Thursday, February 16, 2012

Janet Charlton Blind Item

This former A-list celebrity, who's now barely on the B list, is struggling to maintain her looks, but job offers have become few and far between. She may be a mom, but she till parties like a teenager. P Diddy had a Grammy after-party at the Playboy mansion and Playmates were assigned to take groups of 10 or so people on tours of the mansion. When a Playmate leading a group of Japanese businessmen led them into the game room, they were startled to see this still sexy B-lister snorting a HUGE pile of coke. She wiped her nose, calmly introduced herself, and made a hasty exit.


  1. Kate Backinsale. She was at the Grammy's and there were other BI's about her snorting coke to stay thin.

  2. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I like the KB guess- I think Pammy has already fallen to C, no?

  3. Pamela Anderson and Jenny McCarthy were apparently in attendance.

  4. I don't find Pamela sexy in any way, but I guess.

  5. Would Kate B be a former A-list? Otherwise, I like that guess

  6. Sharon Stone (was she there?)

    Pam and Jenny are good guesses and would be there as they were former Playmates.

    Kate still looks great and I don't see the "struggling to maintain her looks" fit her. Now if it said struggling to maintain career, then maybe.

  7. Pamela Anderson is a better guess in my opinion (Beckinsale was in 2 movies in January and at their releases,it's number 1 in box-office) and she was again in Playboy mansion this week

  8. I don't think Kate Beckinsale was ever an A, and if anything her popularity has risen in the last 5 years with the shitty Underworld movies. She's a solid B, not a struggling to maintain B. It says celebrity, not actress, and Pamela Anderson makes more sense, though I agree, she isn't sexy.

  9. Kate Beckinisale is stunning, don't see how she's "struggling to maintain her looks." And the clue says former A-list "celebrity," not actress. I like the Pam Anderson guess, she's more of a "celebrity" than genuine actress, and the girl's looking like nine miles of bad road.

  10. I have to say Kate B. is hardly struggling to maintain her looks. That woman is still Hot!
    I think its Pam.

  11. Yeah, Kate B doesn't seem to be struggling to maintain her looks. She may use the booger sugar from time to time I'm sure but I don't think this is her...I like the Pam Anderson guess too.

  12. Add me to the Pam Anderson train. She was A-list, has disappeared off the radar, would be partying at the Playboy mansion, and was the epitome of sexy in her day. I wouldn't call her still sexy, but some surely would. Does she still have Heptatitis A? If so, wouldn't that be worsened by coke?

  13. Kate had an eating disorder when she was young and is obsessed with staying thin. Also she is struggling because the only films she gets are those directed by her husband.

  14. Pammy is a D now. Jenny McCarthy and Kate B were never A list. Ever.

  15. I think it's Cruella DeStone.

  16. Pammy looks very alert in the pics from the party. She gets my vote.

  17. These blinds about celebrities doing coke are so funny to me. EVERYONE DOES COKE! Why is this even gossip? Sorry.

  18. How was Pamela EVER an A-list? And @ Jolene - completely agree! Everyone does coke in Hollywood.

  19. My first thought was Demi Moore. *shrugs*

  20. But Kate's films don't struggle at the BO. I'm on the Pam train because the mom/teenager line seems to hint at an older woman with older kids. Kates daughter is relatively young, 12 I think. While Pam's boys are 14 and 15. . . ish

  21. Never considered Pam an A-list. She has been struggling with money from what I have read on some gossip sites. I could consider her.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Kate Beckinsale was never a A list celeb. I don't think Pam Anderson was either.

    Heather Locklear? She was an A list at one time.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Pam would have been considered an A list "Celebrity", not to be confused with actress. There was a time when she dominated the media. My issue would be currently B, seems she has slipped into D territory. She fits most of the other things.

    Kate is a B list ACTRESS, not quite A but probably would have A recognition.

    Pam or Jenny McCarthy would be the best guesses IMO

  26. I think it would be someone who would be "cool" with security to be allowed in the "game room" alone & not part of the tour... a ex-playmate or something?

  27. @yourfaceisamess, good point! I agree, this sounds more like Pam or Jenny.

  28. yea i dont think it is KB, IMO she was never A list. I think she has always been B is not C. Pam, while she used to be A, is defo not B now, more D range. I like the Demi guess best. May be one of the many reasons she is in rehab. Although, i think there are some other options we havent thought of yet for this blind. But then again sometimes Enty's Rating scales are odd...

  29. Is that really how tame and boring the Playboy Mansion is now? Back in the day, weren't Japanese businessmen were paying huge entry fees to be lead into rooms that accidentally had orgies in them...

  30. @Laura, Cameron doesnt have any kids...

  31. Lol sorry, but I laughed at the thought of Pamela A or Kate B ever being A-list. Sharon Stone is the best guess so far.

  32. I really want this to be Nicole Kidman...but is she considered perma A by JC's standards, or just Enty's?

  33. The first person that came to mind was Sharon Stone. Kate Beckinsale is still beautiful and youthful looking and doesn't seem to be struggling with her looks. Pamela Anderson can't be more than a C (if that) these days.

  34. Like it or not, Pam Anderson is still more than a C list celebrity (and the blind does say celebrity, not actress, so she fits; as a celebrity she probably was A list for a time). She's still a B list of some kind because we all still know who she is when we hear the name. If a celebrity is still getting regular work on their name/fame alone, then they are probably some shade of A list. A C list celebrity, you hear the name and think "who?" and then see a picture or hear a role and think, "oh HIM (or her)." (Example, Diedrich Bader.) A D list celebrity is someone who you hear the name and think, "who?" see the picture and think "oh, yeah, who's that?" and later place them after thinking about it (like *maybe* Ken Davitian). Pam Anderson is still B list because none of us pause to wonder who she is, but not A list because she doesn't work much anymore.

    In my opinion.

    PS I wrote this MUCH better before blogger ate it the first time around!

  35. Kate B is Unfortunately a notorious anorexic. But her career is probably as good as it's ever been in the last few years.

    Pam A was an A-list celebrity in terms of name recognition. She seems relegated to crapola like Celebrity Big Brother and Comedy Central Roasts.

  36. Friends who know Jim Carrey said Jenny McCarthy did a LOT of Coke when the two had been dating so it could certainly be her. She was an "A list Celebrity" for sure.
