Monday, February 27, 2012

Halle Berry Misses Oscars Because Of "Broken Foot"

According to urban legend, Halle Berry broke her foot back in September. This is February. Five months to heal a broken foot and it is causing her to miss the Academy Awards? It has not caused her any problems attending other events or going to the park and playground. It has not caused her problems going to court or to dinners or traveling all over the world. Halle must not have seen the woman in the wheelchair on the red carpet or thought about how much attention she would get if she was on crutches or in a wheelchair. Oh wait, she probably did. You just keep telling yourself it is a broken foot Halle and tabloids like Kneepads will keep lapping it up.


  1. maybe she just didn't want to walk the red carpet and endure every question about why she is bat shit crazy and her baby daddy drama.

    Unless Enty is inferring that Oliver has something to do with the broken foot or not going to the Awards becuase he is a control freak?

  2. Has she always been completely batshit or is this a recent thing?

  3. I wish I knew what enty was inferring ....
    as for the foot, 80 year olds in my building heal faster than what's really wrong ?

  4. I can't read between the lines on this one.

  5. i think himmmmmm said in a comment not too long ago that Halle is no stranger to the drugs in addition to being batshit. that's not a good combo. So gotta wonder if that has something to do with it. Also wonder if the comment about playgrounds & parks is a hint that she is the A list mom copying the B list mom from a blind not too long ago?

  6. She always seems to be injured. Hmmmm.

  7. Maybe she just didn't want to go.

  8. I think she was a popular guess to this blind...

    May 28, 2010
    Today's Blind Items - Competition For Coke Mom?

    I know I have not written about Coke Mom in awhile, but I may have found someone better. Well, not a better mom, but this person is a much bigger star. Much. Like A list movie actress big or very, very close to it. Anyway, our actress has always come across as the victim or the martyr in her personal life. However, if you dig a little deeper under the surface you will see that she has issues. Now that she is alone again she has big issues. While you may see her with her child/ren out on the streets or something, that is the only time she spends with her child/ren. The rest of the time she sits in her bedroom, watching movies and television and shooting up. She has the most ridiculous heroin habit and the only time she sees sunlight is when she takes her child/ren somewhere to keep up appearances.

  9. MAC, that sounds like her. So depressing. Does she have any other family members that poor kid can go to if her dad is as much of an asshole as they say?

  10. I just think if Halle was on the junk, Gabriel would be aware of it and would be banging on judges doors in family court to get Nahla away from her. I do think she could be hooked on pain meds since she has this never ending injury. That is trick with addicts. I'm injured, more pills please.

  11. I keep trying to think what kinky thing you can do for a broken foot. Twice. I got nothing

  12. Anonymous7:58 AM

    She's also diabetic, that could be a factor.

    Another option is she just didn't want to go and when the Oscars called to see if she was coming, she was like, "well, my foot is acting up, plus I might have to do something with my mom, she doesn't drive and I need to take her to the doctor's so I'll try to make it but I can't say for sure."
    We've all said that.

  13. If the fracture hasn't completely healed, it's easy enough to re-break it. Perhaps that's what happened.

  14. This sets off my spidey sense.

    What's up, Halle?

  15. "broken foot" - so that is what the kids are calling Heroin these days.

  16. Totally makes sense. She shoots between her toes I am sure. All those needles probably make for a sore foot, or possibly rawness or small infection. But this way, she can play the "maybe Gabriel did it, feel bad for me, men are always mean to me, give me another Oscar worthy role" card.

  17. ^That sounds really plausible, actually o.O!

  18. This is 100% proof how bat shit crazy Halle really is.

    This is HER interview saying she went from type 1 to type 2 diabetes. She "weaned" herself off insulin with diet and excersize.

    You can not go from type 1 to 2 it is medically impossible.

    So if she isn't shooting insulin, you guys are right she is shooting up something much more dangerous.

  19. I always thought she was Enty's Heroin Mom myself.

  20. Not a Halle fan, but I broke a bone that you couldn't have surgery on and it took more than 7 months to heal. During that time you saw me quite active, but I had this intense pain that would flare up after strenuous exercise. Finally went back to the doc, and sure enough, I had a serious crack! The swelling had made it look like just a severe bone contusion during the original 2 months of x-rays & the MRI. So, I will back her up there. HOWEVER, I would have taken whatever drugs necessary and gone in a gilded wheelchair before I missed the Oscars! Who am I kidding, give me a pair of crutches and/or a wheelchair and I would have gone and presented! I also saw that Jessica Alba got the tummy flu - I still would have taken meds and found a way to

  21. If she is shooting up between her toes she really IS bat shit crazy. Diabetics have to take special care of their feet.

  22. I thought Debra messing was coke mom.

  23. It's been an open secret for years in some circles that Halle has issues. No rumors about drugs of any kind though.

    I'm going with she didn't want to go.

  24. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I work with.a.lady who is constantly breaking,or hurting.her feet.. She will be on crutches.and.a cast.for.8 months.too.

  25. The LA news reported that she cancelled on Saturday before the last rehearsals, and they also reported 'complications from a previously broken foot'. Whatever it is, I hope she gets it together.

  26. So am I the only one who thought she had the same kind of "accidence" as Rihanna had before Grammy's? I am probably reading too much into this, but that was my first thought

  27. Having worked in orthopedics, I can say that while a fracture may be healed enough to walk on (usually with a removable brace inside the shoe) that doesn't mean a person can walk on it in 5 inch heels for a whole night.

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  30. Interestingly, I have a friend whose foot was broken off and on for about 8 most. She was also described as bat shit crazy. Maybe it's not a lie... but Halle is still absolutely batshit.

  31. She is batshit and I don't believe a word that comes out of her mouth. I can't understand why so many men want to go out with her. Yes, she's beautiful, but there is no way that makes up for her antics. If a guy who looked like Johnny Depp crossed with Brad Pitt asked me out I would say NO WAY if he had a loony personality.

  32. She seems "injured" alot, imo.

  33. Also missing was Tom Hanks' wife, who, according to Tom (being funny), stayed home to eat ribs from a bucket while watching on TV. Um, What's Up With That?

    (PS: that's what WUWT? stands for, but this is my first post to make use of it.)

  34. I assumed Enty was hinting that she didn't want to be there because Viola was the favorite for Best Actress and that would've taken the shine off Halle's special status as the only African-American woman to win that award. If she's as batshit as most of us suspect with this whole Gabriel/Nahla deal, it wouldn't be out of character.

  35. Maybe she didn't want to wear heels. I know I wouldn't.

  36. I fractured whatever outer bone on my foot years ago. If I'm wearing heels, I'm going to feel it for a few days and need to wear a brace.

    Halle's diabetic and I think that's going to factor in on her decision also. Diabetics really have to take care of their feet.

  37. You know, y'all a re a really nasty bunch of broads.

  38. Well her movie with Oliver comes out in March, it will be interesting to see what happens after it bombs.

  39. There was a recent blind about a couple and the actress was always injured. Can't remember the rest but i bet it is Halle!

  40. if she's Heroin mum,she's the best looking heroin addict that i never saw and in more ,she's diabetic

    my guess is that she has weak ankles or weak bones ( i remember her injured stories on Catwoman filming)



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