No More Teen Mom For Amber Portwood
Last month I told you about how Amber Portwood was going to have to get a real job as part of her plea bargain to avoid serving jail time. Something about Indiana actually wanting people to serve jail sentences, unlike in California. Anyway, at the time, I opined that while she was working this job it would probably be tough to also film Teen Mom. What I did not expect was that the real job would last very long. It turns out though the judge wants Amber to live in a halfway house and to work a 9 to 5 job for three years and during that time there will be no filming.
The judge even checked with MTV prior to making the ruling to make sure they would not sue Amber for breach of contract. Here is the thing. I think she should do whatever it takes to get her life straight, but at the same time I think the judge could have her live in a halfway house and get her drug tested constantly while still allowing her to film. He is sacrificing her $100K+ a year job for her to make minimum wage and I don't understand that part. If you are going to keep her out of jail anyway, then get her help and test her but let her work the job where she can make the most money. It makes no sense to confine her to a minimum wage job when part of the deal was to fund her daughter's college fund with $10K. How is she going to do that if she is making $7.00 an hour?
A halfway house is not fun. It is pretty much like jail. Getting drug tested four days a week is not fun. Having a curfew is not fun. I think if you do those things, there is no reason to also not let her film.