Saturday, February 11, 2012

Michael Lohan Gets A Job At Burger King

If you had to choose a fast food place to work, I am not sure I would pick Burger King. Michael Lohan had to get a job because of his work release and he chose Burger King. I could never work t any fast food place because I would gain weight just by walking in there. I could work at a donut place like Krispy Kreme because I would get tired of them after a few days, but food food is different because I am always hungry and that stuff is so bad for you. I love it, but it is bad for you. I am surprised that Michael chose a fast food place and not like a job at Kinko's. Oh oh oh. American Media is down there too. He already gets so much money from the Enquirer/Star/Radar family he should just go to work there.


  1. I don't think that Michael has the mental capacity to work at many places. He's not quick enough to work at Kinko's. He'd fuck up your large print job before you walked out the door. Fast food joints train the employee to do one job over and over again. That's more Michael's speed. If the kids who ride the short bus can work there after school, so can he.

  2. Is he gonna wear that sexy black shirt there?

  3. So did they hire him?

  4. Guess he doesn't realize that food service work isn't a breeze. Some of the hardest work I've EVER done has been in some sort of food establishment.

    Maybe he thinks all the customers will recognize him and he will get a big head from people saying, "hey aren't you.." everyday.

  5. Anonymous11:16 AM

    For realz, he got a job in BK? And not in corporate head office or anything but actually in the "restaurant?" Has he started? I am fascinated by this (not sarcastic, I'm being sincere).

  6. If he is actually going to work in the restaurant it might be good for him. I'll wait and see if he works or postures and tells folks who his daughter is, although that might make people lose their appetite.

  7. This is probably the most honest job any of the Lohans have taken since their inception. Other than totally exploiting the 'Hi, I'm a Lohan, may I take your order', I'm hoping this will be a humbling experience.

    And a high five to Dixie. Damn straight it's hard work!

  8. wish the Lohan's would go away and take the kardashian's and Taylor Armstrong with them.

  9. Well it's honest work which is more than I can say for his daughter.

  10. It's not kinkos anymore it's fedex office lol sorry I work for FedEx and they give us crap for calling it kinkos

  11. Yet another reason to avoid eating at BK.

  12. So CASEY ANTHONY can't find a job at Burger King, but Michael Lohan can??

  13. Anonymous1:35 PM

    To be fair, Michael Lohan didn't kill any of his kids. He might have destroyed their souls but he didn't technically murder anyone. And soul destroying isn't illegal, it's just not cool.

  14. Omg LOL anita!!!

    I love your dry sardonic humor so much :))

    And this gig is only temporary for MiLo- he had to pick a place while he has his work release thing happening and he chose BK- and promptly sent Radar a pick of him donning a BK hat (idiot).

    If I were him, Id work at In-n-Out. They pay 10$ to their employees!!! How dope is that?
    And yeah, id rather work burger joints than (shudder) Taco Bell. My friend worked there- she told me the refried beans u get are actually in a big pot they just keep adding to, so it's never/seldom cleaned out. EWWWWWWWW

  15. My very first job was working as a McDonald's Fry Girl. It was fucking horrific. There were roaches floating in the oil, and some crazy degenerate actually ROBBED THE STORE when I was working a morning shift. I lasted less than two weeks there, and then I got a job making copies and filing shit at a doctor's office. It was boring as hell, but heavenly in comparison.

    Michael Lohan's ego is too big for the food service industry. I don't care if it's Wendy's or a swanky Vegas casino -- the work is HARD, and often demoralizing. I predict this will be a very, very, very short stint at BK for him.

  16. @Jasmine -- "My friend worked there- she told me the refried beans u get are actually in a big pot they just keep adding to, so it's never/seldom cleaned out. EWWWWWWWW"

    This image is HILARIOUS! I also don't eat there, though...

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Ida- I thought it was gross but hilarious too (but then again, I also dont eat there that much).

    I told someone who eats the 5lb burritos there all the time- her face actually turned a greenish hue for a second ;-O

  19. I worked at BK for 2 years in high school/college & it IS damn hard work! When we weren't busy, some of the managers had us do really gross tasks like cleaning the fryers from top to bottom - you had to get in some of the nasty crevices with a toothbrush - ick nast. Have fun Michael :p

  20. If he is doing the work, what they require of
    him - then good him. It's honest money.

  21. @anita_mark, I am also terribly interested to see how this works out. And I'm with crack me up ;)

  22. At Wendy's where I worked the mantra was, "If you got time to lean you got time to clean". At least everything including the meat for the hamburgers were fresh..Well except for the chili. All those overdone burgers were used for the chili. (Fingers not included.) Fast food and restaurant work is not a cake walk that's fo sho!

  23. I think you are all missing the point. The question we should be asking is: How much money is BK paying Micheal Lohan for choosing them?.. Ugg. Honest Money My Ass!

  24. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Well thank you :)

    I hang my head in shame when I admit that I went to TMZ to see if they mentioned this. Yeah, he had to be a total condescending dick by donning a crown and posing at the counter. Like it's all a fucking joke to him. Meanwhile the people behind the counter are working there because they need to. Asshole.

  25. @Jasmine - This guy from my hometown once told my friend a story about working at a Taco Bell in a nearby town. His job was to stir that pot of beans and that it was so hot in the kitchen, that he'd be sweating right into the pot o' beans but he just kept on stirring and sweating right into it. Did NOT eat at a Taco Bell until I was in my mid-twenties and a good 100 miles from his location.

    I don't have experience at fast food, but I know this is hard work. I don't see ML lasting very long. Oh, how the mighthy/meshy have fallen.
