You know who you never hear anything from anymore? No, not Jamie Lynn Spears as here I am talking about her although she has really fallen out of the spotlight since her pregnancy. It is the "father" of the baby, her ex-boyfriend Casey Aldridge. While the baby was really young he was there to douse the flames that were burning about the real baby daddy but as soon as the flames disappeared so did Casey. That was one of my first big blind item reveals. That was a good day. So was the day that Ralph's had a buy one get one free day on bacon.
It is hard to believe that it has been five years since she got pregnant and that she is just now turning 21. Anyway, she told Glamour that one of the contributing factors to her pregnancy was that she was too embarrassed to ask her doctor for birth control. Fine. You don't have to ask your doctor. You do this thing called walking to the grocery store and buying condoms. Too embarrassed to do that? Don't have sex. Oh, here is an idea tell the person you are having sex with that they are not getting any lovin' without a condom and see how fast they get them, embarrassment be damned.
Oh geezus.
ReplyDeleteSo who IS the baby daddy??
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ReplyDeleteI believe she was, not that it is any excuse. However, at least she did make the decision to try and pull her life back together....I hope.
ReplyDeleteIs that her? She looks just like Britney.
ReplyDeleteRegardless, it's done. I'm not going to judge or bitch at her.
I think the blind was something about the dad being an executive at her show on Nickalodean if I remember right. The only problem is, her daughter sure looks just like Casey.
ReplyDeleteOh, for fuck's sake. Save your judgment for those Teen Moms you're so enthralled with, and leave poor Jamie Lynn alone. What's done is done, and it was done FIVE years ago.
ReplyDeleteJeez, Enty. Who pissed on your bacon this morning?!
^ I agree w/ those above about not judging her, to clarify my previous comment & that is sad if some executive got her pregnant. No wonder she was embarrassed.
ReplyDelete@anita_mark, I thought the same. I think they are both very pretty.
ReplyDeletei see Enty never was a teen girl or he's angry because his BI always aren't true or the doctor said him the bacon was banned in his diet
ReplyDeleteThe Spears girls are not the brightest...
ReplyDeleteI'll judge her and all the other people who can't believe they got pregnant.
ReplyDeleteIf you're too embarrassed to buy birth control, just say no.
I'll judge her and all the other people who can't believe they got pregnant.
ReplyDeleteIf you're too embarrassed to buy birth control, just say no.
I have a hard time faulting Jamie Lynn for not being on birth control if the baby daddy was, in fact, a much older man. Not sure of the state laws where they were at the time, but wouldn't that have been statutory rape?
ReplyDeleteHere's an idea for teens: ABSTINENCE!! It IS ok to say "no!"
ReplyDelete21 with a 4 year old? Yeesh.
ReplyDeleteWhere the fuck were mama and papa Spears when their daughters needed them?
Oh please, I don't think anyone should be judging her for this - she was so so young - people are forgetting what i was like as a teen. ALso, at that age many girls would be embarrassed to demand a condom. This has been happening for our entire history! I can't believe I'm defending a Spears, but she retreated into privacy, hasn't paraded herself, I like the way she handled herself.
ReplyDeleteshe could of easily gotten an abortion and no one would of been the wiser (not even enty) but she chose her own path and had the baby which ended any real future of a tween super star career.
ReplyDeleteI respect her for doing it on her own terms. But Jaimie does make a great point with parents. Talk to your kids about sex don't make it scary or emabarrasing to ask about birth control. Kids are getting pregnant at 12 they have no clue what they are doing.
No way Casey is not the daddy. The baby looked EXACTLY like him! He hasn't disappeared, he has retreated into his position of part-time father. She said he takes their kid one weekend a month. He probably does the bare minimum he is forced into by the courts.
ReplyDeleteI can see it happening. At least she didn't try to parlay the pregnancy into a reality show or anything, she simply dropped out and had her baby in her home town. I think she's prettier than Britney, and seems to have more sense. I hope she makes it.
ReplyDeleteStop being so harsh on teen girls who get pregnant. They are still children and don't think like adults. Birth control should be much more readily available to anyone who wants it - whatever their age.
ReplyDeleteI like her. I really do. I think she's talented, pretty and smart. But, um, I managed to not get pregnant in my teen years whilst having sex, so no kudos from me.
