Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Matt Bomer Finally Comes Out

It was so good to see Matt Bomer finally come out of the closet this past weekend while he was accepting an award for his work on behalf of HIV/AIDS. The star of White Collar has been quietly out for sometime. I mean he does live with Simon Halls who is a publicist extraordinaire so when you see Simon and then you see Matt and you see the kids you wonder to yourself, "umm, how come you have not come out?" Good for him that he has and every actor who comes out and maintains a successful career allows more to come out which in turn shows other people they should not fear coming out.


  1. i think he yet did his coming out before or he never hides he was gay

  2. I too thought he was already out too!

  3. I could care less if he were gay or not, but I am tickled that he doesn't feel the need to "hide" it anymore. Good for him. BTW, he is super hunky! wow!

  4. Which in turn shows the conservative right that gee....there's a whole lot of gay people out there. Can they ALL be wrong?

  5. He is married w/kids. He didn't just come out just because he thanked his family. Just because someone keeps their private life private doesn't mean they are in the closet or hiding.

  6. Never thought it was a secret...

  7. He's been out. I've known that he's gay since I first saw him on "Chuck." I looked him up on the internet. Just because a gay celebrity isn't loudly advocating for the cause doesn't mean they're hiding anything. He's been "quietly out" like I've been "quietly heterosexual." It's okay to just "be."

  8. he is just so smokin' hot and he's so good in White Collar. I don't care how he rolls as long as they find a reason to have him shirtless from time to time on the show!

  9. Honestly, I thought he was out just never discussed his private life. Someone wrote "too bad he's gay!" on my FB and I was like, otherwise we'd have a shot? Come on. He's GORGEOUS and seems happy and is a great actor and again, GORGEOUS. He seems really content with his life and loves his partner and kids. What more can we want in life?

  10. He's never really been in; he just doesn't discuss his private life, other than mentioning his sons.

  11. Good for him for making his personal a little more public. (I don't see this as actually coming out since he really was not closeted). But we need for stories like his out there: happy families headed by same-sex partners.

  12. No, this isn't coming out of the closet, but it IS coming out publicly. There's definitely a difference. However, I don't see anything wrong with him never discussing his sexuality in interviews or to the media and the public. Actors and actresses who are gay don't owe the media and the public anything, in my opinion. It doesn't mean they're in the closet to their friends and family.

  13. Why does anyone need to announce they are gay to the public to be out? Straight people don't announce that they are straight. If we didn't have this need to know and expect everyone to make a big deal about sexual orientation we wouldn't have these stupid rules.

  14. He's nice looking but I have no idea who he is.

  15. Add me to the group who didn't really think he was "in." Regardless, I love Matt, think he's very talented, and congratulations to him on his award.

  16. Too busy drooling to care.

    Also, he's been out forever.

  17. He was publicly out, and then USA forced him back into the closet (although, with the door still ajar) when he got the White Collar role. This is even more important than him coming out on his own, because it means the network decided that the climate has changed enough that their bottom line wouldn't be hurt by it. This is a good day for equal rights.

    p.s. I wonder if this has something to do with J.C. Penney's continued support of Ellen after the "Million Moms" protest. The timing is definitely interesting.

  18. Yay! Good for him!

  19. David Hyde Pierce said something like, 'My life is an open book, but I'm not going to read it to you.' Like, if you know me and run in my circles, you know the answer, if you don't, then why would you need to?



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