Thursday, February 23, 2012

Jessica Simpson Is Having A Girl Or Likes Pink

Most people if they went shopping for baby clothes for themselves and bought pink you would assume they are having a girl. Jessica Simpson went shopping for baby clothes and bought pink, but I would not be surprised if she ended up still having a boy, but just liked the pink clothes better. A few weeks ago, I stumbled across a marathon of all the Newlyweds episodes. You might think you remember the crazy things Jessica said and believed, but when you watch with a fresh eye you realize that you missed about 90% of the things. That whole chicken of the sea thing is like one of a thousand, so when she buys pink baby clothes, she could be just buying them for herself. She also bought a Moses basket and if you close your eyes and say Moses three times, Moses will arrive and set it on fire before it floats down the river. Jessica believed it.


  1. congrats on the baby, whatever gender it may be. However, now I have a yen to watch that idiot show. You already sucked me into Braxton Family Values. Damn you, Enty!

  2. Didn't she already say she would put the baby in pink even if it was a boy?

  3. Maybe she thinks all babies are Pretty in Pink. :P

    Glad for her and the baby. You know she'll spoil the kid rotten.

  4. I'm only a teeny bit ashamed to admit I have all the Newlywed seasons on DVD. And honestly, sometimes I do pull it out and watch it. He's right. There's things you totally missed the first time around. And now after the fact, after the divorce and everything it is kind of intersting to see. I still wish Jessica and Nick had worked it out. They were a great couple.

  5. I can't believe she still wears stiletto heels every day while being so heavily pregnant. That has got to be killing her back even more than the huge boobies.

  6. I have never seen one episode of that show. You guys have convinced me to give it a whirl!

  7. @parissucks - not all big boobed gals have back pain from it. Same with high heels.

  8. I put my baby girl in blue and my boy in pink (a little). Why not? My husband wears pink.

  9. To be fair, at the time of Newlyweds Jessica was very naive and sheltered by her then-religious pastor dad. Of course she believed the Moses basket thing, any thing biblical related she would have believed. It wasnt until she cheated on Nick (and sampled other cock) did she begin to live life on her own away out of reach of Daddy. She is a simple country gal and thats not a bad thing

  10. Seachica, I am talking about those pregnancy boobs. They are enormous. Every woman I know who has very large boobs complains of them. That with the high heels and pregnancy weight has got to take a toll on her body. That is all I meant by my comment.

  11. Actually, early in the 20th century it was pink for boys and blue for girls; pink was seen as the stronger color and therefore more appropriate for boys. IIRC, that may have been the thinking right up to WWII.

    White, yellow & green are the "safe" colors for baby gear when you don't know the sex; purple used to be OK as well, but I've seen over the last 20 years it's turned into very much a girly-girl color.

  12. I hate pink! Even if I had a girl I wouldn't put her in it-ditto for yellow. I always got the green baby clothes because they appealed to me more.

    Jessica has always been a bit of a dim bulb. I never understood how Nick Lachey put up with her. I do prefer Jessica to Lemoncello though.

  13. She seems sweet, ditzy, but totally sweet. We all have a friend like that.

  14. I loved Newleyweds...sigh.

    What Dishtlk said.
