Wednesday, February 15, 2012

National Enquirer Kind Of Says Either Will Smith Or Jada Pinkett Smith Is Gay

In a story that is not really about much other than a woman who works for both Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, The Enquirer does do something that no other tabloid has really done publicly before and they say that Will and Jada's marriage has been plagued by gay rumors. Now of course anyone who reads the article will immediately conclude that one or both of the couple is gay. If you had to choose, who would you pick? Will? Jada? Both? I do think it is interesting that despite the one public viewing they had for the world after the rumors of their impending split, the couple really has not been seen together again so they are probably hunkered down with their respective significant others wondering when they can finally let go and split publicly.


  1. I've always thought JPS was gay, from the moment I saw her, gaydar went off. That's pre-gay rumors.

  2. hhhhmmm i think will smith. JPS has always appeared desperate in a way to satisfy him. if only she had a penis!

  3. I hope it's both, just to make it easier on the kids.

  4. Both. It's a mutually bearding situation! ;)

  5. Everything EmEyeKay said.

  6. I think its just her. I know several people that grew up with Will Smith, being from the Philly area, and he at the very least wasnt gay before stardom. Always popular with the ladies and loved it. That's not to say he hasn't exeperimented in Hollywood, but I think he's first choice will always be women.

  7. People who have to brag about screwing in limos, just before an awards ceremony, are over compensating...I'm just sayin.

  8. Pretty sure Jada is lesbian, but I don't get the impression Will is.

  9. I think its Jada! I read a long time ago, that she was involved with a female when she was touring with her band, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Will is too.

  10. Layna, I don't think Wil's a lesbian, either. :P

  11. I always heard Jada was gay.

  12. Jada=gay. There were always rumors that Debbie Allen had been with most of the female cast on A Different World. I think that Will may have sucked a few cocks for parts (not uncommon) but that he is straight.

  13. The Enquirer article reads as if Fawn is a spurned former lover of Jada's.

  14. Jada - I have always had my gaydar ping with her. Will - not so much. But nothing would surprise me anymore

  15. @ Cheryl - very interesting about Debbie Allen! I must say she was really attractive in that show.

  16. Ummm...try that they're both gay. It's really not much of a secret.

  17. Ack! I knew I've should have just said gay, but I was trying to be somewhat aware for once. It's what I get. Back to being in the wind for me. :-D

  18. Debbie Allen? Really?


  19. I've always thought Jada was gay or bisexual.

  20. It must be terrible to have to live this way, always hiding. Money doesn't seem to help the situation much. Can't be good for the kids.

  21. Jada always struck me as a gayelle. Will never struck me as gay.

  22. Will has always been a ladies' man. He does a great job of putting up a good-guy-family-man front, but he's a manwhore. And I don't doubt that he has gay tendencies (who the fuck in Hollywood doesn't?) but I think it is Jada who is full-on gay and Will is her beard. Like everyone else stated, she's long set off my gaydar as well.

    Completely off topic: any of you ladies here got any advice for someone whose due date was almost a week ago? IE, anything to help speed the process and cause labor already? I've been walking constantly, drinking green tea like it's going out of style, but no dice. I'm going insane here and I want this baby to come out already!!

  23. I've heard spicy food can induce labor. Start eating some habaneros. :D

    Good luck!

  24. I agree with the Jada guesses. I love me some Will Smith. I think his kids are annoyingly arrogant. At least the two with Jada. Trey seems low key and decent.

  25. ^ @O Have sex if you feel up to it. The semen is supposed to soften the cervix and helps start labor.
    Good luck!

    Also, does anyone know if RocketQueen is off having her baby? I've missed her lately.

  26. O - try Castor Oil. I mixed it with some coke when I was pregnant with my last. Went into labor within 2 hours. But be careful with it and don't take too much. Also, sex can get it going. There is a chemical in semen that actually causes the cervix to "ripen". Plus, it's fun. ;) Good luck and get plenty of sleep if you can!

  27. Be on the safe side and have sex with castor oil and eat jalapenos.


  28. Please dont do anything foolish to bring on labor. U could hurt yourself and your baby. That cutie will pop out when he or she is ready! And please let us know when baby does arrive! Good luck!

  29. In other shocking news, the sun will come up tomorrow morning.

  30. What would make a straight man take on a lesbian wife? What's in it for Will? I don't think she was ever a bigger star than him, so I don't get it.

    Either both of them are or neither.

  31. So glad I logged in today to check out the comments :) I've been off on maternity leave for the last week and a half and I actually have *less* time for my favourite gossip site?? ;)

    I'm due this Friday and I also want this baby OUT! Been eating a lot of pineapple and might try sex tonight, though I gotta say, the idea is not terribly appealing at this point with my size and discomfort. Any and all suggestions are welcomed!

