Friday, February 24, 2012

Gerard Butler Is In Rehab

Gerard Butler is in rehab. He went to Betty Ford instead of Cirque De Soleil in Utah. I know it is not called that, I just always think of that whenever I hear about the Utah rehab place. Gerard's people say that he checked in for problems related to his dependency on prescription medicine.

This is the part that kills me. The statement from his people lists his biggest movie to remind people why he is a star. Forget the crap he has made lately, they want you to know that he is in pain because he gave you such a great performance in 300. Whatever. He is not just in there because of pain from filming movies and some prescription medicines. Be honest. I really don't care if he was doing coke or heroin or smoking crack with Whitney Houston. If he were honest about it and not shilling his career in his statement, I would like him a whole lot more. He probably also aggravated his pain with his weekend long "relationship" with Brandi Glanville.


  1. Interesting take on the spin. Thanks for that insight!

  2. Think he's hooked on roofies, or the other addictive drugs guys who build that kind of muscle use.

  3. hmmmm, I can't help it, I find him interesting. Having said that, his weekend relationship with Brandi Glanville probably caused alot of people pain, or at least a headache or two from having to hear about it.

  4. What about his drinking? Oh that's right---he's Scottish! At least he is not in for sex addiction.

  5. Bull, it's his drinking. He's been on a year long binge and the blinds that have been revealed prove it.
    But good for him for realizing he has a problem.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I have respect for any celeb who goes to rehab without doing it as a way to avoid legal troubles.

  8. Gerry looked rather rough around the edges when that reporter asked him about his "relationship" with Brandi Glanville.

    @ Henriette - I have a friend who is Scottish and it is unbelievable how much he drinks!

    When he goes home for a visit, his stories are always about how drunk he and his friends and family got the whole time. His anecdotes about his previous employment back home are all about how drunk they got AT WORK (he worked at a luxury hotel and he and HIS BOSSES would help themselves to hotel room keys, go in and access the minibars.)

    And when his parents and friends visit from back home their whole trip is about getting smashed in various tourist spots, bars and restaurants. And this dude is only 27. I never know whether to be impressed or appalled.

  9. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Hes been in for a while. My gf is there with him now.. She told me last week but I didn't wanna break any anonymous rules by telling anyone! I can say she said hes really really nice.. I'm surprised he hadnt tried to jump all over her but apparently they aren't supposed to fraternize outside of group ( opposite sexes ) and he's being a good boy:)

  10. Anonymous7:26 AM

    And Enty to be fair.. Maybe possibly he really does have a PD problem? I know mine started off harmless and small due to car accidents and grew into a monster over a few years.. It can progress slowly then bam.. You're hitting your own low and need to get help. Not all of us need to get arrested or lose our homes or families to hit bottom.. Sometimes it's a spiritual bottom. Anyhow good for him I'm glad he's getting clean. It really is a wonderful life on the other side!

    1. I'm with you, Alicia. Prescription drug addiction can definitely sneak up on a person.... I truly believe prescription med abuse is the most prevalent as well as destructive substance abuse issue in the US @ this point. Dr's are irresponsibley over prescribing.... & don't even get me started on the true motives behind "Big Pharma".

    2. Anonymous6:23 AM

      There's tons of $ to be made getting you hooked and those same companies have shares in the companies that manufacture the " maintenance " drugs like methodone or suboxone .. The drugs that are supposed to get you off the other stuff.. However they don't tell you in the fine print an opiod like subutext or suboxone is actually up to 40xs stronger than morphine. It's basically harm reduction and many times people are on these doses for years only to find out the ugly truth.. You have to kick those too. Many people relapse at that point and the cycle continues. And who profits ? Big Pharm and our lovely government

  11. It could be for prescription drugs like OxyContin, or Hydromorphone, or any other synthetic opiate. They have the same addictive qualities as heroin. I personally think most celebs are using them. It's so prevalent on the street, and most patients at methadone clinics are there because of prescription opioids(synthetic opiates). They also cause serious bloating, which we see in celeb pics all the time.
    It's a lot eaisier to get a prescription from a doctor than deal with shady dealers, and there are always doctors willing to fill the scripts.

  12. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Here's a tip. Quote the statement so we have some sort of context for your rant.

    And why does he have to be honest? What does he owe anyone? He has a right to privacy.

  13. And also, this his is PR team who put the statement out, so rail on them, not Butler.

  14. Ya, I can't fault his PR team for trying to spin it the best way possible.

  15. I'd be on drugs too if I went from Phantom of the Opera to 300 to the crap movies he gets now.

    To be serious though, at least he's getting help now and not waiting until it got out of control. And also for not being in denial about it.

  16. This is madness!

    No...THIS! IS! REHAB!

    **Pushes annoying pap into ostensibly bottomless pit**

    Good luck Gerry. Loved you in that movie with Emily Mortimer and the kid who thinks you're his dad...forget title...someone help me...

