Is Ayla Brown Worth $3000 A Show?
Do you know who singer Ayla Brown is? I remember her season of American Idol and have talked about her in this space before. I thought she should have gone a little bit further in the competition, but she was nothing that special. However, she is a singer and her dad is a US Senator so he is willing to pay his daughter $3000 a show to performs a few songs for him at campaign rallies. I would love to know how many Idol contestants who finished as far back as she did are pulling down 3K a show. I wonder when the last time Ayla pulled down 3K a show for anyone other than her dad. I am wagering that even Ace Young on his Real Housewives appearance did not command that much money. If he did it would be because Taylor was expecting a little one on one vocal coaching. Well, look on the bright side. Ayla could have been in the Girl Scouts and wanted her dad to buy $3K worth of cookies.