Thursday, February 23, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

THIS A-List actor shed his substance abuse problems to become a Hollywood role model for clean living, but now it seems he has a new addiction – cross-dressing!

He loves to doll himself up in vintage women’s clothing and has spent more than $10,000 on items such as high heels, dresses, fancy hair accessories and hats. The goods are ordered online (using an alias) and delivered to his manager’s house.


  1. At least he's buying his own clothes. I draw the line at sharing my underwear!

  2. RDJ! But I hope not in front of the new baby...

  3. I second the Robert Downey jr guess

  4. I have trouble finding fault with this. Enjoy!

  5. Totally RDJ. I wonder if the cross-dressing disguise scene in Sherlock 2 was his inspiration?

  6. Some things are just better than doing crack.

  7. Sounds like it's supposed to be RDJ, but are Enquire blinds believable?

  8. It's definitely RDJ.

  9. As long as his wife doesn't care why should we ?

  10. LOL this is just great! Whom ever it is, I have some awesome vintage dresses my Great Aunt left who was 6' and a size 14/16. I think there are hats, gloves and shoes as well. She was a snappy dresser.

    In all seriousness, who cares. I mean really, as long as dude is happy than I fail to see the scandal.

  11. Good for him whoever it is! Way to explore yourself. Well done.

  12. My immediate thought is RDJ. I'm cool with it. He's not hurting anyone, especially himself. If this is how he keeps himself off drugs, then more power to him.

  13. RDJ
    Call me crazy but this makes me like him more.

  14. I wonder what our friend Himmmmm has to say about this...

  15. ^Me too!

    If this is true, I'm on the RDJ train. I love him. At least hs clean *shrugs* And I bet he looks good. ;-)

  16. My first thought also was "so what?" Seems like a very harmless and healthy "high" to me! And I'll bet he looks FABulous! :-)

  17. MMMmmm...Why deliver it to the manager's house unless you are hiding it???

    God Bless if it keeps you away from drugs but I think hiding it will only hurt you in the end.

  18. Definitely RDJ and I'm not surprised. He did an interview in, I think it was Allure, about his wedding ensemble. He knew way to much about color pallettes and fabrics for this to be a passing fancy. If his wife and family is ok with it, I don't see a problem.

  19. RDJ?

    OT: i dated with a guy who liked cross-dressing(i love to do shopping with him and help him)and i never saw where was the trouble.We're always friend

  20. I really see no issues with cross dressing. More power to whoever this is expressing themselves!

  21. why not in front of the baby? there is nothing wrong with cross dressing.

  22. Let the man have his fun.

  23. @Vicki Cupper - OMG, those pictures are priceless! I have to send them to my cousin because he looks almost exactly like RDJ. He would get stopped all the time in NYC and get asked for autographs. Yeah, like RDJ would be caught dead riding the subway downtown from the Bronx.

  24. Anonymous9:05 AM

    RDJ has been my celebrity crush forever...didn't think my crush could get bigger but it just did. Cool beans.

  25. Nothin wrong with this at all. In fact, it sounds like he has enough cash to get some fabulous ensembles. But if whoever it hasn't already, the wife should be told about it.

  26. My first thought was RDJ...and I'm with everyone else. Ladies clothes are better than drugs!

  27. I definitely think RDJ. first person that popped into my mind

  28. This is what I LOVE about this community! LOL We loves us some RDjr and we is open-minded and accepting of cross-dressing. Think it's because we love him? Because we are certainly not as nice about some other celeb foibles, especially those stars who seem disagreeable by nature.

  29. I would do pretty much anything to go play dress up in fabulous vintage clothing with RDJ.

  30. Do not understand the love for RDJ at ALL. He is *not* attractive in the least bit, and he's a tiny tiny man.

  31. I think many of us love RDJ because not only is he talented & sexy, he also takes responsibility for his (former) troubles. That's a rarity these days.

  32. I also wanted to add that I've adored RDJ since Weird Science. It always irked me that in the 80s movies, the bad boys were the hot ones (see: Steff in Pretty in Pink, Ian & Max from Weird Science, etc).

  33. Just don't mix pearls with plaid.

  34. @MiddleagedDiva- it is because if a celeb is willing to "own" their outrageous behavior and not expect people to forget about it, it shows they are trying to change and accept responsibility. Also, there wasn't underlying things like racist comments (see ol' Mel) or violent outbursts (see Chris Brown) Lindsey Lohan would probably get a pass on here someday as well if she were to cut loose from her mother, clean herself up and be the actress we know she can be. RDJ is gifted, we all knew that. Personally I thought he should have gotten an Oscar for Restoration. The only movie I have EVER watched, got up, rewound it and watched again.

  35. It's the National Enquirer, so what do they call A-List? My immediate thought was Kelsey G. Camille has outed him on this kind of behavior.

  36. I'd rather he cross dress than get back on the horse...have at it kid!!

  37. I love RDJ, and if it's him, I hope he enjoys himself and shares this with the wife.

  38. @nolachikee - I like that guess. I think the fact that he has several shows he produces, several he has been on that were a success and what not, he qualifies as A-list.

  39. I just don't think KG was a role model for clean living. Then again, I am not sure sure RDjr is, either.
    But it's a great blind.

  40. He and his wife, Susan(?), are about the same size. Imagine if your other half had an unlimited budget and suddenly wanted to start dressing "beautifully." He and I would both be impeccably dressed and looking fabulous!!
    I wear $1 pants from the Goodwill bin, so maybe I'm just dreaming...

  41. You're all a lot more fun than I am. I cant imagine seeing my lover in women's clothes and makeup and ever subsequently feeling lust for HIM again. I'd rather have him dress up like GI Joe. Club me in the head, I just love a cave man type of guy (as long aa the weapons are props, of course!)

  42. Whoever he is, can he hook me up w/some spiffy plus-size vintage, or at least some nice accessories & vintage fabric for my own sewing? Pretty please w/cinnamon sugar on top of the brownies? ;-)

    (Buying stuff using an alias & having it shipped somewhere other than home doesn't mean it a secret to the SO; it's probably more not really wanting the business he's buying from to know who he is, and I'm sure he's not the only celeb, or only person in general, who does that w/items that could be embarrassing or just nobody's business. Example: "Hey, [BIG STAR] buys our sex toys, woohoo!" Not something you'd necessarily want to go public, hmm?)

  43. @misspoppypants- I so agree! I don't care at all if a man wants to dress up like a woman, but I would personally prefer my husband had a penchant for manly attire like lumberjack outfits and fireman gear.

  44. I'd say Obama, but he's not that good of an actor. How bout dick van patten?

  45. Wife of cd'er here: @ way would a responsible cd'r expose his child to this. It would be way too tramatic & let's face it, it's a fetish. Kids don't need to know this side of their parents. You can never 'unsee' that.

    As liberal & supportive as I am, it is not always a matter of "good for him, better than crack, "go for it". Cding becomes very selfish as they get more engulfed in their 'pink fog' (especially at middle age)& it can be exhausting being supportive vs not being 'outed'as an innocent spouse, especially as the further they get into the fetish, the more they want (go out in public, shopping, dreaming, planning dressing)

    Limits & boundaries have to be set or they run away with their addiction. And yes, it becomes an addiction (according to hubby)so it wouldn't surprise me that RDJ has gone full throttle into it.

    It is never just about 'throwing on a wig n pearls & playing dress-up for an hour'.
