Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mark Wahlberg Says He Has Inside Info About Oscars

Mark Wahlberg says he has a friend at the accounting firm that tabulates the Academy awards votes so Mark knows everyone who will win and lose. Great, just tell us now Mark and we can use the 18 hours broadcast to do other things like watch a show that does not move like an iceberg.

He says The Artist will win Best Picture. It probably will, but no one has even seen it.

Jena Dujardin will win Best Actor and Viola Davis wins Best Actress.

Octavia Spencer and Christoper Plummer are also winners in the acting categories.

Hugo wins at least three awards according to Mark.

It will be interesting to see if he is right.


  1. And the hunt will be on for his friend...nice Mark

  2. IF this is true PWC is having a major meeting right now in LA.

    Or some wannabee with the firm was trying to impress him with guesses most people are saying will win anyway.

  3. I hope people treat him like a Leper after making such a stupid comment. Not having enough brains to keep his mouth shut if he truly had "inside info" shows us just how dumb this street thug is. He's always been poor white trash!!

  4. Yeah he's dumb. Have you ever listened to him speak? Kids that ride the short bus put sentences together better than he can.

    If this is true, why the hell would he out his friend? Keep the info to yourself, ass. Oh, I just answered my own question. Because he's so stupid.

  5. I think in many aspects of his life his intentions are good (he seems like a good dad, and gives back a lot to the community he grew up in) but my God, he seems incredibly dense in terms of having a verbal filter.

  6. ahh, so not only could he have saved UA Flight 93 singlehandedly, he can name the Oscar winners before the Oscars.

    All those he named are the frontrunners anyway, aside from best actor, maybe.

  7. Um, Mark...that's pretty much what people following the Oscars have been saying anyway, so it's not as if you're telling us something we didn't already know. Not to mention that, if you're telling the truth about having a friend at PWC, you've probably just cost him his job, and possibly any kind of future in Hollywood, and unless you're offering him a job working for you at an equivalent salary, you've just screwed up his life royally so you can feel like a know-it-all. Is that REALLY what you wanted?

  8. Even if he knows a guy at the firm & just lied about knowing the results, his friend will likely lose his job. They take that stuff very seriously. Low life jerk.

  9. sadly, @Robin, that is exactly what he wanted.

    He is a ego driven douchebag. Why care about other peoples fall out when he can brag like the thug he is.

  10. I agree with timebob about the wannabee trying to act like he had connections.

  11. I cannot imagine why on earth he would go public with this! He must be dumb as a box of rocks!!

  12. You have to wonder a little if he is saying this jokingly to yank people's chains. I mean, could he really have so little self-awareness that he doesn't realize he's potentially fucking up someone's career and life?

    Eh, he's a celebrity. I think I just answered my own question.

  13. I hate it when douche bags like this are filthy rich while the decent members of this forum work hard and struggle to make ends meet. Someone should contact the good people at the Oxford English Dictionary and ask them to put his picture next to the word "tool".

  14. 50p
    William Hill here I come

  15. I wonder if he will be taking his friends calls after he gets fired and is looking for a job.

  16. Only someone who could ne'er win an Academy Award would ruin it for those who can (and did). You suck, Mark!

  17. I work for a big four (not PWC) and you have to understand accountings firms whole foundation rests on trust & confidentiality. Now something like this not only will lose one persons job. It will have a domino effect. Clients will leave and no clients will mean no work, which means layoffs.

    This story really ruffles my feathers knowing the kind of fall out it can have.

  18. @timebob, so true! I used to work for a former Big Five that went down the crapper. I'm sure you can guess which one. Luckily, I'd already moved on when that went down.

    I always liked Donnie better anyway.

  19. It will be interesting to see if he is right. I am betting he is just shooting his mouth off, it will only confirm what many have suspected, the lights are on but no-one's home.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. The Artist will win best picture. Unfortunately.

    I think George Clooney will win Best Actor. There are many members who voted for him.

    Octavia and Christopher will win.

    Hugo will win Sound and maybe cinematography.

    BTW, are we live blogging this on here or not?

