Elizabeth Taylor was a very generous woman who had lots of friends and admirers and was not above giving gifts, but I have a hard time believing that Elizabeth Taylor gave Lindsay Lohan a gift or even knew who she was. Lindsay is running around town saying that shortly before Lindsay died, Elizabeth sent her a ring with a note and that Lindsay put it away in a safe place and has never taken either of them out until she was asked to portray Elizabeth Taylor for what will be the worst Lifetime movie ever. Think about that. A network which features made for television movies starring Tori Spelling or Mr. Tori Spelling and this will be the worst.
I also don't believe Lindsay. I believe if given the chance she would steal a ring from Elizabeth Taylor, but how come she has never mentioned it before? She mentions everything. If Elizabeth Taylor sent her something it would ave been Tweeted that second and plastered all over the internet. I can't wait to hear the one about how Marilyn Monroe's family gave her something.
I loved Elizabeth wearing the white slip in Cat On A Hot Tin Roof. She was gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteHas this movie been filmed? I think we need to place our bets on whether Lindsay even shows up or starts filming but never finishes.
"Lindsay is running around town saying that shortly before Lindsay died." Unfortunately, Liz died. And Whitney. And Amy Winehouse. Lindsay will probably live to be 90.
ReplyDeleteEnty doesn't like Lindsay that is why he did the typo LOL
ReplyDelete"shortly before Lindsay died,"...Freudian slip, Enty? ;-)
ReplyDelete@Angus - only one more year until Lindsay dies. I'm convinced she is planning her suicide for when she is 27, to join the 27 club. I'm even thinking she will do it on the anniversary of Marilyn Monroe's death that year. She is that much of a martyr.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure how old Elizabeth is in that photo, but Lindsay looks at least 20 years older. Is it really definite she got the part? Another movie I won't be watching.
ReplyDeleteBullshit, bitch just stole a ring from Eliza Beth Tyler, the famed pre-op tranny hooker in West Hollywood.
ReplyDeleteCome on, 27 Club!
People are very hard on that young girl, who's been working in the public eye since childhood, without a chance to develop an identity. Of course she should have made better choices, but she needs a deluge of love, not a push to the grave. She is full of talent, the main detriment to her playing Ms. Taylor is her voice.
ReplyDelete@Susan that picture was when she was shilling for the Linda Lovelace role she got dropped from. Tyler Sheilds took those photos. Technically she is a whore in those, which is about right on all levels.
ReplyDeleteI still have yet to hear an announcment that they hired Lindsay for the role. I think if Lindsay keeps screaming she has the role people will think she is a working actress and hire her.
Where is the press release?
I just find it hard to believe LiLo could portray a real person in a movie. She can't even play fictional characters because she seems to be very aware of the fact that she is Lindsay Lohan throughout most of her movies. Watch "Machete", and tell me she is not thinking "OMG. I'm totally acting!" through that whole thing.
ReplyDeleteLoved the Freudian slip.
ReplyDeleteSo who is going to play Richard, Charlie Sheen?
The only "ring" I can see Liz giving this trick is a phone call that says "Bitch stop using my name to get any press".
ReplyDeleteI love me a good mindless Lifetime Movie every now and then, but if it goes through, and we get to hear all about how Trick is "a kindren spirit of Liz and how much alike they are", Lifetime will have hit the flatline with me.
God, Lilo gives terrible face. Its always the same and always looks like she's afraid someone is about to rape her...or steal her coke.
ReplyDeleteAs opposed to the supremely confident & powerful pose of Elizabeth Taylor.
She probably stole it from Liz's cold, dead finger.
ReplyDeletethe main detriment to her playing Ms. Taylor is her voice.
ReplyDelete@ Tara Green - no, the main detriment is her lack of reliability. We won't even go into the drug use, delusions of grandeur and innate dishonesty.
No one can do justice to a slip like Elizabeth Taylor....especially Not Lindsey with her
Does anyone really believe one word that comes out of this bitch's mouth ?
ReplyDeleteLOL @Vicki Cupper
ReplyDeletePuleeze, eyeroll, and give me a break Lindsay.
This has to be the funniest thing that ever drooled out of her delusional mouth.
ReplyDelete@seachica I wish I agreed but LL likes herself way too much/is way too delusional about her profession, life, etc to do anything like that. I could see an OD but certainly not a planned suicide like that. Also not sure she is even smart enough to know what the 27 club is despite it recently gaining a member. And at the end of the day as much as this bitch makes me sad and irritable I don't wish that on anyone.
ReplyDeleteSo here is my wish for you LL- have the Lifetime directors shut you down publicly for this role for grubbing for it thru the press a la Lovelace, and then go to somewhere far, far away Casey Anthony style and disappear for a while, maybe even get your shit together. If not that's fine too but at least we won't have to be inundated with it/pay taxes towards your personal drama for residents of CA.
BTW I bet a large reason they haven't confirmed her role is that Lifetime can't afford/would have to make a huge expenditure to pay the insurance they have to carry to cast her, and she can't afford it either.
I thought this was confirmed - is it not? Tend to not believe Lindsay.
ReplyDeleteThose Interview photos of Lindsay being Liz were really good, but I think that was a few years ago.
I think Tara Green is Diana Hohan
ReplyDeleteNah, too coherent. If it where White Oprah, her post would be full of "HATERZ! UR JELLIS! MY DAUGHTER, I MEAN, LINDSEY'S BEAUTIFUL! ANYBODY HAVE ANY COKE? WANNA PARTY?!!!
ReplyDeleteSo far only Lindsey has said she has the part. But she is supposed to finish all her probation requirements first. I don't know if that includes paying off the fine, etc of $300,000.+ cuz that won't happen.
ReplyDeleteThere's still been no official word from any of the industry trade websites that Lindsay IS starring in that Lifetime thing. I won't believe it until she actually shows up on set in front of an actual Panavision camera. She's going to be in that just like she was going to work with Travolta, Pacino and Pesci in that Gotti thing that never fucking happened. Dina knows how to play the game. I think she's a lot more clever then we give her credit for.
ReplyDeleteI'm so offended at seeing that pic of Lohan trying to be ET. It is one of the trashiest photos I've ever seen. ET was classy, even when she was trying to be bawdy. I hope she isn't really playing her in a movie - that would be a travesty. ET on crack would look better than that. K, I'm done.
ReplyDeleteOh sweet VickiC. You never cease to entertain and hit the nail on the head. Ex Cell Lent!
ReplyDeleteIsn't Lindsey wearing Jan Brady's wig from the "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia" episode?
ReplyDelete@Madlyb - Oh I don't know, I think she looks just like ET, so much so that now I want a bag of Reeses Peices. ;)
ReplyDeleteLindsay said in an interview years and years ago (back when she was still an A lister and making movies) that Liz invited her to her house for lunch once and she went. She may be making the ring thing up but I think she had met her.
ReplyDelete^Hmm...I have a tendency to not believe anything this girl says but maybe she did?