Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Hoboken Says No To Jersey Shore Spinoff

Snooki and Jwoww were going to get an apartment in Hoboken and live there while filming their new spinoff series. So, the producers from the show applied for a film permit from Hoboken and were flat out told no. Producers were also accused of bribing city officials when they had filmed there before. The new mayor of the town actually took office because it only took the previous mayor a month to have to resign in the wake of a corruption scandal. Can you imagine only lasting a month? How greedy was that former mayor?

I will say though that the mayor of Florence, Italy originally said no and then finally gave in when the money got too big. Hoboken might be the same. So, basically the concept of this show will be the exact same as Jersey Shore except there will only be two people you have to follow around to the clubs at night?


  1. That's Cake Boss' turf.

  2. Son #3 went to school and still lives in Hoboken. It's a great place to hang out - close to NYC, but not as harried. Anyway, Hobo has had enough issues with the St. Pat's parade that they cancelled it. Good for the Mayor for not allowing Jersey Shore to film and make a mockery of the town.

  3. Sorry Enty, but this mayor is a tough chick -- she's getting NYC tv coverage and isn't going to back down just for a few bucks. Politics in the Hudson and Essex county areas are about to make a shift and she wants to be a part of it.

  4. Anonymous8:25 AM

    What does Jenny do? I watch Jersey Shore, I admit it, and Jenny does the least. She always has a boyfriend so she never hooks up and she barely drinks (in comparison to the class that is Snooki and Deena). I'm still laughing at the last episode where she was lying on a couch, lazily eating from a bag of chips and staring off into space. Nice life.

  5. SNOOKI is knocked up!

  6. Yeah, they said on the View that Snooki is preggo. Is that true? For some reason I'm not totally appalled by that. I mean that she's pregs, not that I watched the View.

  7. I'm hearing snooki's pregnant.....

  8. Yea, I watch it too, I'll admit it.They were on the radio this morning, and they said that this show would be about their bf's , friends, and family.

    That show won't last beyond 3 episodes. How boring. What would they possibly show about Jwow?? Her working out?? she does nothing and contributes nothing to the show.

  9. Hoboken is also Frank Sinatra's home town. If he were alive today he'd be 96. And he'd still kick their asses!

    And dayum, Snookie is short. No wonder she has that poofie thing on her head. She needs it to appear taller.

  10. THANK YOU MAYOR!!! I live in Hoboken and let me tell you...we have no time for these Jersey Shore losers. They actually had an apartment for them 1 block away from my best friend's apartment. I'm also kinda glad they've canceled Hoboken St. Patty's Day. People are trying to turn Hoboken into a huge party town (which it kinda is), but they're overdoing it and people and property are getting destroyed and it's a beautiful town. Hoboken is only 1 square mile...tiny. Paparazzi would have taken over and parking is already horrific enough as it is.

  11. ...and the lines out the door for the cake boss is ridiculous enough. The cakes taste just ordinary.

  12. If Snooki's pregnant, it won't happen anyway. Pretty hard for her to keep acting the fool while pregnant.

  13. @crila16 you live Hoboken I grew up there then moved to bayonne now in glen rock but visit both places just about everyday...didn't think anyone one else from Hudson County was on here...makes me happy...also happy that they won't be filming in Hoboken but from what I hear they are trying to go to downtown Jersey City now

  14. @Lisa They wanna come to JC? Say it ain't so! That's where I live! Nooooooooooo!