ReplyDeleteNo judgement either, just no woo hoos.
I'm going to age myself here but I was a teen in the mid to late 80's. I was on the pill and demanded my boyfriend wear a condom. Don't blame this crap on age or education. It wasn't difficult for me 25 years ago to get condoms in a small town. It shouldn't be difficult for someone who probably had employees at the time to get them.
ReplyDeleteIt was - I'll give her this - embarrassing. Certainly not as embarrassing as I'm sure being pregnant at 16 was.
I stated having sex at age 17, and I was smart enough to use condoms and then go to Planned Parenthood and go on the pill. She's a fucking idiot.
ReplyDeleteMany people think Dan Schneider was having sex with her, and Amanda Bynes when he was Executive Producer of their shows. For those of you who are old enough, he was Dennis on "Head Of The Class".
@Paris ^^^ No SHIT? ewwwwwwwwwwww, that is horrible! blech!
ReplyDeleteI think her point was that she was embarrassed (as an extremely recognizable teen star) to get on birth control/buy condoms. I'm not condoning her naivety, but those with personal anecdotes of not being embarrassed as teens are kind of missing her point.
ReplyDeleteI am a little torn on this one. I agree with people about the fact that birth control is readily available. However, I made it through my late teen years having sex and being lucky. Seriously. I wasn't very careful (same guy, don't judge too much), just lucky. So, when I see that this happened to this young girl who could have easily parlayed this into a show, a book, a speaking tour, whatever to make money, and she did none of that, I have to think more highly of her than the Bristol Palin's of the world. So, while it isn't admirable that she got pregnant at 16, it is certainly admirable that she stepped out of the limelight and raised her child. Okay, either that or she has great handlers and PR people.
ReplyDeleteMaybe she was making a point about a lesson we had learned? Oh, of only we could all be perfect at 16.
ReplyDeleteWhere's the fucking story with this? She had her baby and has stayed out of the spotlight for the most part. She's not parading her kid around like a new purse, she doesn't fall out of cars pissy drunk, and Daddy Spears hasn't had to take over her life because she's batshit crazy. She's leading a normal life, by the looks of it.
ReplyDeleteStop bitching over this one. Even if you think she was a dumb twat, maybe's she grown up and learned. She doesn't have any other children. People grow up and get smarter--if they're lucky. Maybe she has.
Stop being a judgmental harpy. Fuck's sake.
It is pretty cool that she hasn't tried to use her kid for money and fame. I kind of thought that we'd see her in all the magazines talking about motherhood and crib designs...*L* And it's easy for us as adults to say that she should have used birth control and not be embarrassed - but she grew up with a lot of mixed messages I'm sure. Her sister lied about being a virgin for years. I assume their parents probably didn't spend a lot of time talking about birds and bees with their daughters...sex then becomes something dirty and secretive, something you aren't supposed to admit you're doing, or heaven forbid, that you LIKE it. Had she been brought up to think of sex as something natural and nice, and of her body as something natural, nice, and worthy of respect, she may not have been so quick to "do it" in the first place, or she may have felt a little stronger and asked the guy to use a condom. Who knows? No point arguing about it now though...*L*
ReplyDeleteYou know what's really shocking about this? I've never in my life heard of a store having a buy one get one free sale on bacon!
ReplyDeleteSex sucked as a teen, as a chick anyway...the guys didnt know what they were doing and I was too embarrassed to tell them what to do, so i faked it.
ReplyDeleteSex is like wine, it gets better with age.
Good on Jamie Lynn for being honest, she didn't have to say anything at all. I applaud her for being responsible and owning up to her actions. At least she didn't turn into a Amber Portwood.
ReplyDeleteJust my 2c here:
ReplyDeleteJaime Lynn grew up in a religious household/upbringing.
Statistically, HIV, STI's and all the rest of those pesky sexual diseases have been on the rise in the Latino/a and African American communities. It has become a REAL epidemic of girls under 30 who are getting serious sexual diseases. In part this has to do with the religious upbringing happening in these communities where birth control and sex education in general from the parents is lacking. Because many of these parents belong to certain relgious sects that promote virginity until marriage and more so consider birth control as blocking 'god's natural plan' or whatever, there is a silence on sexual education and contraceptive use for these religious teens. And yet many teens DO have sex. The result? A record high in certain communities like i've mentioned as well as other religious communites where these hormone-ladden young adults join the dating world with NO idea how to use contraceptives and more importantly HOW to ask for others to use it.