    1. I don't know what movie you're referring to, but the other statement...funny as hell!

  17. Like @artemis said, if he's in there for prescription drugs, it could just as well be heroin. The detox/withdrawal would be similar, the treatment plan similar too. Opiate addiction is not pretty. Pills are just f&%#ing scary.

    There were blinds about him doing heroin, weren't there? He's lost so much weight lately. Hope he's doing okay, good for him for going to treatment. And rethink your PR team.

  18. "Gerard Butler is being treated for substance abuse at the Betty Ford Center ... TMZ has learned.

    Butler's problems were triggered by the physical demands of shooting "300" in 2006. We're told the actor began struggling with pain management, and the problem became exacerbated while filming "Of Men and Mavericks," when Butler was badly hurt on December 18 during a surfing accident.

    We're told Butler realized he was relying too much on prescription drugs and decided to head off a full-blown addiction by entering Betty Ford three weeks ago.

    Sources tell TMZ ... Butler also developed issues with cocaine, but the root problem appears to be the injuries and pain management.

    We're told Butler will be leaving Betty Ford later today."

  19. Read Lainey's intro today...basically saying the shocking weight loss he's had was from coke.


    I guess rehab for an addiction to painkillers because of an injury is totally not the same as getting sh-tfaced at TIFF every night to the point of belligerence, right? They were smart to spin it this way, to control the story before the Enquirer did it for them. Because now his supporters can support him even more. Poor, poor brute. He must have been suffering so much. Of COURSE he had to self-medicate. Of COURSE he would never, never use anything harder, anything less legal. And don’t be ridiculous, his weight loss had NOTHING to do with cocaine."

  20. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I've said it before, we hear so much about what women go through to stay thin. Women will talk about it as that's what we do and we don't see ourselves as being "weak" as a result. But I'd love to hear from some men about the pressures they face to have those God-like bodies. The workouts, the diets, what drugs they have to take to get those bodies, etc. But men don't talk like women do.

    I don't find him hot but what straight women wouldn't take a shot at Gerry in his 300 glory? To go from that insane body to the pic on the left? shudder Must be hard.

  21. There was an old blind about a Real Housewife hooking up with GB, but I thought it was many months before the Brandi G came out. But on TMZ I think it was when asked about her he said "Who?", poor Brandi!

  22. We just watched 300 the other day.. his body was OMG YUM! in that movie!

    Is it wrong that I am more impressed with the fact he went to Betty Ford than some posh rehab place?

  23. @Comma Chaser It was Dear Frankie. LOVE that movie. He needs to get back to smaller fare like that in between the paycheck movies, remind us why we liked him before 300.

  24. Poor Gerry! I'm standing by my man. Good for him for getting help. It's no secret he's an addict; he's been up front about his alcohol addiction, so it's no surprise he might slip, no matter what the substance. Most addicts do.

    FYI, I've said it here before and I'll say it again: I knew a masseuse who worked on him (sigh......) during one of his frequent visits to a certain resort near me and she said "he is a beautiful man, inside and out."

    Another person I know, a man, saw him in the buff in the locker room at a gym and was VERY envious. EEEEEEEE!

    Get well soon, Gerry! XOXOXO MWAH!

  25. PS: About Scots and drinking, a Scottish friend of mine realized one day the difference between Irish drinkers and Scottish drinkers: Irish are alcoholics because they drink constantly; Scots are binge drinkers because when they drink, they drink it ALL AT ONCE.


  26. Well maybe he'll hook up with DEMI MOORE while at Betty Ford. You know....give her a mercy fuck.

  27. Whatever he's addicted to, kudos to him for going into rehab and being honest about it (yeah, I'm looking at you Demi Lovato). I'm just skeptical about his choice of Betty Ford since the whole Lindsay Lohan debacle. Hopefully, they have much more success with Mr Butler.

  28. I hope this works for him, and I hope he gets help with his obvious sex addiction as well. (I know there's been some debate over whether sex addiction is a real thing or whether a person is just really horny, but I think the compulsive element makes it an addiction, and he seems to need sex, not to just want it.)

  29. Oh, and it was a week with Brandi, not a weekend, that lucky gal. :)

  30. What Cathy said. I respect and admire people who go in under the radar because they realize they need to work on their problem[s] rather than those who send a statement out immediately after some spectacularly douchetastic behaviour stating that they'll be heading off to rehab posthaste.

    I always feel like those people are saying "Never mind what i did -- Give poor little misunderstood me a pass because i'm going to Spa La La where everything bad in me will be massaged away.

    Good on ya, Jerry, and good luck with your recovery.

  31. I really think its lame to say he went for 'precautionary' measures. If you had such foresight then you wouldn't have an addiction. You have and addiction, that is why you are in rehab. It annoyed me when Melanie Griffith said the same thing. Stop trying to spin it that way on top of Enty's spin theory.

    Regardless, glad he's better.

  32. Yeah, my father is an alcoholic, but he's French. My grandma use to say, "your father's not a drunk, he's French!" All the Scots I know do everything around drinking.

  33. I also think Cirque De Soleil when I hear about someone going to Utah to dry out.
