Monday, February 13, 2012

Eva Amurri Conceived On The Spanish Steps

Have you ever seen the Spanish Steps empty? Late at night I guess you could find a corner to yourself. Somehow back in 1984, Susan Sarandon and her then boyfriend had sex on the steps and the next thing you know, their daughter, Eva Amurri was born. Susan said she had trouble getting pregnant and then one day the couple drank a bunch and relaxed and ended up having sex on the steps and she highly recommends her course of action if you are having trouble.


  1. Umm, okay. Thanks for the tip.

  2. It always cracks me up when someone says where they conceived. A) you're basically admitting that you don't have sex often, that you can pinpoint it exactly and not within a few days window. And b) did you sit there waiting for hours for the sperm to fertilize the egg?

  3. I conceived my first in the front seat of a Buick, so if your having a jerk, drink too much cheap beer, listen to bad country music (good bad/same difference) and forget to use protection. Oh, and make sure it's on a country road and cold outside. Nothing says romance like that.

    Yep, thats how ya do it

  4. @Seachica - I knew when my son was conceived because I took an ovulation test. BTW, it was right before a Bruce Springsteen concert. YAY! Oh, sorry TMI.

  5. I've been there. Thanks for screwing up my memories, Enty.

  6. good for her (them )

  7. I don't even know how that's possible. During the day you can barely find a place to sit it's so overcrowded, and at night there's still tons of people there. That's just gross.

  8. co-worker met the "love of her life" on those stairs back in May 2011. Ahhhh...Amore. I guess the stairs are magical.

  9. Unsanitary.

    If I came across two people fucking on a public staircase, I'd be totally annoyed.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. She used to be my favorite actress. Lately, I find her absurdly annoying.

  12. ^agree, annoying as shit

  13. Haaaa, BigMama. Love it.

  14. Very funny Seachica and Ida!

    The Spanish Steps are normally jammed with people, even very late into the night. I wouldn't be surprised if Susan is an exhibitionist. I have always found her enormously annoying.

  15. I'm with Moose and skeeball. I wish she'd just shut up once in a while. I still love her as Janet Weiss and Sister Helen Prejean, but...please. TMI. All the time.

  16. I'll get right on that, Susan.

    God she needs to shut her trap.

  17. From what I understand Susan has endometriosis, so that is why she had a difficult time getting pregnant!! I wish celebrities would be more open to this horrible disease which cause women infertility, like me!

  18. That would be awesome. My ex-wife swore that she got pregnant with our first child after we got home from dinner on her 35th birthday.

  19. Susan Sarandon: Keeping it Klassy.

  20. Ms Cool, at least you did it before the concert. I saw a couple trying to conceive a baby in the row behind me during a David Bowie concert. It was the godawful Glass Spider tour, so it was more entertaining than what was going on onstage.

  21. @Mookshi--

    OMG - I saw that tour, too. I have pictures that only show the girl in front of me's giant hair! Yeah - boring concert and NO, I would never do it at a concert. Ugh.

    I had to run home to meet my husband before taking off for the concert with my friend. I like to joke that since it takes a little while for conception to actually happen that it did happen at the concert but then it gets confusing because the friend I went with is a guy.

  22. If its dark, and she was wearing a skirt... nevermind.



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