Tuesday, February 07, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHICH superstar couple has resorted to using cocaine to stay thin? The gorgeous wife and handsome hubby don’t live anywhere near Hollywood, but their partying lifestyle is the talk of their southern town!


  1. Matthew McConnahey and Camilla?

  2. Faith Hill & Tim McGraw?

  3. I hope this isn't Travolta and Kelly Preston, but they live in Ocala, Fla (a southern town).

    Do McConnahey and Camilla live in Austin still? If so, I like that guess much better.

  4. Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

  5. If Travolta is using coke to stay thin, it isn't working. No way it's them anyway. I think debbie has it right.

  6. Do Kyra and Kevin have a house in the South? Because they both look scary-skinny.

  7. I think Kevin and Kyra live in Connecticut, but yes they are both very thin.

  8. Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban.

  9. I doubt Keith. Isn't that one of his issues he's gone to rehab for a bunch of times?

    I like SiG's guess.

  10. I cannot bring myself to think of Nicole Kidman as gorgeous. I'd go with Faith and Tim instead.

  11. I dated a DJ once who worked in the South, and he'd met a comedian who'd been on tour with Faith and Tim, and he confirmed that the two were all about the coke. The story also went that Tim introduced Faith to it, and her people always thought that he was a bad influence over her because of that.

  12. I can live with referring to Nicole as gorgeous and Keith as handsome. As for the Faith and Tim guess, I cannot bring myself to see Tim as handsome. Sometimes sexy, but not handsome.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Faith and Tim have been known for doing coke for years now though. It's nothing new at all.

  15. Matthew McC might smoke some weed but you don't get his laid back attitude from snorting coke.

  16. Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood, Owasso, Oklahoma.

    :) lol, neither one are scary thin--they're in the newspapers fairly frequently.

  17. Apparently a few years ago, Faith found God and stopped using. It was during that time that Tim amped up his usage and was noticably dropping weight. That was during the tour where he yanked the guy out of the audience because he thought the guy was hitting a woman in the audience.

    It sounds like Faith is back at it, which is a gigantic sad for their kids.

  18. All of them.

    (I know, pat answer...but come on!)

  19. "I cannot bring myself to think of Nicole Kidman as gorgeous."

    What disenchanted said. If Nicole is still gorgeous, then so is Jocelyn Wildensteen.

    I think this is about Matthew and Camilla, personally.

  20. Back in the day, Kidman and Cruise used to take thyroid medication to stay thin.

  21. Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors, I know a few women who have abused thyroid medicine to get and then stay very thin. I can't understand how they can't see how their bugged out eyes and extremely brittle hair negates any "beauty" derived from their small size.

  22. I would say Brangelina - don't they have a place in New Orleans? Meh - probably wrong on that. They still look like very attractive lollipops.

  23. This is old news! I heard this... about 8 years ago now. Tim McGraw and Faith Hill.

  24. My first thought was Faith Hill and Tim....does anyone in showbiz NOT do crack?
