Monday, February 27, 2012

It's Another Box Office Bomb For Jennifer Aniston

You know a movie is really bad when it finishes in sixth place and every movie except one in front of it has been open for several weeks. The only saving grace for Jennifer Aniston and the stinker that is Wanderlust is that Amanda Seyfried also opened a new movie this weekend and it finished behind Jennifer. Plus, Jennifer got a boyfriend out of the deal so kind of a wash for her. I said before that I wanted to see the movie and I still do. I tend to see anything Paul Rudd is in but I am prepared for awfulness. If you are a studio or producers though, why do you keep writing these huge paychecks to Jennifer Aniston? At some point don't you say to yourself that until she walks in that door with Angelina Jolie and they tell you they are doing a movie version of Cagney and Lacey shouldn't you just say no.


  1. Isn't this kind of a weak opening weekend, anyway? Wanderlust actually looks kinda funny, and it might gain some momentum. From what I've read/heard, it doesn't totally suck.

    This is the kind of thing I'd stream on Netflix while cleaning my kitchen on a Sunday afternoon. Hugo? THAT is a theater movie. Wanderlust is totally not.

  2. I expected as much.

  3. The weird thing is, I haven't "hated" any of her movies. They are even kinda funny. I am just not sure they are worth the money that gets put into them. I want to see Wonderlust, it looks kinda fun to me.

  4. I love Paul Rudd, but I think I'll wait for this to stream on Netflix.

    LOVED him on The Daily Show, though. One of the funniest interviews I've ever seen.

  5. I'll definitely see this. Because of Paul Rudd. But not in the theater. When it comes On Demand.

    I dont understand the Jennifer Aniston box office bomb obsession. She's not doing these high art movies that are expected to break records. She's doing little fluff rom coms. Typically those types of movies DON'T gross really high unless its a one of a kind with some kind of special draw. What's the big deal.

  6. Everything bnl1016 said.

  7. it's an Apatow production which usally means core fans go no matter what.

    Somehow I don't think Jen A got her usual 20 million payday on this movie. I think she just wanted to be part of something smart and funny.

    Isn't also more of an ensemble movie. Hard to blame one person (and one you give a pass Paul Rudd) on it flopping.

    And Gone looks like a Lifetime movie that accidently ended up in a movie theatre.

  8. Anonymous7:48 AM

    OMG, I hate her so much, it's her fault it failed, she's so sad and miserable and misses Brad....

    Does that ever get tired? There are other people in the movie too. AS well, she didn't write it. The commercials are on incessantly and they don't feature her all that much. I will probably see it in the theatre. I like her and I love Paul Rudd.

  9. Guess I'm more sad about it bombing for Paul than for JA - she has tons of money, who cares if her movie bombs - but I want him to do well.

    It's not the kind of movie I'd see in a theatre, either, but I'll keep checking Redbox for it.

  10. I'm sorry Enty but just because you say JA's movies bomb doesn't mean it's true. She has consistently been on the more bang for your buck acting lists because ALL of her films make a profit (partly due to lower production budgets). If you want to talk about bombs, check out Brad Pitt's filmography for the past five years.

  11. A little early to declare it a bomb. Anything can happen at this point.

  12. I haven't hated any of her movies either, they are not groundbreaking but I have enjoyed most of them.

  13. Apatow made Bridesmaids for 20 million and it has made 300 million.

    The man knows how to make movies and stay under budget.

  14. Has she EVER been in a movie that didn't suck? She has got to be one of the worst actresses as well as whiny, self-absorbed and slept around with everyone in Hollywood! Yeeech!

  15. I don't get always blaming Jen Aniston when the people in the movie are in bombs as well. The switch had Jason Bateman and as much as I love arrested development his movies as far as I know don't do well. Then Adam sandier seems to be in bombs so I don't get why it's assumed her. It's like with katherine heigl where the blame seems to always fall on the female lead.

  16. Actually I think Angie has more bombs to her credit at 20 million a pop than Jen...

  17. The Good Girl was an excellent movie. The best work Jennifer Aniston has ever done.

    Now, Love Happens I still can't get through that movie it reeks.

    She also does well in ensemble movies. Office Space, Horrible Bosses. She has talent and is funny. She just doesn't need to be in 5 movies a year. Slow it down.

  18. @Pogue -- You forgot to mention how selfish she is for remaining childless.


  19. I love jenn! I am always entertained by her but to be honest i havent seen many of her movies. I dont think its fair to always blame the actor for poor sales. The producer writers and director all had an equal chance at making a movie shitty!

  20. Meh, let's get data on how much each of those films cost to make, and then start talking.

    And yes, it IS a traditionally slow weekend for box office. Most movie fans are watching the *Oscars* on the small screen. Other movie fans are watching the nominated movies (the showing of Hugo I went to was nearly full). It's not a good weekend to open a film.

