Sunday, February 12, 2012

Mariah Carey Wants You To Look At Her Adjectives

I guarantee that it would have been several weeks or months before you saw another photos of Mariah Carey's children. However, when Beyonce and Jay-Z posted a photo of their trademarked cash cow, Mariah and Nick almost immediately posted a photo of their adjectives. Well, I guess technically Monroe is not an adjective. But, the joke works better when you call them both adjectives.

You know that Mariah was having none of this all focus and attention on Blue Ivy and wanted it back on her kids. This is a diva war fought through photos of kids.

Mariah - Nick. Go find the nanny.
Nick - Which nanny? The one for the kids? The one for the pets? The one who watches the other nannies?
Mariah - The one who watches the kids. It has been a few days, and I would like to see them plus we need to have the photographer take some photos and post them online.
Nick - Our regular photographer is gone today. We just have the backup photographer today, but he is out in the spa getting a massage.
Mariah - I don't care how it happens, just get some photos of the babies online today.


  1. OMG. Beautiful babies. So sweet.

  2. They're adorable, and at least Mariah carried them herself, and twins are not easy.

  3. Wow, they are gorgeous babies!!!

  4. Nanny who watches the kids? I imagine she has at least four. Two for each baby.

  5. Those babies are adorable!!! Glad she has found happiness with Nick and her adjectives.

  6. Those are some damn cute babies! I didn't pay attention (Mariah drives me nuts and not in a good way) - but wow, way to breed!

  7. Poor Mariah. Her complex knows no shame. She always tries too hard to out do everyone. But the babies, Mariah? I hope she acquires some wisdom and lets them have a semi normal life. Hope being the operative word in that sentence, though. With her as their mom, life will be a fteak show.

  8. Lol, naughty Enty, but probably some element of truth to it! These are 3 lovely babies and as every mother knows...there are no better looking, better behaving or brillant babies than her own...and when they are newbies, it tends to bring out the competive nature in us females!

  9. I thought the same thing when I saw these pictures yesterday. However, those babies are beautiful.

  10. Mariah and Nick make beautiful babies! If this is a war I hope they win.

  11. It's already been said but wow those are beautiful babies!

  12. They are cuties! So is The Notorious B.I.C.

  13. Whoa! The eyes on the kid on the right are so far apart, I'll bet they call him "Nemo."

  14. Whoa! The eyes on the kid on the right are so far apart, I'll bet they call him "Nemo."

  15. Who licked all the red off your lollipop? Why refer to their baby as a cash cow? Both sets of parents are among the very few who did not receive money for first pictures of their children. Asfor the trademark I think it was so that others couldn't profit off their baby geez! Go back to bed and get up on the right side.

  16. HAHAHA OMG @Joymama- Notorious B.I.C.?!

    Fan-bloody-tastic. Now THAT's a name worthy of a trademark ;P

    And while I continue to be weirdly annoyed at her choice in names (WTF kinda name is MORROCAN!???!), the babies are soooooo squishy cuteness to me. I can see Mariah especially in the one facing the camera.

    Am I the only one who's surprised by how pale they are? These babies got some flavah in their blood, where is it?

  17. The lil girl favours Mariah and the lil boy(an) looks like Nick. And unlike Bey there was no speculation on if Mariah carried dembabies. Dunno if any of you heard, but it was a difficult pregnancy.

  18. The one on the left is absolutely adorable. The one on the right has some very wide apart eyes, and is nowhere near as pretty. Cute yes, it is a baby! But not pretty- looks like Nick.

  19. What @MISCH said. MC is still a total butt-head, IMO.

    On a completely different note - My Yahoo news had a photo of JLo with the caption 'Mili Vanilli' under it. I'm certain the 'Mili Vanilli' part was meant for the story about them on the same page, but the way it was laid out made my jaw drop.

    Totally convinced she is MV in the MV blinds.

  20. I think both are adorable and I am not a baby person at all. The wide set eyes will be all balanced when he gets older.Actually I think he looks fine now. And yeah, at least she actually had them and was honest about the in vitro. Gotta give them credit.

  21. Everyone says Beyonce would be wrong for hiding the use of a surrogate bc there's no shame in it but then there's comments made about Mariah "actually having them" I understand the lie is silly but whether she carried her or not she's just as much a mom. & the babies are adorable and mariahs a diva but I love her that way.

  22. Anonymous4:14 PM

    OK, all of you picking on a baby's eyes: we'll talk to Enty to see if he'll do a Post Your Baby Photo bit so we can see if any of you were adorable in your day. (For the record, I wasn't. Still not.)

    Come on, now. Picking on Mariah is one thing, but leave the babies alone. They're both very cute. And I don't even like babies.

  23. digal704, they're already talking about the various product lines they're going to use the Blue Ivy name for, including a line of baby cosmetics.

  24. Layna,
    I must have missed the part where anyone picked on the babies.

    Those are adorable babies, not as cute as mine but adorable none the less.

  25. Oh what sweet babies!

  26. A couple of people said that the one on the right isn't as pretty and his eyes are too far apart. I don't take that as a compliment.

  27. Those are some seriously adorable babies.

  28. Layna, are they your babies? why do you care if people comment? It shouldn't matter.

  29. I think they adorable.

    I think the big lie of Blue Ivy and the marketing of the baby name is gross. I'd bet they are going to make a baby doll and name it Blue Ivy too.
