Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Delta Goodrem & Nick Jonas Split

Isn't that interesting? Nick Jonas and Delta Goodrem split immediately after Delta arrived back in Australia to start shooting The Voice there. All that whispering over the past week and suddenly her spokesperson released the usual breakup statement about being good friends and all that nonsense. Funny thing is the spokesperson never even acknowledged they were officially dating but want to make sure everyone knows they are split before anything else happens with anyone else. (Thanks to everyone in Australia who sent me different links to the story)


  1. Oh Seal.

    And she looks so much like Heidi! Guess Seal has a type, at least.

  2. 50% of a reveal. I'll take it.

  3. Seal or Joel?
    She looks alot older then Nick.

  4. Joel better dump Nicole quick, that way they can play it off as finding love thru comforting each other. Perfect rebound cover-up.

  5. I hope it's Seal because I would hate to see another marriage bite the dust. She does look a lot like Heidi!

  6. Whoever it is... upgrade? But if they are married... downgrade? Oh, I don't even know who this chick is.

  7. She looks old enough to be his mom in this pic. Dunno anything about her other than she might be banging Nicole's husband...

  8. Come on, it's gotta be Seal. Joel Madden was never an A List singer. Maybe the frontman of a B list band 10 years ago, but that's about it.

  9. I'm still on the Seal train. She likes the clean cut boys, and Joel Madden definitely isn't that. Also, I don't think JM was ever A list, but Seal sure was.

  10. Definitely Seal...Enty wrote a previous article stating Seal had taken his ring off when he arrived to Australia...

  11. Seal must be packing some serious heat.

  12. I didn't know Delta Goodrem but now that I see her, she's very pretty, a younger Heidi. Here is promo of "The Voice" debuting in Australia:http://www.thehothits.com/news/28939/delta-goodrem,-joel-madden,-keith-urban-and-seal-appear-in-first-promo-for-the-voice

  13. It makes more sense if it's Joel than Seal.

  14. Anonymous8:35 AM

    selenakyle - I read something somewhere that said that Heidi Klum first saw Seal in biker shorts and became aware that he was, as you say, packing serious heat...that was her first impression of him.

  15. Loads of time however you find out it's all potatoe and no meat. Just saying.

  16. Wait, isn't this the Jonas that's married? Or am I way behind the times?

  17. Blind Gossip just posted this as "solved" with Madden being the guy!


  18. @Shakey Nick is the one that used to date Miley Cyrus. Kevin is the one that is married.

    And Joe is gay.

    ugh, i hate knowing tween gossip.

  19. I don't really know who this girl is, but in the pictures I've seen of the two of them together, what strikes me is how much older than him she looks. Like she is is aunt or something. How old is she supposed to be?

  20. They say she's ten years older than him? Granted, that may be a badly lit pic but it seems more like fifteen or twenty years.

  21. The blind said the guy was married to a reality star. Project Runway, anyone??

  22. The blind said the guy was married to a reality star. Project Runway, anyone??

  23. Could also be "Simple Life", the show Nicole did with Paris Hilton.

  24. Godammit Joel. I swear if its him ill b so pissed. I loved him and his little family.

  25. Yes...because she's bearding for him and really having an affair with Joel Madden. The BV is below in case you can't find it.

    BLIND VICE: Which pretty twenty-something star is currently wreaking havoc among three famous show biz families? She is fake dating a guy in the first family. At the same time, she is real dating a guy in the second family. And that guy is supposedly involved/co-parenting with a girl from the third family. Despite all the chaos, though, we see the good in the situation. It’s good for the Girl. It’s good for the Guy. And it will all probably be reported as some sort of musical chairs love triangle, with lots of drama and publicity for the Girl and the Guy and their project/s… and lots of sympathy and support for those they hurt. So, good for everybody!

    Girl: Delta Goodrem
    Guy: Nick Jonas
    First Family: Jonas
    Second Family: Joel Madden
    Third Family: Nicole Richie
