Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Prefers To Party At Home - Wow Look At That Nose Grow

Lindsay Lohan is going to be on the Today show tomorrow morning. Oh yes, I know you will be wide awake for that one. You will probably set your alarm or your DVR and make sure to wake the kids just to watch Lindsay for 8 minutes at 6 something in the morning. I noticed that the interview with Lindsay is pre-recorded. No getting up at 4am for Dina Lohan's little girl. You know why? Because she would be late and look hungover. That looks bad when your whole interview is about being responsible and how you don't go out at night anymore. Ummm, here is where Lindsay's nose starts to get really really big and Matt Lauer probably does not even care that he is being lied to and just smiles and wonders how fast he can get out of there.

In the interview Lindsay says the last time she went out was several months ago. When she says go out does she mean to a club? Because she has been out lots and lots of time over the past few months. She went out last night in fact. Just because you don't go to a club does not mean you are not partying. Lindsay says she has grown out of her partying stage and that she is sober. Maybe for the day of the interview she was, but I think what she has done is learn to not get so hammered in public and to do her serious partying at home. She acts like she has given up drinking and is just staying at home praying. I don't know why Matt did not call her out on it. Like I said, I think he is beyond caring about his job.


  1. I love how she puts on the cross between her ta-tas.

  2. She irritates me the same was LeAnn Rimes irritates me.

  3. From the girl who has moved into the Chateau Marmont and weasels her way into parties, often crashing. Of course she has stopped partying.

    Would be great if The Today Show would bring up pictures, dated, showing she was here, there and everywhere. Then let her explain again, how she hasn't been out in forever.

    Matt Lauer is usually better than that. I guess tomorrow we'll know for sure whether or not he called her out on her shenanigans.

  4. I don't know about you guys but, that hair just SCREAMS "Oscar winning leading lady!" to me. She looks so classy and put together. I don't know what she's been doing with her skin care regimen but it's paying off in spades! She looks so youthful!


    1. Lololololol- for sec I thought u were serious! Hilarious!

  5. I did enjoy when he asked her if Whitney Houston's death meant anything to her.

  6. She looks good, for a fifty year old.

  7. Her skin is so bleached and puffed up (fillers?) that I don't even recognize her on this photo.

    I'm sure she had some pretty strict restrictions on what they could ask her. And the today show -- being the tv equivalent of kneepads these days -- was only too happy to comply

  8. I can't hate...there's a little tiny mitochondrion at my cellular level that hopes maybe she will turn things around. I guess we'll see....

  9. What is with that hair??

  10. Tick Tock the next binge could happen at any time...

  11. She needs to dye her hair back to red, and wear a freakin' bra.

  12. She looks like Janis from The Muppets. That's not a good thing. Also, he asked her how long she has been sober and she couldn't say. Most addicts know to the day how long they have been sober. She is so foolish and delusional.

  13. As a fair skinned redhead myself I cannot believe what she has done to herself! This cookie cutter porn star/playboy bunny wannabe look is just so... uninspired and played out. That is the WORST possible hair color Lindsay could have. ANY other color would be more flattering.

  14. She is a mere caricature of herself now. Looks nothing more than a drug-addled, whored-out, bleached, tweaked, poofed-up scum bunny.

    Those parents should be taken out with the garbage.

    You just KNOW she turns tricks for money nowadays.

  15. I will never believe she is serious about her recovery until she gets out of the public eye and does what she needs to do to get over her demons. I actually used to like her a little, now I can't even say I feel sorry for her. She continues to do this to herself.

  16. I actually think she's wearing a wig. There have been many shots of her recently with this hairstyle, and you cannot see her scalp or the side of her face in any of them.

  17. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Is she trying to look,like.Anna Farriss

  18. Come on 27 Club!!!

    I say we have a Blohan Deathwatch 2013 pool later this year. I call August 12, 2013!

  19. Well it bets waitressing

  20. Enty...can we please also have a Lindsay Lohan free month???? I didn't even read the article, because she's THAT pathetic and her antics and lies are boring and old. SHe's also ugly now.

  21. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I read an excerpt of this last night and was thinking how there is photographic proof that she's partied more recently than a month. I also watched a short clip of the interview where she laughs when she says she's clean and sober, but can't tell Matt just how long it's been..."It's been awhile." There is not a recovering addict of any kind in the world who can not tell you, almost to the hour, how long their sobriety has lasted. She's a lying bitch.

