mo'" Brown to miss one of those boxes he was jumping down on and break his neck. Is that wrong of me? Well, too bad.

    Weren't there reports of people bringing guns to Tea party rallies not long ago? Out in the open in broad daylight? Who does that?

    Hoping Hannah pulls through.

  20. if you need to carry a gun around 24/7 you are a fkn moron.

    seriously, what about this don't these idiots get?? unless you have a hit on your head or live in a war ravaged country under attack, lose the fkn guns already.

  21. New life church in Colorado springs was where te church shooting was. Former home of Ted Haggard. And kiddie corner from my old job

  22. Well wishes & strength to Hannah and her family.

    @Vicki & @Ida - Agreed!

  23. Pretty sure the people who volunteer to do security at my church have guns (along with concealed weapons permits). There have been threats against the church, so better safe than sorry.

  24. Early Darwin award frontrunner

  25. Miss X, who the hell would threaten a church?! It's not the 60s!!! Holy shit!!!

  26. Like I tell my gun-loving, liberal-hating co-worker - I have no problem with people owning guns. SMART people. Unfortunately, there are too many people who handle them carelessly.

    I had a coworker who married her longtime boyfriend and went to visit her relatives with their two kids. After the long drive, and before the kids even got out of the car, he had to show the relatives the gun in the trunk. It went off, and killed the baby in the car seat. She'd brought the baby in only a few weeks earlier. This kind of thing happens too often. It's so unspeakably tragic, and needless.

    Guns in church? WTF???

  27. I forgot why I started posting - I hope this girl recovers. So sad.

  28. Madlyb, that poor family!
