Monday, February 20, 2012

Mark Wahlberg Has Tattoo Lesson For His Kids

Mark Wahlberg was on Today today and said he is teaching his kids an important lesson. No, it is not how to lip sync to an 80's record. Instead he takes them with him when he gets some of his tattoos removed so they can see how much it hurts to get them removed. I think that is a good idea. It is better to show them then just tell them. Of course, they could also decide that because it hurts so much to get them taken off that they just will not get them taken off but still get them put on. Does he have any advice on piercings?


  1. It is a smart idea. You can't hate on him for that.

  2. My parents threatened to disown me if I ever got a tattoo-I'm 26.

  3. I'm curious about that last line about piercings.

    Did Marky Mark get a Prince Albert or something?

  4. My aunt did that with me (not the taking part, but the showing of the burns where they removed the tattoo) and I am tattoo free to this day.

  5. Great teaching tool, although painful. Such a good vibrations...

  6. Whatever--as long as they are made to wear the proper eyewear, and that's IF they are even actually allowed in the room with the laser treatment going on. I would never have my kid near that much crazy laser shit, personally. Screw a tattoo--that laser could ruin their damn eyes forever.

  7. I wanna know what tatts he had removed.

  8. And yes--tattoo removal is like 1,000 times more painful that getting one! Burns a hole right thru your skin.

  9. He really grew up once he had kids..good for him..he said he stop doing drugs also...

  10. My brother got a tattoo at age 18 to upset my parents. Mission accomplished. Incidentally, my dad is a dermatologist. I said, "You'll just have to charge him when he wants it taken off." Dad raised his eyebrows and said, "I won't charge him. But I'll hurt him."

    And yes, my brother had my dad take it off oh, 5 years later.

  11. I like tattoos.
    I think they can often tell a story or capture where you were at different phases/ages in your life.

    Own your shit, dont get things removed, i think that's so lame.

    But then again, having a cobra tatted on your bicep or a fairy in the crack of your ass when you're in your early 20s doesnt really say shit about who you were at that moment in your life, and I can see wanting to get something like that removed ;-O

  12. You should think about a tattoo at least a year before you actually get it. If you still want it after a year and it still means something to you...go for it

  13. I have six tats and love them! They are great conversation pieces. What about those ear piercings that leave holes in your ears? Wouldn't those take reconstructive surgery?

  14. That reminds me of a contestant on The Voice who had tattoos on her neck. Her neck was long and pretty and the tats didn't look too bad 'cause she was young, but all I could think about was what those tattoos were going to look like when she's in her 60's with a wider neck, possible double chins and extra skin.

  15. I get so sick of the aging argument - your skin is still going to be saggy and wrinkly when you're 60 whether you have a tattoo on in or not, so what's the big deal?

  16. I have a full back piece and I absolutely love it. I commissioned a tattoo artist to draw it up and then waited a year. I still wanted it and I got it. Not all tattoos are bad or trashy. You just need to put thought into it and find a good artist you trust. And I agree with what someone else said, your skin will sag and wrinkle no matter if you have tattoos or not. Although I work with the elderly and I've seen tattoos on some that have held up beautifully because they take good care of them.

  17. How is being in the same room with lasers meant for professional medical use is gonna damage anyone's vision?

  18. @Tatyana --

    You have to wear special sunglass-looking eye protection because if you look directly at the laser you can severely damage your eyes.

    I get laser hair removal and laser photo-facials and they have these dumb glasses they make me wear for both.
