Friday, February 17, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

THIS child star of celebrity parents is so spoiled and obnoxious that many of his parents’ friends – including their A-list pals – won’t invite the famous family over unless they know the kid’s not coming! The mini-terror is known for bossing around the servers and housekeepers. Who is he?


  1. If it weren't a "he", I'd guess Suri. I like the Jaden Smith guess.

  2. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Jaden- just because he oozes smug out of every freaking pore. (and his sister doesn't appear much better). Yeah, it's mean- they're kids....

  3. Ooops, sorry, I didn't see the "he" part! The script is very hard to read on my monitor. I feel like such a dork. I just saw where it said "child." Sorry.

  4. Yep, Jaden. I hate it when I catch an interview with him. He acts like all the interviewers and their questions are beneath him. So damn smug. Then Will does his dorky aw shucks routine to overcompensate for the kid.

  5. I agree with timebob...I'm thinking this is Gwen's offspring, Kingston Rossdale.

  6. i think jaden, child star of celebrity parents.

  7. Jaden. Should this even be a blind?

  8. Kingston isn't a star, though. It said child star.

    Jaden works for me.

  9. Suri's a girl though. It says "Many of HIS parents' friends..." Sooo...therefor the child is a male.

    I'm going with Jaden.

  10. Jaden Smith, though I am sure the friends are not thrilled about Willow either!

  11. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I'm pretty sure that if the Smiths were coming for dinner, I'd be hoping for them to leave both kids home.

  12. This was revealed it's SURI...

  13. ok...maybe they made a mistake...but she is a monster

  14. Misch - if it was Suri then the National Enquirer needs to hire new writers. How can Suri be a "child star" if she has never fimed anything?

  15. What about Connor Cruise? I agree Jaden seems like a brat.

    Hey remember that blind about 2 celeb couples having dinner at one of their houses and 2 kids (one from each couple) "borrowed a car and went for a joy ride.. many guessed Jaden Smith and Connor Cruise.

  16. Connor Cruise, that was a nasty tweet he sent.

  17. Someone tell me when it's permissable for me to openly express my dislike for Jaden, please.

  18. Jaden is a teenager so he's not only too old to be mini, but I don't think he would go to his parents friends houses with his parents for dinner. Especially considering they've supposed to been living separately for months.

  19. What was the nasty tweet Connor Cruise sent?

    And my answer for this Jaden Smith. They could also have thrown a her/she in there as well because I'm sure Willow can be just as bad. Ya know, birds of a feather...
