Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Legal Fees Estimated At $1M - I Think It Is Low

Jo Piazza, who I love and read all the time tried to figure out how much Lindsay Lohan has spent on legal fees over the years. She talked to an attorney and the number they came up with was definitely more than $200K but probably around $1M. I think that is way too low. Their focus on the fees has been all about the criminal attorney fees and they are probably the highest. But what I don't think they spent enough time discussing was all the civil litigation. Currently, Lindsay has about five cases that are making their way through the courts. I would guess that each of those cases generates at least $10K a month in fees. Minimum. So right there with no criminal at all, you are talking $50K a month. Most of the civil cases have gone on for at least a year so I do not think it is unlikely that she has spent $1M just in civil and another $1M in criminal. $2M in fees is a lot when you are basically out of work and seem to make your money by endorsing things and getting naked.


  1. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Being a crack ho must pay really well. Not only these legal fees, but her lifestyle with all the partying, shopping and travel is not cheap. Have I missed my calling?

  2. Pimp Mama Dina must be quite the barker.

  3. And Shawn chapman Holley is extremely high profile in L.A., so you know her fees are monstrous compared to even the "normal" expensive attorneys.

  4. I bet they only run a close second to all the money she has payed out for drugs and only just over what she pays for all the bad dye jobs, spray tans and collegen in her lips. She is so icky now

  5. Her knees and tongue must be aching like a mutha these days, cuz she ain't just servicing the men Attys to make up for that kinda bank...

  6. Attention celebrities! Don't drive - use a chauffeur.

  7. Wow. My kid has been in the hospital for over two months now and that is how much our bill totals so far. $1,000,000.

  8. @stillhere - I sure hope your child gets better.

  9. @stillhere - I'm so sorry. I hope you child gets better soon. I also hope you have great insurance.

  10. Holy shit, @stillhere. I am so sorry. Praying for you & your child. :-(

  11. Sorry to hear this @stillhere, let us know how things are going.

  12. stillhere, OMG! I hope your baby gets better, and you guys can get all this behind you.

    Blowhan is disgusting, and she deserves everything she gets for all her horrible behavior. And I agree Chapman-Holley is NOT cheap. That must cost her a fortune alone!

  13. @stillhere I wish your child good health.

  14. Hi stillhere -- I'm so sorry to hear about your child! My thoughts and prayers are with you!

  15. @stillhere - well wishes to your family. I hope your child is well soon.

    I'm angry Lohan has trampled all over MM & is now going for Liz. Silly, dumb girl.

  16. Here are two ways she can start saving:

    Well, since the Richardson photo shoot, she can write off her hotel room as a place of business, like all good call girls, saving herself all that rent.

    Then she should just start her own church like the K-holes. That way she can donate money to herself and then write it off.

  17. stillhere - prayers for your child & family.

  18. But is she actually paying the attorneys? I'm waiting for the lawsuit that she isn't paying.

  19. @stillhere, sorry to hear abut your child, our prayers are with you.

    So, can lawyers get rid of her by suing her into debtors prison or something?

  20. That profile doesn't even look like Lindsay.

  21. @stillhere -- keeping a good thought for you and your little one.

    Civil attornies may wind up suing, but criminal counsel never fires up their legal pads until they get paid. At best they'll put a lien on property and future earnings, but LL doesn't have either at this point.

  22. @stillhere - wishing you all the best. As problematic as it may be, I am still really grateful for our (Canadian) healthcare coverage.

    No comment on Lindsay (this time, lol).

  23. Thanks, guys.. Everything is going to be fine, that is just the way it is is going to be, she is going to be okay. I was just observing what a wasteful, dumb way to spend a million bucks. She could also save a few bucks by firing her hair colorist.