    And Jennifer Aniston keeps getting movies because a) she stars in lower budget ones, and b) she will bring it in terms of publicity, and c) they make money from box office + rentals + sales -- the whole picture. One weekend box office doesn't tell the whole picture, Enty. I'd think you'd know that.

  21. I assume Enty is correct in terms of being sixth in the box office but I'm not sure its a stinker. Frankly all of the four or five reviews I read were all positive (i.e. three stars oout of four). Most thought it was Aniston's best movie in a while but most cited the plot/situation as the source of the comedy and didn't really attribute it to her acting.

  22. @Timebob - That's not really true. He has grossed under budget for several of his movies. I just don't think people realize they were Apatow movies. He is very hit or miss. Funny People and Year One, Drillbit Taylor to name some of them. All grossed under their overall budget.

    But everyone now and again he has a HUGE one and everyone clings to that and that's what his rep is formed on.

  23. I went to see this Saturday night with girlfriends. I wasn't expecting anything but a few laughs and wasn't disappointed. There were great scenes, interesting characters and I thought JA did a good job.

    I agree, too early to call it a bomb.

  24. true @bnl you do tend to forget the bombs like Year One and Funny People never should of been made.

    According to Wiki Wanderlust cost $35 million to make. It made $6.6 million this weekend. Sometimes these movies make their money back on the global market.

  25. What happened to the days were opening weekend didn't portend how successful a movie is? Titanic didn't reach number one for several weeks, and it ended up being a record grossing film.

    I'm not saying that this is a Titanic in the successful sense. But why don't we give a film a few weeks to find its audience before we declare it a flop.

  26. Wait, what? I WANT a Cagney and Lacey movie - let's make that happen.

  27. I want to see this.

  28. I simply do not understand the allure of J Aniston. And if she continually makes bombs why is she still considered A list? I'm so over her. Can't she just disappear?

  29. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I don't get the Aniston hate either.... clearly Enty has his favorites (and not-so-favorites), but Enty- your word is not Gospel....

  30. Thanks, Timebob.

    So Wanderlust made almost 20% of its cost in the first weekend. I'll wait and see before passing judgement on whether or not this was a bomb.

    BTW, Journey 2 (3rd place) cost $79M. Safe House (4th) cost $85M. Shows how looking only at the revenue side doesn't tell the whole story.

  31. The movie was actually pretty good! Why don't you actually see it before judging?

  32. P.S. I'm also down with the Jolie/Aniston remake of Cagney and Lacey. Could someone have their cellphone camera ready when Aniston asks Jolie to gain 70 pounds in order to play the Tyne Daly role!

  33. I wonder why Enty doesn't EVER rebut what people say to his posts? He just puts his post out there, people make some excellent contrary points, but he just ignores them. Like, do the responses ever cause him to change his mind? And if he's such a Hollywood insider, why not rebut with further information if that would strengthen his case? Etc.

  34. Say what you want about Jennifer Anniston - she's single, has a great bod and hair, rich as HELL, and producers keep giving her money to star in movies. I'll switch with her in a hot minute.

  35. @figgy he does read them, he doesn't like when people fight in comments. He said in a facebook Q&A a long time ago.

    He did a few weeks month? ago apologize about posting some unkind things about Jessica Simpson and her weight/pregnancy.

    So yes, he acknowledges when he fucks up. Plus he can't really post as Enty, anybody can take any name they want. So the nuts will pretend to be Enty to get a rise out of people. Or maybe he does and it is an alias we don't know. Can't really say for sure.

  36. oh sorry I thought you meant in the comments.

  37. All I can say is if you want to see this movie be sure and watch the trailer first. The trailer is awful, and trailers usually have the best parts so that doesn't say much for the movie.

    Don't get me wrong, I think Jen's a doll and I don't blame anyway for giving her lots of money to appear in their crappy movies. The thing that baffles me is why she keeps taking the money.

    Can she not tell ahead of time that these movies are awful, and that at some point they're going to hurt her career more than help it? Does she not read the scripts? Hello! This one has bomb written on it in big black letters right on the front page.

    If I were choosing between Jen and Angie I'd choose Jen in a flash.

  38. Y'all are sensitive today, LOL!

    I think Enty's just being his usual snarky self.

  39. For those who question why Aniston takes weak movies I would simply point out that she just turned 43. Frankly she doesn't have three years to wait for the perfect role to come along.

  40. Aniston never EVER has to work again. I have a hard time pitying her, when she looks like she has a great life. I too, would trade lives with her in a second.

  41. I want to live in the world you think celebs live in. they have to KEEP working to keep up the lifestyle and to stay relevant. that's a lot of pressure. us regular folks just go through life trying to make a buck and be happy.
    it costs a lot of money to maintain all the perks and material possessions. that "Friends" money isn't going to last forever.

