Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Lets Talk About Marston Hefner

Yesterday I spent a little bit of time thinking about Marston Hefner being arrested for battery on a spouse. He is accused of beating his girlfriend, Claire Sinclair who is a Playmate of The Year. It made me wonder if Hugh Hefner ever beat any women and we never heard about it. Is domestic violence usually a cyclical thing? Did Marston have to learn the behavior from someone or did he just get drunk and it happened? Did growing up next door to the Playboy mansion and seeing what he saw and the way many of the women were treated make him think he could do the same? Is this just a one off incident? To me, Claire seems like the kind of person who takes no crap from anyone so I have a feeling that if Marston had hit her before she would have called the police before.


  1. He's not very attractive and he looks just like his dad.

  2. I dunno, Enty. I've never heard of a bunny-beating taking place in the grotto.

    I'm not a fan of Playboy, but those women pose willingly, and are well compensated for it. It's their choice. I've NEVER heard of Hef getting violent with the women he, uh, employs.

    This kid is just another example of douchey, entitled, Hollywood spawn. He's probably never heard ''No'' in his life, and when that word left his girlfriend's lips, he went buck nutty.

  3. I have known people who were abusive but had never experienced it. It was not "learned behavior" with them. Children (some, not all) go through moments where they have to learn how to cope with different emotions in healthy ways. Sometimes they can become aggresive with their anger. i.e. kicking, screaming. In day care, I found that the kids who did this the most were the ones who's parents werent as "hands on" as others. Not picking on the parents, but I found with my own kids that the one child I have that is more likely to throw things when she is angry,I have to sit down with and talk too. I don't just put her in time out, I try and make her understand that it is not how we should handle our emotions. My point is that I have often wondered if those children who tend towards that type of aggressive handling of their emotions as children aren't the ones who are more likely to end up becoming abusive as adults. Not all, just some of them.
    I think we would have heard if Hugh Hefner was abusive at this point. Too many former playmates have yapped like poodles about their time in the Mansion.

  4. i never heard about him as abuser but i knew he and his girlfriend have/had a complicated on/off relation

  5. Whatever he did or didn't do...he damn sure wouldn't have that caliber of GF looks-wise without being rich or Hef's spawn.

    Just sayin'

  6. I do think domestic violence is sadly very often a learned behavior. But I have a hard time with the idea that it was rampant at the Playboy mansion for the reasons Ida and BigMama describe-- too many of these ladies have talked about their time there (though I have wondered about if they have some kind of legal agreement in place about what they are allowed to talk about). If I wanted to look for some pattern, I would be more curious about the relationship btwn Hef and this kid's mom, who I think were married for some time, than how he treated the essentially random "girlfriends" and other assorted chicks who have been in and out of that house.

    But, the immediate proximity to a hub in the business of objectifying women (willing ones, but still), I can see as not being a helpful factor at all in forming this kid's view on how to treat women. I mean he has basically seen from a young age that women are disposable and easily replaced. I don't know that gets you to it's ok to hit them, but it can't help, right?

  7. Domestic violence arises from low impulse control. Virtually all mammals will strike someone who angers them, if they do not have the emotional strength or the coping skills to deal with frustration or rage. You don't always need a history of family violence -- just being a spoiled jerk is often sufficient.

  8. Ol' Hef could never deny that kid is his....

  9. Enty says... as TMZ publishes a post that says Claire says its happened several times before and she is not only willing to forgive and forget, she is not pressing charges if he makes a public apology for all the past incidences as well as this one, and goes to therapy.

  10. I work at a domestic violence agency, and from my experience, it is often times a learned behavior. Either the abuser has grown up seeing it or was physically or sexually abused as a child. same goes for the victim. I would say from our clients here, that about 98% have experienced abuse as a child. its very sad, and it is definitely a cycle. I see mothers come in with their children and I can honestly say that children as young as 2 or 3 are already acting out from what they have experienced. I always think about the cycle when I see those children, and realize it is another generation of abuse.

  11. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Sweet Jesus, he be ugly. If he didn't have that name, he'd be lucky to get anything.