  22. So his inside knowledge is what every blogger on earth has already predicted. Whatevs.

  23. I loved "The Artist" and hope that it does win, but I wouldn't consider it a crime if "The Descendants" or "Hugo" won. They were very good, too. Picking Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, and Christopher Plummer isn't exactly making a bold prediction. They have won EVERY major award leading up to the Oscars. My 96-year-old grandmother who doesn't use the internet or go to the movies (but she does read the newspaper cover to cover every day) could probably tell you that they were going to win. The only real contest is between Clooney and Dujardin. Both are worthy.

    I hope Wahlberg retracts this as a "joke" and no one loses their job or clients over this.

  24. I've lost all respect for this guy after this and the 9/11 comments. What a jerk.

  25. I've lost all respect for this guy after this and the 9/11 comments. What a jerk.

  26. I have seen The Artist. I enjoyed it, though there was one dress in particular and I thought, I would love to see that in colour.

  27. According to The Daily Mail, only the two top guys in the firm know who the winners are. I'm guessing that they are the ones who appear on stage every year. So Mark's not talking about some flunky in the firm. This makes it seem more likely that Mark just wants some publicity for himself.

  28. Mark is not the sharpest crayon in the box, it would be truly terrible if he took real info like this and spouted off publicly to gain a little attention for himself.

    I hope he says it was all a joke. I'm sure PWH is not thrilled that there is even a hint of impropriety
    with their tabulations.

    Thoughtless, stupid act.

  29. The only cool part of Hugo was the entrance to the film when they were going through the station. The rest of it was too long and Chloe Moritz is incredibly annoying to watch on screen.

  30. I love a mixed metaphore

    He is just experiencing sour grapes because he knows he will never get a nomination. Now, he has cemented that by his comment. Good news is, his brother might want to try for a meaty roll in the near future, cause I bet he could get nominated for playing Mr.Peanut if it meant pissing of Marky Mark.

  31. Still just as meanspirited as he was when he put the old Vietnamese man's eye out. Nasty creep.

  32. someone explains me what award is "best production" (for hugo) and how Hugo can win best cinematography where it's TREE OF LIFE 's DP who won Best Achievement in Cinematography

    Davis,Dujardin,Spencer and Plummer will win because they won all the others awards (GG,SAG,BAFTA...)
    THE ARTIST will win because it won all the others awards, Weinstein promotes it,the crew campaign since almost 6 months in uSA (Q&A,tv show,interviews,parody...), every one in Hollywood saw the movie and it's a feel-good tribute of silent B&W movie

    best picture,best director,best actor/actress,best supporting actor/actress are locked

  33. @big mama - He was nominated a few years ago for The Departed. Was he nominated last year for The Fighter? I can't think that far back. LoL.

  34. Maybe he just went to Awards and read the projected winners consensus there.

    But it's true. What the hell is up with his brain and big mouth lately? He knows all the Oscar winners huh? He should totally play the lottery.

  35. He has the face of a dumbass, so no surprises here.

    George Clooney nor anything 'Descendants' better win. Seriously, the slowest, most predictable movie I have seen in years. I don't get the hype at all & I love my Georgie ;)

  36. I cannot stand him! He was the worse part of Boogie Nights! He was cast because of how dumb he is.

    I loathed The Descendents! It was like a bad Lifetime movie, and George sucked!

  37. Yes, as iheart said, there are always just the two guys who know the results, and there is no way in hell they are telling anyone. They have way too much on the line. Either he's full of shit, or his friend lied to him, in which case he deserves the firing he's going to get.

  38. Dear Marky Mark,

    You look good with your shirt off. Next time you're being interviewed, you need to remember two things. (1). Whatever you're about to say is stupid and failure to keep your mouth shut will result in your embarrassment. (2). Instead of answering the interview question, just take your shirt off.

  39. Mark Wahlberg should stick to talking to animals:

    "Say Hi to your Mother for me"

    Andy Samberg had Marky Mark pegged a long time ago.

  40. Oh, man. Imagine being one of the people he names...and then NOT winning. This was a dick move.

  41. What he needs to do is get some botox done in between his eyebrows. It reminds me of that "bacon" icon they have on air hand dryers.

  42. Well, he got most of 'em! ;)



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