Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lea Michele & Cory Monteith Dating

Life & Style is reporting that Cory Monteith and Lea Michele are dating. Good story. OK. Moving on. No, seriously, it is great and probably inevitable considering how much they work together and how Lea was messing around with Cory while she was still dating that other guy and how Cory probably is not dating Lea exclusively despite what she may think. Now see that is a story. Life & Style probably devoted pages to this thinking that it was exciting that two co-workers were dating. You have to add the extra stuff to make it interesting and juicy. People do not always want happy ending and aww shucks moments in their gossip. We want juice and the more of it the better. I want to have an entire Florida orange grove of juice poured over me in my gossip. That last part sounds a bit kinky doesn't it? Probably sticky too.


  1. They need this publicity stunt after last night's *awful* episode. Every week I ask myself 'why do I still watch this show'.

  2. Lea Michele has all the sexual attraction and wiles of a stale piece of toast. She is not even girl next door pretty, she always looks like a tepid last minute babysitter that shows up in tight leggings and an oversized sweatshirt with a high ponytail. Why won't Glee die already?

  3. That girl drives me crazy. I only watched the first season of Glee (did it in one day w/ the help of Netflix & a killer cold last year) and bet LM is just like her character.

    The last little bit of this post was oddly hot to me, I won't lie! Haha.

  4. Anonymous8:12 AM

    My husband finds her the sexiest of all the female cast members. I won't get into why. If I was into women, I'd want Santana. It's all relative.

    I'd rather hear gossip about them then about Teen Moms or Real Housewives.

  5. I heard that fox had not renewed them. I thought it was a "hit" show. I don't watch it though.

  6. Wow she is really ALL nose.

  7. Must be a slow gossip day.

  8. I don't think she's cute at all.

    But I didn't think last nights episode was awful at all. I think it was very fitting with all the anit-bullying stuff going on right now. Of course peoplel that bully probably don't watch Glee, but still. I thought it was appropriate.

    And yes, I MUCH prefer this kind of stuff over Teem Mom/Housewives goss.

  9. I was a little surprised when I heard this because I remember when she was talking about filming a sex scene with him how awkward and uncomfortable it was, and how she came across as a total bitch because she was just insulting him the whole time.

  10. Just. Don't. Care.

  11. Wow, I loved last nights show. I cried like a baby during the Karofsky scenes. He broke my heart!

    Anyway, they were rumored to be on their way to hooking up in the first season, so I'm not surprised if they're messing around.

  12. I like her nose! It's interesting. And after seeing that interview she did when she was 12, I cringe every time I hear her speak.

  13. According to Ted C., these two are not compatible. And he's said this on numerous occasions. I realize that some people are down on Ted, but I've been following him for years, and I believe what he says.

    That being said, publicity stunt. I still love the show, but its popularity is waning.

  14. Lea doesn't date anyone without Jonathan Groff's approval, so I don't see this as anything but casual playtime, if it's happening at all. I'd be more inclined to believe there is something going on between her and Darren Criss, they get caught in some chummy moments when they think no one is looking.

    I agree that Glee needs to be cancelled. Let them go out on top this season before they have to deal with some ridiculous plot device to keep the older members of the cast around. None of them can pull off 'high school' anymore except Chris Colfer.

  15. LMAO at PharohsFallJewelry.atEtsy's description of Lea. Well-played!

    I got into "Glee" because I thought Matthew Morrison was kind of sexy and then I just fell in love with the earnest and adorable Chris/Kurt. Plus, Jane Lynch can do no wrong, EVER. And, yes, I am a former chorus/drama nerd, so I related. Anyway, last fall I had class on Tuesdays, so I stopped watching the show. And...I don't miss it. I still love Chris and Jane, but I always had to struggle with my Lea/Rachel annoyance, so now I don't have to. According to much of what I've heard and read, the show's jumped the shark anyway, so...beh.

  16. onfortuneswheel, thanks for that link! That video should automatically play whenever anyone looks up the word "affected". Jesus.

  17. I love the show and Jane Lynch makes it for me.

    Last nights episode was heartbreaking with the bullying parts and the texting while driving parts, but I am left wondering (as everyone else) about Quinn, does she live or not?

  18. As adorable as this would be if it was true or serious, I'm not sure it's either. How many times has this been a rumor?

    I believe Glee peaked during at the Season 1 finale. There was just no topping that... but they didn't even try. Just look at the discontinuity between Seasons 1 and 2. Honestly, Season 3 could have followed 2 and it would have made just about as much sense.

  19. FS - what's this about Lea Michelle and Jonathan Groff? Why would she seek approval from him?

    This story comes out the day after the "will they or won't they marry" cliffhanger. Hmm...smells like publicity stunt. I could buy that they had a drunken bonk after a cast party one night, but no way are they actually in a relationship with each other.

  20. CORY NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Although I don't really buy it I had to get that out. He's so delish, and a good old hockey playing Canadian boy. Mama likes.

  21. They're like...oatmeal. No cinnamon or sugar or anything. Just...plain, instant oatmeal.

  22. I like Corey because he seems to be a pretty regular, down to earth guy, which is why I don't think Lea would be seriously interested in him.

    I still like the show, great voices, you can just close your eyes and listen.

  23. quinn dies its part of her acting plan!

  24. Seachica, that's me being a bit facetious. Lea and JGroff are very close, I think he practically lives with her now or did when he first came to LA. Back when she was dating her last boyfriend (forget his name) there were photos of her with boyfriend on one arm and JGroff on the other. JGroff is definitely her gay husband/life partner.

  25. Lea Michelle - please go away. That is all.

  26. "Let them go out on top this season..."

    LOL, that ship has seriously sailed.

    Spoiler alert:


    Quinn ends up in a wheelchair. Pictures of her and Artie hanging out in their chairs have been leaked. Ryan Murphy has been saving up this story line for years - it was what he had planned for Brooke McQueen if there had been a third season of Popular. This guy has as many issues with blonde chicks as Hitchcock did.

  27. Leah and Jonathan worked together on Spring Awakening for years, and understandably they're very close. (Considering they had simulated sex onstage every night, I'd be more surprised if they weren't.) Hey, if you're going to have someone approve your boyfriends, it might as well be your gay best friend!

  28. That isn't the best photo of her. I think Lea Michele is very pretty and I am glad she didn't mess with her nose. I would rather see a natural nose any day than some of the hideous botched nose jobs out there.

  29. wow no wonder people say glee fans are horrible. hating on Lea cause she is ugly and her nose is big.
