Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Drew Barrymore Is Pregnant Or Filming Jackass 4

When you wander down the wild streets of Beverly Hills clutching a sonogram, and you are a celebrity you are just asking for banner headlines announcing you are pregnant. Drew does not look that thrilled to be pregnant, but then again, perhaps the sonogram she is holding is just part of something she filmed with Jackass. I remember Steve-O or someone had an x-ray taken once after they inserted something up their butt. Maybe Drew swallowed something. Don't they do the same thing if you have colitis or a problem with your gallbladder? Yeah, I know, I'm reaching. She is pregnant and I get back to the whole looking like she is in a state of shock. I wonder if it is because she knows now this latest relationship will have permanence to it which she has never had before.


  1. She knows what she is doing, this is easy publicity. Who else walks around with a sonogram out in the open, don't they usually give you a folder/envelope to store it in after you leave the Dr's?

  2. I have never been given a folder or envelope to put my sonogram pictures in. I have one child already and am pregnant right now.

  3. Yup. Publicity ploy. Movie coming out? Drew has been in this business a long time. She knows what she is doing.

  4. It's not like the paps were right next to her. You can see it was taken from a distance she isn't aware she is being photographed.

    I actually don't feel good about this picture that TMZ posted. Yes, she should be more savy to the fact she is a celebrity and pictures are taken of her every day.

    But if she is pregnant a woman should be able to announce it in her own time not being busted like this.

  5. She's probably queasy, and just wants to get home and lay down!

  6. She's probably queasy and can't wait to get home to lay down!

  7. I don't buy that she didn't want this photo taken. I would think as a celebrity she would want to make her private business private, taking extra precautions not flashing her sonogram picture.

  8. how do you flash something when it is clearly folded over and she is holding close to her not waving it about. Like the poster above said you don't get sonograms in folders or envelopes they hand them to you.

    Sorry, I think this is shitty not a move. Drew is famous enough to not have to resort to famewhoring tactics.

  9. That thing on her left hip? It's called a purse.

  10. I'm with @timebob& everything he said on this one. While it kinda looks like she is flashing it around it does seem more like she had no intentions of being photographed with this. I've also never been given a folder for sonogram photos so I really don't think this is a set up. I feel bad for her if this really wasn't set up.

  11. she's been around long enough to know better than to carry such a personal 'document' in plain view. i wouldn't doubt it's a publicity ploy. i'm guessing that's just how she wants to play the announcement news. either way, how exciting for her!

  12. Totally agree with whoever above said she is probably queasy, i puked my entire pregnancy and that expression on her face is very familiar. The lollypop is also probably one of those Preggers Pops or whatever they're called that are meant to help nausea.

    Also, it was Ryan Dunn with the car up his ass (hands down thats my all time fave Jackass moment. The Dr is too funny. "You just go to the hospital, you don't tell your girlfriend your boyfriend, whatever. Just go to the hospital"). May he rest in peace...

  13. I'm five months and still throwing up and nauseated but I still folded my pic up and put it in my purse.

  14. I'm with Gladys. Mine went in my purse. She knew exactly what she was doing. Puleeeeze.

  15. A fetus isn't the only thing you might get a sonogram for - I had my breasts sonogramed before, for instance. Abdominal sonograms for aneurysms are also quite common. If you could prove she saw an OB-GYN then I might believe it.

  16. ^Yes, but they don't normally give you a picture for ultrasounds that aren't of your baby do they?

  17. I'm not sure I agree she knew what she was doing. I don't buy her act generally, but still this doesn't seem like her to me, I think she honestly got caught in a moment of shock/nauseau/not thinking with a long-photo lens in a dr's office parking lot. And I agree w @timebob just bc you are famous does not give anyone the right to "out" you as being pregnant, things can and do go wrong early on especially, which is why a lot of us are religious on the 3 month rule with good reason.

    Anyone think maybe this is the answer to that Lainey "when she conceived" blind?

  18. I feel dirty after reading this post. Announcing a pregnancy is so personal. She may be just a few weeks prego or not prego at all. Gah...

  19. @izahart i totally thought you were on to something but it says "she thought she was past the point of another child" which unless I missed a huge detail, Drew has no kids right?

  20. On a happier note: Happy Birthday, Drew! 92/22/75.)

  21. I get the feeling Enty is not fond of Drew with this post.

    I agree with the other posters though. She has been in this biz long enough not to do something like this.

  22. I wouldn't be smiling and giggling either if someone caught me during my pregnancy on film. Unless I was eating. All my "happy" preggers pics contain some semblance of food.

  23. Lainey said no to Drew.

    If she is pregnant, then YAY!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!

  24. As Dishtlk pointed out above it was, indeed, the late great Ryan Dunn who did the Jackass bit with the car up his ass. I always thought Dunn was the most grounded of all of the Jackass dudes. Shame he is gone.

  25. Blogger Cousin said...

    "As Dishtlk pointed out above it was, indeed, the late great Ryan Dunn who did the Jackass bit with the car up his ass. I always thought Dunn was the most grounded of all of the Jackass dudes. Shame he is gone."

    Shame he didn't suffer more as he died you mean? The bastard who had a DUI just a couple of years before, who kept tossing drink and tweeting pics of himself drunk, then got into his car with a passenger, got onto the highway and crashed? That was it takes to be "late great" for you?

  26. For all we know she was just diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy, twins or even something that may stop her from ever being able to conceive. If negative news were given you would want a copy of the ultra sound to take to a second opinion.
    I hope she is happily pregnant but this is her news to share.
