Monday, February 13, 2012

Madonna Being Sued For Plagarism

Most of the time when you see artists getting sued for their songs it is just some person wanting to get some attention. In this case though, there is definite cause for concern if you are Madonna. Concern in the sense that she will have to fork over some money. Last year Joao Brasil released his song in Brazil called. L.O.V.E Banana. It is almost identical to L.U.V. Madonna. Joao says that he really does not want to pick a fight with Madonna but the record company that distributes the song is going to. Just to make sure not to antagonize Madonna, Joao says it was probably her producers who saw the video and decided to copy the song and not Madonna herself.


  1. Yes they do.

    For comparison:

  2. Good--can't STAND her.

    I loved Madonna in the 80s. Now she's like the celebrity version of the cougar single mom who dresses slutty and tries to hit on her son's high school friends. Big euw.

  3. Smart man that Joao - "Just to make sure not to antagonize Madonna, Joao says it was probably her producers who saw the video and decided to copy the song and not Madonna herself. "

  4. it's not very convincing in my opinion

  5. Everything coming out of that area reminds me CSS...CSS remind me of The flu-flog band The Sounds.


  7. *L*

    (I just Maja-ed Maja!)

  8. I'd like to thank Madonna's (or her producer's) criminal behavior for bring this song to my attention. It's a gem.

  9. I don't think it sounds anything like the new Madonna song at all, except for the LOVE chanting, which also reminds me of the Toni Basels song Mickey. The rest of Madonna's song reminds me of the song Beautiful I guess Madonna needs to sue herself for copying one of her own songs.

    ...and I also agree with MISCH. Both songs suck.

  10. @Crila, "Beautiful Stranger" totally ganked a melody by the band LOVE. Madonna didn't come up with it at all.

    Really, though, if you think about the multitudes of people who've ripped off Madonna's work, I kinda feel like it all levels out in the end.

    Also, L.O.V.E. Banana makes me think of "Hollaback Girl." Is Stefani going to sue next?

  11. both songs are absolutely awful. madge complains about gaga and then she does the same thing.

  12. Thanks Ida...didn't realize she ripped that song off from LOVE.

    ...and I agree. A lot of people have ripped off Madonna. Lady Gaga has been accused of that a few times.

  13. I'm glad I got to see this mess of a video in any event

  14. In the early days Madonna appropriated everybody but mostly every cultural phenom that she was not but that was hot -- Black, Latina, Gay, etc.

    Gaga still has some answering to do for her blatant ripoffs of Madonna, Ace of Base, etc.

  15. Good. I'm glad she's busted. Madonna has become such a self-important, faux accent speaking, "I'm better than everyone" douche. It's a shame. I was a huge fan of hers back in the day.

  16. Tempestuous Grape:

    Agree with you, and Lovefoxxx, who's singing the Joao Braeil song, is the lead singer in CSS. My husand and I have seen them live three times. They're actually really fun and energetic and put on a great.

  17. Even if she sampled part of the originial she owes the composers. Wow, this is like the Al Capone case (when he got sacked for tax evasion.)

  18. That's going to be stuck in my head all day

  19. omg another horrible song that will be stuck in my head.

  20. LMAO that video was something. haha

  21. Looked like a Katy Perry video.

  22. If he angers her, Madonna might stop paying Brazilians to fuck her, and the economy would suffer. Is this the threat she holds over him?

  23. That means they will sue Lady Gaga tomorrow for plagiarizing Madonna and thereby plagiarizing them...

  24. Ughhhh both songs are so bad, but this banana video...what is wrong with some women?! So embarrassing.

  25. Madonna herself doesn't actually write her own songs. Oh, she probably contributes a couple of words to the lyrics so is the owner of the copyright. As for copyright infringement on this case, yeah it sounds a bit the same. As someone said upthread: sampled. And maybe Madonna had absolutely no idea this song existed. But I think in this case she might want to settle out of court and give the guy some money, because that is all he really wants.

  26. That song was dirty and is going to be in my head all day now.



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