Miley Cyrus Breaks Her Tailbone
I actually kind of like Miley Cyrus after she Tweeted that she broke her tailbone. No, I don't like her because she injured herself but because she got it attempting to do a front flip onto her sofa from the floor. So, I am guessing she was stoned rather than drunk. She seems more of a pot smoker than she does a boozer. Later in life that will change when it is easier for her to go out and drink. The good thing I have noticed about Miley is that for the most part she tends to do her partying away from public areas. To have learned that at such a young age means if she ever goes to rehab it will be tough to see it coming. This could of course change when she is legally allowed to get wasted at clubs.
Anyway, she probably got dared or was trying to show off and got just about the whole way through the flip and the next thing you know a great party is ruined because someone has to go to the emergency room. I love that she was willing to take a chance and she almost made it. If she was doing a front flip and busted her tailbone on the couch it means that she almost landed it. She has probably landed it hundreds of times, but this once, it was probably good weed and threw her off a bit.
I have never tried to do a front flip to a couch, but my various drinking injuries involve the following:
Broken arm - trampoline
Cut head - slipped off a diving board
Broken ankle - Did not see that pot hole
Busted ankle - Did not see that curb
Bad gash on leg - riding on the back of a motorcycle not a good idea
Mugged - Did not see that guy with the knife
Those were just like over the course of a year. I could go on, but I do not want everyone to see how I have contributed to the higher insurance premiums you all pay.