Demi Moore Is Embarrassed
Kneepads really went out on a limb in reporting that Demi Moore is embarrassed by what happened last week when 911 was called and she had to be rushed to the hospital. Really? You think she was embarrassed? It took you days of reporting to find a source who said that? I think all of us would have felt embarrassed to be talked about worldwide after something like that. I don't think we need a source to confirm it for us. I also am going to say that she was probably embarrassed when Ashton cheated on her and got caught and the whole world found out and I am not even going to find a source to confirm it for me. I know, I know, that is dangerous ground on my part. I can't believe Kneepads paid someone to actually go out and write this story. No wonder my cable bill keeps going up. Time Warner keeps hiring people to write stories like this and can't afford them so jacks up my cable.