  22. @bethany--I was going to say the same thing. If someone like Lindsay were able to stay sober for a significant amount of time--someone who has truly hit rock bottom over and over and over again--that is something to celebrate. She would be so proud of herself and yelling it on the rooftops (and rightly so)...but the fact that she has no idea just proves how much of a liar she is. She would know down to the last minute when her last bump or drink was. She is such an asshole.

    And her cheeks are FREAKING ME OUT. She looks like Jerry Mahoney.

  23. If she were sober, she would say how many days exactly. And there are pics of her out at least 3x a week, so once again I don't believe a fucking word she says.

    aaarrrgghh. I can't fucking stand her.

  24. ^ha...and what Syko said. :)

  25. That picture on twitter that Enty posted says it all. She is a modern day Jeff Conaway.

  26. I like the way her luxuriously long extensions/wig is demurely covering her pendulous tatas. And framing the cross.

  27. @Bethany: Thank you! That is who she reminds me of (I couldn't put my finger on it).

  28. Agree w/@Syko - sober types know how much time they have.

    Just watched SNL promos. Seems like she gained a lot of weight, she's rockin' a serious double chin. I thought she had her face worked on, but would that give her an extra chin?

    BTW - the promo with her and Keenan saying "there needs to be more personal information" is FUNNY.

  29. Totally agree with Parissucksliterally. I have personal experience with sobriety and honestly, I couldn't believe a word she said after she couldn't say specifically how long she has been sober. Trust me, recovering addicts/alcoholics know exactly how many days/weeks/months it has been.

  30. Funny, her interview with Leno a year or two ago was also PRE-RECORDED. She won't do a live interview because she KNOWS she will get tripped-up and caught in a LIE. If it's pre-recorded she or her handlers can have the interviewed stopped so she can gather her thoughts and then resume and edit as she sees fit.

    Also, everybody seems so excited about her doing SNL. Isn't the SNL set notorious for its rampant drug use? Why not go back to a place where you know you can score some of NYC's finest blow? Sounds just like her kind of hangout.

    Lindsay will complete her court probation because she finally got a judge to agree to do it on HER terms. Her butt should be in jail and she should have civil lawsuits pending out the ying-yang for the kidnap/hijack of the SUV she used to try and catch her assistant, the hit and run on the baby stroller, and the stolen necklace. (Not to mention the other stolen clothes and accessories from various photo shoots in the past).

    This girl will continue to stay afloat as long as people cater to her demands and whims. She is convinced that she is above the system and runs the show and until she is put in her place in a big way, nothing will change.

  31. I find it interesting that Lindsay is suddenly back in front of the camera - this, Snl, lifetime movie.

  32. I find it interesting that Lindsay is suddenly back in front of the camera - this, Snl, lifetime movie.

  33. That totally looks like a wig.

    She looks awful.

  34. Lord, if she looks that bad after being prepped by the Today Show team, then she must look like a horrid wreck without them. Really Hollywood, please make her go away.

  35. My husband, who used to find her very attractive, didn't even recognize her this morning. He thought it was Anna Farris with a long wig. And even then, he was like "What's wrong with Anna Farris?"

  36. I think this picture says a lot. She is hugging herself, trying to protect herself from what question might be coming? It also looks like she is scratching her arm... twitchy already? That looks like a wig, her hair is probably toast.

    I never want to look at her that long again.

  37. She sounded logy and slow in the interview excerpt on MSNBC. Like she's on Valium or something.

    To be fair, the production schedule of SNL doesn't leave much time for interviews late in the week so you can't really slam her for pre-recording one.

  38. Is that a photo of Jennifer Coolidge?

  39. I'm on team Wig-hat. SNL's studio is in the same building as "Today" -- it's an elevator ride away. Taping in the afternoon allows the bloat from last night's partying to deflate. Del Riser is right: her body language says it all. If she were sitting across from a parole officer, her next stop would be the bathroom with a cup and an officer watching her. This interview is part of her package deal w/NBC -- so are the softball questions. Everybody's seen pics, news stories and tape of her out at least several nights each week in places where she should not go.

  40. Wig or not, I really can't understand why she has been wearing her hair that color for so long. It's very unflattering and I can't imagine anyone thinks it looks good. Can she really dislike her natural color that much?

    I second the request for a Lohan free month.

  41. Yeah, it's a wig. Her own hair has been falling out for a while, and it was starting to get easily noticeable before she got this "new hairstyle."

  42. Very much so looking forward to this SNL.

    Even if Matt had asked the tough questions, it's not like her responses would have been truthful.