I blame religion here for Jaime Lynn having no idea how to ask or being too embarrased to ask for b.c. This tells me she had NO education from her mom to feel self confidence to own this part of her sexuality.
I think @Layna Day @Maja both make good points. Jamie SEEMS to be trying to live relatively normal & do right for her child. It was surprising to me that she didn't spin the whole thing into $$$ but a pleasant surprise.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the "story" goes - I was raised by two people who said sex, masturbation, anything of the sort was dirty & a sin so we NEVER talked about anything pertaining to. I started having sex and used condoms for protection after high school at the age of 17. I knew about the pill & knew plenty of people that took it but b/c I never actually had a discussion about it, I assumed it was harder to get than it actually was/is.
By the time I was 19, me and my partner had been dating for a few months & only (as well as ALWAYS) used a condom. We ended up pregnant with our now 9-year old daughter. I was shocked when the free clinic told me all I had to do was ask for the Pill.
My whole point is that you can never assume you KNOW someone must of known better so they are an idiot. I'm 29 now, so it's not like I was raised when talking about sex was taboo. All my parents had to do was be realistic and put their own crazy personal beliefs aside long enough to let me know the deal. I'm not saying it was completely their fault but had I not been convinced I was a dirty whore, I might have asked for the Pill sooner.
You can bet our daughter will be aware of all of her safer sex options.
Yes! What @Jasmine said!
ReplyDeleteYou know what I was more embarrassed to have happen when I was 15? To have to tell my strict and religious parents that I got pregnant. So, it didn't happen. Going to Planned Parenthood was a piece of cake, baby.
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ReplyDeletelol, thanks Dixie
ReplyDeleteI was sort of preparing to dodge and duck the verbal backlash after writing that... a lot of people do not like to hear the correlation of HIV infected kids in their communities and the religion that is usually somehow tied to this phenomena
I'm with timebob and Maja (as usual). But yeah....pills aren't the only type of birth control, people.
ReplyDeleteAnd did we know Casey wasn't the father?? Am I the only one shocked by this??
^I should also mention that all throughout high school & even about a year after, I wasn't even allowed to hang out with someone that didn't attend church regularly or date someone "un-equally yolked". Needless to say, my social life & knowledge outside of school was limited.
ReplyDeleteI agree @RenoBlondee but the thing was, I had NO IDEA I could walk in & just ask for it. In my head, I needed a permission slip or something. Could I have maybe talked to a friend & found out otherwise? Probably but this was a subject I couldn't even talk about with my own mom. So did I ever even THINK to ask someone? Sadly I did not.
ReplyDeleteLast $.10 here but I also vividly remember being in art class my junior year & my table partner was this popular senior girl. One day she came in talking about another senior that had gotten pregnant.
ReplyDeleteTwo things shocked me: 1) someone a year older than me, in school & un-married was having sex?!? 2) How could that girl NOT have known that sex gets you pregnant.
So yeah, I wasn't totally stupid. Only totally fucked over in the reality department.
I always suspected Jamie Lynn got pregnant (or was sloppy w/ BC) to 'drop out' ON PURPOSE. She had a front seat to her sister's life, and it sucked (despite the $).
ReplyDeleteAlbertson's in the west has buy one get one free sales on bacon.
ReplyDeleteGetting drunk is when a lot of teen pregnancies (and adult) happen. Even if you are usually responsible, pour a few drinks down your throat and all of a sudden a condom seems like a lot of work and your willing to roll the dice.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I'm admitting this, but I read the entire article, and she, at 21, was the most articulate and normal sounding celebrity I have read about, regardless of age. I was genuinely stunned and impressed by her. To summarize, she said that she felt bad for letting fans down and knew she was a role model, but at the end of the day she chose to have the baby because she had to be able to live with herself, and abortion just wasn't an
ReplyDeleteOption, although it would have saved her career. She said the she and Casey were genuinely in love and hoped to make it work for the baby, but the stress of having a child and being so young made it almost impossible to work it out. Then she says she will always love and respect him as the father of her child (take note here, Haile Berry). She said that she dates infrequently, but no man is ever allowed to be around her daughter, period, until it is a serious relationship, which hasn't happened yet. She goes so far to say that guys she is casually dating aren't even all
I actually remember feeling like that when I was a teen. I was lucky I didn't get pregnant then so I can't judge her for her mistakes.
