Thursday, February 09, 2012

Parminder Nagra Is Available

I don't know what it is but ever since Bend It Like Beckham I have had a thing for Parminder Nagra. So, when I saw that she filed for divorce I was thinking to myself this might be a good time to ask her out. Parminder and her husband had been together for about ten years, but only married for the last three. I think they only got married because Parminder was pregnant. I have not watched this week's episode of Alcatraz yet but feel to comment about it if you want and I will just not read the comments until after I watch it. Being such a big fan of Parminder, it kind of sucks that the only time I get to see her on the show is while she is in a coma in the hospital bed or in some flashback scene which is really rare.


  1. I loved her on E.R.

    she is adorable.

  2. I really liked her in Bend it Like Beckham...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. OMG - *that's* who she is?
    She's come a long way since "Bend It"... or I'm just old.
    Wait. I am old.

  5. I loved her on ER and in Bend it Like Beckham too.

    Seeing her reminds me of Jonathan Rhys Meyers and all of his troubles. He was too cute in that movie. Now he's a mess.

  6. I am trying not to get too attached to Alcatraz, the ratings are sinking quickly.

  7. That is the best picture I have ever seen of her. The dress is goegeous. Hope she continues to get good roles outside of being in a coma ;>

  8. @Timebob
    Re Alcatraz - really?
    It's actually quite watchable but I believe I see the shark pool ahead.

  9. Agree with timebob - love the show but can see it would only appeal to a limited number of people willing to put the time into it.

  10. I was excited about it, at first, but my excitement is waning.

    I think Parminder is BEAUTIFUL and I hope the show does well, because she should be on TV.

  11. LOVED her in Bend it Like Beckham. Hadn't seen her in anything since.

  12. She's a doll and a very talented actress. Sit me down in a room with her and Mindy Kaling and I'll be happy for life.

  13. I always thought she was younger then she is really. Maybe it's cause Keira was in that movie too and she's a good bit younger then her. Didn't know until I read aobut this today that she's in her thirties. Still damn hot though.

  14. Game on! Anybody have her phone number?

  15. Sadly, Robert, I do not :( And if I did, I'd keep it to myself!

  16. Wow, blast from the past with that name- Parmider was great on ER though! Who was the hubby? *rethinks google search- their divorcing anyways~ shrug!*

  17. I can dream, can't I?
