Monday, February 20, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Got SNL Gig On Her Own

Apparently Dina Lohan tried to use her charms on SNL staffers but since she has none left, it was up to Lindsay Lohan to seal the deal that will see her host Saturday Night live in two weeks. The NY Daily News is reporting that Lindsay managed to get the deal all by herself. I think she is probably used to working alone until she can get Ali up to speed. I doubt that Dina has been as much help as she used to be. Seriously, SNL is happy to do stunt casting too and people will tune in so you know they will get big ratings. I think SNL could have found about 30 other people that would have been better for the show and that all they will do will roll out the same skits they have done for Lindsay in the past but updated. I would like to know how many people who have been out of work and can't get a job for three years manage to get a hosting job though on SNL.


  1. Honestly not interested in seeing it, at all. Sure hope SNL locks down all their valuables before she gets there though.

  2. It will be interesting to say the least, and with Lindsay a lot can happen in 2 weeks.

  3. Dina is like cancer. She needs to stay out of Lindsay.s life.

    Good for Lilo for getting this on her own, but I still won't watch it.

  4. Can't we get Jimmy Fallon again? He and David Radcliffe were the only episodes I watched this season. She will be a hour and a half train wreck. She will be high as a kite and not able to remember any lines.

    I can't believe Lorne wants to work with her again.

  5. I actually am looking forward to watching her on SNL, I'm hoping for some good skits about her troubles.

  6. Maybe she has group rates for her services, and made them an offer they couldn't refuse.

    I wonder what her services include. How kinky does she get? I mean, of course she offers all three inputs. But how far does she go from there?

    And to be fair, she can be funny. Even when she's trying to be!

  7. I guess it's free blow job week on the set of SNL.

  8. I'm torn as to whether I'll watch - one side: train wreck! hard to ignore! Other side: Do I really want to given any sort of validation to this self-absorbed has-been???

  9. Jack White is the musical guest, and I LOVE HIM, so I guess I will be watching. But it's not for you Lindsay, Not for you!

  10. There's the trade-off! A good musical guest, a crappy host... SNL, what are you doing? I can't stick up for you much longer!

    (kidding, I'll always stick up for them. But Lindsay? Really? Hope she's not in a lot of the sketches.)

    Coin slot part 2?

  11. I'll watch. I like a good train wreck.

  12. she called the favor in from Lorne Michaels. She looks at him like a daddy figure and expected daddy to give her a gig. And he did.

    It's fun when Alec Baldwin comes on for 2 minutes goofing on himself. But 1.5 hours of her goofing on being a drunken crackie is kinda played out.

    Plus it isn't really funy when the person believes they are a victims in their own saga.

    But who am I kidding, i'm gonna watch every minute of it.

    P.S. why has SNL had such sucky bands lately. Can they step it up in the music dept please.

  13. I bet she'll be all over Jack White.

  14. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Children put on skits to entertain themselves. SNL puts on sketches. Please stop calling them "skits."

  15. She was funny the last time she was on. This could be fantab or epic fail.

    I'm kinda hoping for fantab.

  16. @anita
    Skit - a short, usu. amusing play
    Sketch - 1) simple, hasty drawing
    2) rough plan

    Snl has skits, not sketches

  17. OR.... you could just use them both.

    A short, often satirical scene or play in a revue or variety show; a skit.

  18. And the train wreck keeps chugging toward the bridge thats out.

  19. She was not unfunny the previous times on the show. IN the distant past.

    That was before the SNL/Tina Fey led intervention. Before the multiple arrests and rehabs. Before the sketches and jokes about her. Emma Stone does a wicked Lindsay. Of course, Emma walked away with Lindsay's entire career too.

    I think Lindsay could be funny. But she is a drug and alcohol addicted sociopath. I think she could be poison.