  12. I don't see Hugh Hefner being physically abusive, but I see him teaching his kids to be disrespectful towards woman and how disposable they are by his actions.

    I also wonder if the Hefner boys know what love is.

  13. Lovely.

    I agree he is fug as hell.

    I supposed we will not see any girls tweeting that Marsten can beat them anytime.

  14. Nosey what you said I agree with 100%. I would like to add that the cycle can be broken.

    Do what you need to do and break it.

  15. And Hugh said "If they care about each other, they'll patch it up". Wow. What a caring father he is. If my son beat a girl, I'd have a few more choice words than that.

  16. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Please remember that Hefner had important friends in very high places. Probably every famous male visited the mansion, especially during the 70-80s. It was the place to go, and who knows what went on during those decades. So, I am sure that he had a tight team of damage control people.

    Playboy and Hefner are over-hyped. IMHO. He's nothing more than a glorified pimp to me.

  17. "If my son beat a girl, I'd have a few more choice words than that."

    Me too.

    I wonder sometimes if no one's ever tried to lay a finger on me because of my personality or because they know I'd hit em back?

  18. She won't press charges as long as he makes a PUBLIC apology {admission of guilt). Then she sues him civilly, gets a judgement, and waits for the big payday when Hef keels over (won't be long, prolly before she turns 25). The new economy is gold digging!

  19. Holy fuck that kid is ugly. He must have one hell of a personality. Or a big wallet.

  20. His main problem is the disproportionate head/face ratio. Man, that thing is huge!

  21. Its NEVER ok to hit a woman. And can you say FUGLY???

  22. Maybe he'll win a Grammy now.

  23. I'm sure Hugh has abused women. Maybe not beaten them to a pulp, but has forced them into sexual situations they didn't want to be in. There are many stories and legends about this. The kids growing up in that environment are subject to all kinds of perverse messages, and Marston's version of "normal" certainly isn't the norm to any of us. I could see him becoming irate when girls don't do what he wants. It will be interesting to see these boys grow into adults. They'll be struggling. Not financially, but emotionally.

  24. LMAO @ Maja.

    Yeah. You can't convince me that with all the sex, drugs and booze floating around the Mansion that violence has never happened. No fucking way.

    Nosey - Your comment is so startling. You must have a very tough job.

    And the girl's statement just signifies that this will likely happen again.

  25. I also work at a DV agency, but I feel like the stats I've seen give it a 50/50 chance of being learned behavior versus something inate. Sometimes it's learned, sometimes it's not, and one's resilience has a lot to do with either case.

    "One-off incidents," AKA "situational relationship violence," are very common, again according to stats, so take it with a grain of salt. Some proponents of feminist theory, especially, don't like that some DV advocates or those involved in batterer intervention refer to this at all.

  26. @Jen, very well put.

  27. That is one ugly kid! If not for his last name being Hefner, he wouldn't get anyone!!

  28. I recall seeing the boys interviewed in a True Hollywood Story years ago and they came across as so unhappy. I remember thinking, wow, those are some sad kids. They talked about their mom and dad still being married yet living in separate homes, and getting to know all the naked girls who were living in their dad's house. They were the definition of dysfunctional family, yet Hugh insisted they had a great life and the kids were fine. They were not fine. Pain and hurt has to come out of kids somehow! If they don't turn to drugs and booze, they'll turn to abuse.

  29. Probably Masten spoiled brat growing in in one lala land- the mansion- inside another- Hollywood. Cant expect him to be normal, and God forgive me, he is scary looking! Better get some therapy or he's gonna end up in jail.

  30. I don't want to give too much away, but I taught Marston. He was in one of my English comp classes. He was/is very weird and totally in his own world.He wants to be the next Hemingway.

  31. He is unfortunate looking.

  32. Henriette - Wow..I can almost see that looking at the ugly mug...Wow I thought it was a south park character of Hugh!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Caroline, what a polite way to put it, I was more inclined to say that he's butt ugly! The parts of his face just don't work together.