  42. People have already pointed this out- but I'll do the same. Its not fair that the blame always falls on Jennifer (or any female lead). Hollywood has been trying to push Paul Rudd as a movie star for ages, and he bombs. Why isn't that a headline? Instead lets just pick on the women.

  43. What Seachica said--Oscar weekend is traditionally one of the worst weekends for releasing a movie; usually the ones that come out then are movies the studies are trying to bury, and since this one doesn't sound that dreadful, I don't know why it was released this weekend. The proof will be in the next 2-3 weeks and word-of-mouth, so we'll just have to see.

    And to whomever it is who keeps pumping up the Aniston-Brangelina triangle bit in the press: STOP IT. STOP. IT. RIGHT. NOW. How many years ago was that divorce? How much water has gone over the dam since then? WHO THE F&%$ GIVES A RAT'S ASS, ANYWAY?!? Living well should be the best revenge for all parties involved, since they all seem to be doing pretty well these days, so can everyone please just SHUT THE HELL UP ABOUT IT!?

    (Sorry, but this has been building for a while...)

  44. Aniston hate/drama aside, I'm going to see this movie bc its a David Wain movie-- for those of you who remember The State or Wet Hot American Summer, or have seen Stella stand-up or like Michael Ian Black or Michael Showalter.... I like those guys, they are funny, I like Paul Rudd, he is funny & cute, so I will definitely watch this. But probably w Netflix.

  45. I agree with everyone else. You cannot call this a bomb yet. And if you are going to call it a bomb, you would have to include Paul Rudd's name since he's had first billing in every commercial I've seen.

  46. leave Paul Rudd out of it, he is perfection! Though i do see your point...

    I dont think Jen is bad...she can't carry a movie, but she does really well in ensenbles (like others stated). I thought she was the best part of Just go with it, for instance. Nick Swardson (who I think is an awesome comedian) was too over the top and Sandler was just the same charecter he always plays...but older and sadder.

  47. I don't get the JA hate either, or the assumption that she is still pining for Brad. I can take her or leave her in her films but she still my favorite character on Friends.

  48. I've got to agree with the majority of the other posters here: A) If it is a bomb, JA can't take the blame. It's not really being marketed as a JA picture (and the previews aren't nearly as funny as the extended length trailer, BTW), and B) I think it's too early to tell if it's a bomb. Oscar weekend is just not a good weekend for theaters. I've talked to a couple of people who have seen it and they both liked it a lot, and the reviews I've seen were positive. I plan to see it -in a theater if I can find a babysitter - because I love Paul Rudd, and David Wain hasn't yet made a movie I didn't like. Will I see it because JA is in it? No, but I won't avoid it because of her, either.

  49. Anonymous12:39 PM

    She's only actress in Hollywood, that I can think of anyway, that's a GUARANTEED MONEY LOSER at the box office but yet continues to get hired. Putting her in a film is the kiss of death on box office receipts and has been since about, oh I don't know, 1996. And yet...they still put her in movies and lose money over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

  50. JA's career movie theatre gross is $1.25 billion dollars. Wordwide gross $2.2 billion.

  51. @Izahart - I didn't realize that. I loved The State & I LOVE Michael Ian Black.

    I rarely go to the theater, but I will see this for sure. I love all the other actors in this as well as both Rudd and Aniston. A friend said it was good, not great.

  52. @jadedwhatevah: Wherever you got that info regarding JA's movies bombing is dead wrong. Her movies always make a profit which is why she is offered so many roles

  53. Good. I can't stand this chick, and the pity party she's been throwing for herself since her divorce.

  54. Aniston didn't even make that list of the 10 most overpaid stars. In fact, of the top 10, only one was even female. But she gets more shit dumped on her than all 10 of them combined.

  55. I don't get the JenA hate, but I don't get the JenA love, either. She was good in Office Space, and The Good Girl, and that's it. She doesn't move me either way.
    And there's has to be a better way to judge movies on opening weekend; people don't go to the movies for a lot of reasons, and if I'm giving up 15 bucks just for a ticket, then I sure as hell ain't spending it on another stupid rom-com. Maybe it's me, but maybe her talent doesn't transfer to the big screen.
    If she and Theroux decide to have a kid, there's a Lamaze coach I highly recommend--Guy Gerricault.

  56. Paul Rudd has had quite a few flops himself. What about that Horrible excuse for a movie with Eva Longoria where she played his dead fiance. That was worse than any Jennifer Aniston movie. It deserved a Razzi. It was unwatchable and worse than Halle's Cat Woman movie. For some reason, people excuse Paul Rudd and not Jennifer.

    ...I also do kinda agree with Megley...I don't think Jen's humor translates well to the big screen.

  57. Holy fuck, Enty! A movie with Angelina and Jennifer! I wouldn't pick Cagney and Lacey -- they should do a down-and-dirty bitch fight chasing after each other's men thing. No, seriously. I'd go see that one.
