Monday, February 13, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHICH aging British rocker had a meltdown at a Starbucks in Austin, Texas, when his order wasn’t made to his standards? The legendary long-haired vocalist threw a FIT when the barista botched his beverage!


  1. Robert Plant. He's been living with Patti Griffin.

  2. For as much as they charge the drinks should be perfect everytime. Not that that gives someone a reason to lose it.

  3. Plant used to bitch about being served such "awful American tea" during interviews, too.

    Make yer own GD coffee, ya prima donna!

  4. Robert Plant - absolutely.

  5. CLEARLY Robert Plant. Lives in Austin, known to be divatastic, and to have a supercilious attitude about American bevvies.

  6. seriously. who cares?

  7. If you don't care, don't read it, let alone comment.

    Just because you don't care doesn't mean everyone shares your feelings.

  8. Robert Plant has morphed into a nasty old lady.

  9. Gotta be Robert Plant. Are there even any other long-haired legendary aging British rockers?

  10. Good gossip! What a tool. Why wasn't he at Joe's or Sweetish Hill anyways?!?!?! It's not like he doesn't have time. Even the Driskill. Who goes to Starbucks in Austin!!!!!!!!!

  11. Anonymous10:23 AM

    @AKM, there's still lots. They're just way less fun to gossip about.

    Why make this a BI though? Why not say, "Robert Plant was being a little bitch in a Starbucks...."

  12. ^^I was thinking Rod Stewart.

  13. _+_=_, I'd LOVE to see him try that shit at the Alamo Drafthouse. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  14. Didn't Robert lose a young child?? You would think something like that would put such unimportant crap like this into perspective!

  15. It doesn't matter who it was to me. I've seen some wild hissy fits and screaming matches in all kinds of food/bev establishments.

    Bad behavior is bad behavior no matter if it's Joe Schmoe or RP.
    If you're a public figure, you better figure the public is watching you.

    I've had a wrong drink order before. They ususally make me another one and let me keep the first one to give someone else.

  16. Do waiters or in this case barista's still add a little something extra when you cause a scene like this?

    I'm also sure it's Plant, He should have had the maid fix his cuppa.

  17. Vicki - you're so right!!!!!!!

  18. Speaking of trying to stay relevant. Texas is not a place for you to throw a snit fit, Robert. You won't like the way the locals fail to put up with your bad behavior. I've always liked Texas (and Texans).

  19. @AKM... there are tons of legendary long-haired vocalists in Austin.

    I hope it wasn't RP! I've only heard good things about him since he moved here.

  20. I don't care who it is, but he never learned the cardinal rule: never give the people who have contact with your food any reason to hate you.

  21. On the National Enquirer site I think they show a blurred pic of Mick Jagger...

  22. anita_mark and Kraymond19...who are the others? I seriously, literally can't think of anyone who's got long hair, AND is British, AND is a legendary rocker. Other than, you know, David St. Hubbins or Nigel Tufnel.

    Mick Jagger, David Bowie, Sir Paul, Eric Clapton, Rod Stewart...all have short hair. Who else could it be?!

  23. I'd like to see ANYONE do this to any barista on my crew. FYI also, most places (especially corporations like Starbucks) very strictly dictate how each beverage is supposed to be made, all the way down to the amount of ice you put into a cup for a fountain drink. Some places won't even allow modifications to recipes b/c it breaks the, everything from every location should come out looking/tasting the same, rule.

    @Del Riser - I've worked at places where servers have messed with food of awful customers but it's rare and a federal offense (if you get caught). If a restaurant messes up your food, your best bet is to politely ask for a manager and calmly explain the situation to them. Restaurants almost always bend over backwards to correct something for someone that was polite, in my experience at least. Assholes? Forget it. I recommend anyone that hasn't worked in food service and is curious to see the other side, watch the movie 'Waiting'.

  24. WAIT. Robert Plant & Patty Griffin are living together!?

  25. The question is WHAT wouldn't I do with it?

  26. If you're going to be yelled at by an asshole, it might as well be Robert Plant. I still love him.

  27. He lives in Austin?!?!!? I live in Austin!!! On the prowl.

    And man, there are so many better places to get coffee. Come on tight pants, go to Strange Brew.

  28. Not Robert Plant! He strikes me as a tea-drinker anyway...

  29. Yeah really everyone. I'm still on the Robert Plant is living with Patti Griffin!

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Blogger media_lush said...

    "Robert Plant is known as one of the nicest buys in Rock.... and has had short hair for awhile now"

    Still rocked the long hair at the Winnipeg Jazz Festival mid-November.

  32. A friend who lives in Austin tweeted that she was sitting next to Plant at the chiropractors office, so unless there is another aging British rocker running around Texas, I'm going to go with him.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. I disagree that it's Plant. He was just in my buddy's bike shop with Patty yesterday and they couldn't have been nicer. I say it either was someone else who just happened to be in Austin (notice this didn't say the rocker LIVED in Austin) or it was a minor thing that people are blowing up to make a story.

  35. @Whatever and ever Austin has a bunch of aging rockers. And blues artists and country singers. We are the Live Music Capital of the World. ;)



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