    I've heard conflicting things about castor oil - it's apparently controversial if you go by the ladies on my Babycenter birth board...but I may get that desperate if I go quite late!

  32. This will sound wacky, but I don't really care. Although I love a good blind about somebody doing something naughty, I've gotten to the point weher I don't care if someone's gay, even if they pretend to be straight. I'm just having a hard time reconciling this position with a love for gossip.


    But certainly talk about gossip...

  34. Lol Flanny...but this is more than just a gossip site - these people are FRIENDS :)

  35. eat chinese!!! or go out and catch a flu bug....puke your brains out..whichever you prefer...that's what set me off both times :)

  36. There are certain acupressure points that are supposed to induce labor: shoulder, pinky toe, etc. I don't know them, but if you google it you'll see it. Sounds safer than castor oil...though I do have a friend who swears by c.o.

  37. My mom took castor oil to get me out 37 years ago, it worked like a charm. I was due September 7, she had me August 30:-)

    The castor oil works as a laxative anything that does that has the potential to start labor.

    Jada and Will being gay is NOT news..I'm guessing very few would be surprised.

  38. @RocketQueen,and @O, I hope something folks have suggested works for you!

    As for Will or Jada, I have always thought Jada for sure, way too much talk very publicly about all her married sex. I'm sure she DOES have a penis at home in a drawer.

    That being said, I don't really care, just would really like for people to be able to be who they are.

  39. Pepperoni pizza worked for me. My friend, with each of her pregnancies, had great success with (ugh) Wendy's chili. Good luck! A new little one!

  40. RQ: Supposedly one of the all-time great labor-inducers is the eggplant parmesan at Scalini's in Atlanta--they have an entire wall covered in pictures of their "eggplant babies," IIRC. If you're not living in metro Atlanta, just google "scalini's eggplant parm", and you should be able to get the recipe. I made it twice, w/a 50% success rate--the first time, it finally kickstarted a friend who'd been in low-level labor for two weeks; the second time I made it w/tofu instead of eggplant (the mama hates eggplant), and while it didn't do squat, she, her husband & her mom all agreed it was very tasty. It's kind of a pain what w/making the sauce & everything, so get your husband or a good friend to do it for you, and if nothing else, at least you'll get a terrific meal and lots of leftovers! (Or try a fully-loaded pizza, ideally w/peppers; supposedly that's done the trick for a lot of women, too.)

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Thanks for all the suggestions! They are greatly appreciated :)

    I've tried just about everything, no dice yet though. Even my doc suggested all the walking and sex to help speed things along, but nada yet.

    I have never felt more uncomfortable in my LIFE, I just want this to be over with. Being pregnant wasn't so bad, up until the last month or so. Ha!

    Best of luck to you, RocketQueen! We're both almost done... not a moment too soon, right?

  44. @0
    Sex. It's a bit difficult, but it does help labor along.

    Jada is gay! Geez, Tupac outed her years ago. He was in love with her, but she liked girls.

  45. @Henriette - done it... being pregnant honestly has not affected me and the Mr.'s sex life at all... but it's also do jack shit to get this baby out! :/

    I don't know how Michelle Duggar does this severy friggin year.

  46. Pardon the typos, even my fingers are fat and uncomfortable right now.

  47. My mom told my overdue sister to clean the floor the old fashioned way--down on her hands and knees, and to "wash in outward motions." Maybe my mom just wanted my sister to quit using pregnancy as an excuse to not clean, maybe it would have worked to stretch to labor muscles into action. But my sister decided she'd rather be overdue than go into labor while washing a floor, so we'll never know.

  48. The same way you got it in there. If things are primed and ready to go it will put you over the edge and MUCH more comfortably than a laxative. I know it sounds like a complete impossibility but you reaching the finish line is a double push in the right direction. Both cause uterine contractions. Your fun times immediate contractions, his soften your cervix and cause extended contractions.

  49. Oh and I'm on the Will could be straight but Jada no way.

  50. Well, YEARS ago, before they married in '97, JPS was interviewed on tv about her relationship w/ Will and I remember her talking about how great WS was and that she would have to turn to lesbianism if it didn't work out - all tongue and cheeky...
    I don't know why, but I always remember it...hmmm.

  51. @0
    I was pregnant with twins and had to be careful. Got to keep the babies in as long as you can. My doctor restricted sex for the last month because orgasms can cause uterine contractions and induce labor. It sucked big time!

  52. THanks everyone - and good luck 0!! :)



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