Monday, February 20, 2012

Man Survives Two Months On Snow

So, there you are in the middle of Sweden, stranded and trapped in your car in a snowbank. No food, no supplies, and wondering if someone will find you before the snow thaws sometime in July. I kid, I kid. The snow probably thaws in Sweden in June. The man had been stuck in his car since December 19th when authorities found him yesterday. He said the only thing he had was snow and that he managed to almost hibernate during his time in the car. His body was somehow able to adjust to the lower temperatures. The man must have a will to survive like no other. Two months? In a freezing car? No food? Just a man and his thoughts. And a smart phone. Sorry. I just like those baby etrade commercials. This is apparently about how long someone can last without food so he was at the upper end of that limit when he was found.


  1. i remember the rule of 3.You can't survive to 3 minutes without air,3 days without water and 3 weeks without food (i don't know if it's true but it's what i learn in first aid a long time ago)

  2. I read this yesterday, it seems he is 1 in a million to survive. A natural igloo formed around the car. Plus the fact no one reported him missing didn't help. He seems like a loner, he wouldn't appear in any interviews just released a statment he was doing ok.

  3. @Frenchgirl a dr. said you can survive months without eating you just come out looking like a holocaust victim.

  4. He had a working smartphone, but couldn't tell anyone where he was to get help?

    I am confused. I will have coffee, and read this again.

  5. I was blown away seeing this on the morning news!

  6. That is weird, if he had a phone why not call 911 or whatever?

  7. Bless his heart. I bet his car will be stocked like a miniature bar and grill from here on out.

  8. I probably have enough fat on my body to last two months. There are people at work that could last twelve months I'm sure.

  9. WTF? The dude had a smart phone and never called anyone? He probably spent 2 months eating snowsicles and playing Angry Birds.

  10. I guess it is all mind over matter. good for him!

  11. Maybe the phone's battery died?
    I'm glad (and amazed) that the guy's alive, but can you imagine what that car must have smelled like after two months? Yikes...!

  12. He had already been living in his car for several months. He got laid off from his job or lost his company, was in a lot of debt, and one day he got in his car and drove north. He was living in his car or sleeping in a tent - people at a nearby gas station knew who he was because he used to come in to buy hot dogs and coffee, and he had told them that he "live in the woods". Apparently he seemed a little weird. Then, in December, he stopped coming in and they figured he had moved on.

  13. The car is huge. I know that's not relevant to anything, but aren't cars smaller in Europe? And here it is the size of a limo or hearse or something. Weird.

  14. Amazing but it's kind of sad he didn't have anyone that really noticed he was gone.

  15. Btw, in Sweden snow thaws from march depending on where in Sweden you live. And why would the cars be smaller in "europe". We are all different countries and have our own specific tastes in cars. So some like big cars, some like it small. It's not an "european" thing. Gaawd I get all defensive when people just call us all"europeans".. Ignorance is a bliss huh?
