Lindsay Lohan Legal Fees Estimated At $1M - I Think It Is Low
Jo Piazza, who I love and read all the time tried to figure out how much Lindsay Lohan has spent on legal fees over the years. She talked to an attorney and the number they came up with was definitely more than $200K but probably around $1M. I think that is way too low. Their focus on the fees has been all about the criminal attorney fees and they are probably the highest. But what I don't think they spent enough time discussing was all the civil litigation. Currently, Lindsay has about five cases that are making their way through the courts. I would guess that each of those cases generates at least $10K a month in fees. Minimum. So right there with no criminal at all, you are talking $50K a month. Most of the civil cases have gone on for at least a year so I do not think it is unlikely that she has spent $1M just in civil and another $1M in criminal. $2M in fees is a lot when you are basically out of work and seem to make your money by endorsing things and getting naked.