  20. Meh. They'll just have her make fun of herself and then a month later she whine about what they wrote and try and sue Lorne Michaels

  21. Anonymous1:16 PM

    For anyone who really knows the history of SNL, the word "skit" is despised. For the reason I stated above. I'm not at home so I can't give the title and author but if anyone is interested, I can give you the title of a fantastic SNL book that chronicles its history from 1975-1984 (when I get home).

  22. i think Lorne Michaels still feels guilty about her last appearance and is throwing her a bone. This was during her anorexia phase. He apparently cornered her and confronted her about after seeing how thin she looked on camera.

  23. @anita
    The correct word is skit, if SNL wants to call it a sketch then they can but I will call it a skit because that's what it is and I don't need you to criticize or educate me otherwise.
    Don't people have better than to do with their time instead of patrolling forums?

  24. My money's on her canceling before the show.

  25. I'm pretty sure the book has to be Live From New York, though I've never read it, don't plan to, and can't imagine why someone who knows tiny details from it wouldn't remember the name.

  26. Why did she stop at SNL? The Oscars are coming up this weekend. Why didn't she call up Brian Grazer to ask him to let her host that as well? Oh, well it's still another week before Lindsay has to be in New York to attend that show's Monday morning meeting in Lorne's office inside 30 Rock. Anything can happen and with all the industry parties happening this week Lindsay's bound to fuck up somehow.

    It was so funny this past Saturday when announcer Don Pardo announced that Lindsay was going to host the show in two weeks. I almost expected him to say it like this: 'Join us in two weeks when your host will be Lindsay Lohan - Seriously.'


  28. anita-mark is right: the industry term for a short comedy playlet is "sketch." It's not just an SNL thing (although anita_mark is also right that referring to them as skits is verboten there). Monty Python called them sketches, Goon Show called them sketches, etc.

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  31. "It's a very difficult thing to do; they never make it easy on anyone who hosts the show. All the direction and attention goes to the sketches. They're not called skits--they become 'incensed' if you call them skits--and it's all designed to accommodate the people who are regulars on the show, so anybody who goes on there to hosts is at a severe disadvantage. Because they never tell you what camera is on, and you're not supposed to memorize your script because they're rewriting right up to show time. And so you're looking at the cue cards, and unless you're used to acting live on TV, you haven't got a prayer; you'll be looking at the wrong camera. It was really hard...

    Frank Zappa, interviewed by Stereo Review, April 1979

  32. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Thanks B!!!!

  33. Won't be watching.

  34. Someone check Lorne Michael's crotch for lipstick.

  35. Lorne *throwing her a bone* hahahahah

  36. "Skit" or "sketch," I can't believe anyone gives a fuck one way or another. #FirstWorldProblems

  37. It's 2 weeks away. She could always get arrested again or lose her passport before then. I hope they have an understudy for her.

  38. What Mooshki said. GAWD.

  39. Anonymous9:26 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Anonymous9:38 PM

    So imagine you're in an airport bar and you meet Lorne Michaels. He's had a couple of drinks and is in the mood to talk. You start chatting with him and he smiles politely but doesn't leave as you tell him you need more cow bell. He chats and shares anecdotes and little inside stories and then tells you Tina Fey is meeting him and she's looking for a new best friend. You get excited and start blabbering and you use the word "skit." He recoils in horror and turns away from you. Suddenly you realize your shot at Tina Fey's best friend is gone, plus he won't share stories about SNL's golden years or about Will Ferrell. He pays his tab and leaves and you realize, "damn, skit was the wrong word."

    Don't pass judgement on me stating what the proper word is, there's lots of judgement passing on this site for other things and you know it.

  41. Anita, I was talking about the SNL people, not you, but feel free to take it personally if you like.

  42. Why is poor Emma always lumped in with her? Because they had the same hair color??

    I honestly thought maybe they had a guest cancel and that's how she got the gig.

  43. All I hear in my head when reading the title of this is.... on her knees.

  44. Sweeps will be over by then, so there's little risk.

  45. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Sorry Mooshki ;) I have to step back and remember it's not all about me.