ReplyDeleteShe's just being honest and not just trying to push someone eldest agenda with an abstinence only campaign like other teen moms...ahem Bristol
Allowed to come over to her house to watch a movie or eat dinner. So apparently this young lady got all of the reasoning, decision making ability, and self control that her sister seems to be lacking, or has lacked in the past. Good for her.
ReplyDelete@Cheap and Pretty - thank you for sharing that. Nobody makes good choices 100% of the time but it's nice to see she is using what she's learned in life.
ReplyDeleteOT she looks a bit like Carrie Underwood in this picture.
ReplyDeleteI used the word NO throughout high school. My Dad gave me the "honey if anything, and I mean anything ever happens , come to me" speech. I knew in an instant that I would rather boil in rancid bacon grease than go to my Dad and have to confess anything, sex, or pregnancy.
Most of the decisions we make at 16 are half baked and not meant to last a lifetime.
Jaymie seems to be living a quiet responsible life with her child, I say good for her.
Ya Enty! stick to making us judge real people and not precious celebrities!!
ReplyDeleteHer Mom was allowing her to live with her boyfriend at age 16. Why didn't Lynne TAKE her to get birth control?
ReplyDeleteThey were having sex with this guy?
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ReplyDeleteIda Blankenship,I usually agree with you but I don't think it's okay to pick on the "Teen Moms" and not Jamie-Lynn because she and her sister are rich and famous and the "Teen Moms" are not.(Rich at least.)
ReplyDelete@B -- I'll definitely pick on the people who watch that shitty show and write at least two blog posts a day about those dumbass, narcissistic kids and their exploits. Children who have children don't need to be glorified, nor should they receive paychecks from MTV. The popularity of that show really disturbs the hell out of me.
ReplyDeleteLike others have pointed out, at least Jamie Lynn has stayed out of the spotlight. And, again, her kid is now FIVE. What's the point in scolding her today for not using a rubber half a decade ago?
@B -- I'll definitely pick on the people who watch that shitty show and write at least two blog posts a day about those dumbass, narcissistic kids and their exploits. Children who have children don't need to be glorified, nor should they receive paychecks from MTV. The popularity of that show really disturbs the hell out of me.
ReplyDeleteLike others have pointed out, at least Jamie Lynn has stayed out of the spotlight. And, again, her kid is now FIVE. What's the point in scolding her today for not using a rubber half a decade ago?
P.S. thanks to people who watch that shitshow, the Teen Moms have something in common with Jamie Lynn in that they ARE rich and famous. The argument that I'm only defending Jamie Lynn because she's a Spears is ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteP.P.S. sorry for the double posts; I'm typing this on my iPhone and it duplicates shit sometimes.
if you're too embarrassed to look at a penis? cover it up.
ReplyDeleteDan Schneider is married to Lisa Lilley who puts out the Hungry Girl cookbooks. I don't know she can push diet-friendly recipes when her own husband is huge. I can't imagine any teen girls being physically attracted to him.
ReplyDeleteI was a mom at 16 - birth control was available, I simply did not plan on having sex, it just happened. Frankly I was embarrassed, my horrified parents shipped me out of town to have the baby and place it up for adoption. I kept her, no regrets. My parents called me a whore and my daughter misery for years. I hated them, but later forgave them. Difficult being a young parent, statistically we both should have been trapped in the welfare system. But, I wanted more out of life and with luck, support and a tough guardian angel, I managed to go to school and have a interesting career and later marry a wonderful man, I am a strong advocate of birth control and urging young women to know themselves and realize their dreams before considering parenthood. Far too many young women growing up in poverty view having a child as a way out of dysfunctional home, the system assists the young parent and the cycle continues. The rising numbers of children in care are the result of generational poverty and child welfare involvement.
ReplyDeleteVery well said Redronnie :))
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for sharing your moving story
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