Sunday, February 19, 2012

The "Cover Up" Hits Australia

Considering this is where the "Cover Up" will reach its conclusion it only seems fitting that the Sydney Morning Herald jumped all over my blind items from last week about the "Cover Up." They had this in their paper yesterday. Seems like they also have a few sources who are on board with it too. It just makes you want to jump up and shout out their names. Hopefully very soon. (Thanks Jessie)


  1. Whoa! Good job, Enty!

    Good job to everyone who got it correct!

  2. Enty, Blind Gossip printed a similar item about two or three weeks before you brought this up. C'mon.

  3. Enty, Blind Gossip printed a similar item about two or three weeks before you brought this up. C'mon.

  4. just more evidence that "Enty" probably isn't even in the entertainment industry...we already know he/she can't be a lawyer given some of these posts. I miss the realy Enty. Ok, I'm off my soap box now...

  5. Why do people think Enty really isn't in the entertainment business? I mean, I don't know either way, but I've heard people say this before and was just curious...

  6. ^I don't get it either. There are always complainers.

  7. I would not want to be in Nicole's war path when she finds out Joel Madden has been stepping out on her.

  8. My two cents: I don't think Enty is a lawyer, but I do think he's in the entertainment business.

    But I think it's weird how protective he's suddenly become of ''his'' blinds. This one in particular stands out, because BG totally delineated this scandal weeks ago. I know a lot of you think that website is bullshit, and I don't get why. The copy is well-written, and a LOT of their items have been proven as accurate after the fact.

    Besides, the writer of BG always reposts CDAN blinds. She's doing Enty a favor and bringing traffic over here.

    1. It really doesn't matter to me about Enty. I can enjoy the posts and all of you here without regard to that. There are great posts, great posters, lots of snark, additional gossip in the posts. It's all good.

  9. I actually have no problem with Blind Gossip and find that they're pretty accurate. I also have no problem with Enty as he is also quite accurate too. If he wants to fudge about what he does to protect himself then that's fine. And I enjoy everyone on this site, that's why I like coming here.

  10. It just bugs me when someone falsely represents themselves .

  11. There are many reasons Blind Gossip is total shit. Here are the top 3.

    1. Last year a woman I know said their shit was bogus and she wrote up fake blinds and sent them to BG and they were published.

    2. They often write blinds from things that are in the news, from current events, concocted. For example there will be the usual "this grieving family will no longer allow their deceased love one's ex to family functions" Bobby Brown!

    3. You get banned on their website for saying "damn" or "shit".

    They are truly assholes that run that site.

  12. I have issues with Blind Gossip as well, namely seeing my posts edited before they are put on the site. Also, BG still posts CDAN items but doesn't link to them anymore like it does to others and if you mention this website by name, or anything about it, your post does not make it out of moderation.

    For this item, yes BG posted something similar 3 weeks ago, but the photos of Delta Goodrem and Joel Madden having dinner in LA together date back to January 15th and they were not hiding in those photos in any way.

  13. Also, BG does not list CDAN in the blogroll anymore, so it does not do anything to drive visitors to this site like Gawker and Dlisted do. It just lists the items and only occasionally posts the reveals.

  14. I found this site through BG, I totally didn't notice they weren't linking any longer.

  15. Is this referring to the DeltaSomebody/AJonas/AMadden/NicoleR blind?

    I found CDAN from BG as well... and completely stopped reading BG. I dunno, I like this site & its readers waaaay better.

  16. I think Enty gets excited to know media are reading the site.
    P.S. You're welcome!

  17. @Audrey and strawberrygirl

    If Enty was actually an entertainment attorney in Los Angeles, he wouldn't need to be begging for money to pay for photos and to get a radio show started. A real entertainment attorney bills probably $1,000.00 or more AN HOUR! Plus he's made comments like, "I showed him my bar card." No attorney talks like that. I guess saying he's an attorney lends credibility to his site. At least people like Michael K don't feel the need to make up fake identities.

  18. It's a gossip blog, Enty isn't running for public office. Who cares if he is really a lawyer or not?

  19. BG's moderation bugs me, too -- but in defense of the admins, I think they do that to quell trolling and fights and stuff. Sites like Celebitchy full-on ban people who disagree with their content, and you basically have to audition to be a commenter on the Gawker sites, which I think is a pile of arrogant horseshit.

    Personally, I don't hold it against Enty if he's lying about being a lawyer. Dude's gotta protect his identity if he expects to keep getting dirt from people in the know. He could be an agent, or a former child actor, or a makeup artist, or a member of an on-set catering team. Who knows? But he doesn't "owe" us the truth or anything. Lutefisk is right. He's not running for office.

    But I still think the radio show thing was weird. I really did enjoy it when it was on (Joan Jett!!!), but there were only a couple of episodes! If comedians can scrape the dough together to put out good weekly podcasts from their living rooms, why can't Enty do one from his basement? It doesn't have to be TWO HOURS long. Forty-five minutes would more than suffice.

    Sidenote -- that should be a Your Turn: our favorite podcasts.

  20. I never had to audition to comment on Gawker and from many of the lame comments there, most others don't either.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Bubbles, Ida may be talking about Jezebel, which is a Gawker subsite. You do have to "audition" to comment there. I think the main Gawker site is looser with its requirements.

  23. I don't give a fuck if Enty is a lawyer or a homeless man or a woman or a eunuch. I like him/her/it and he/she/it entertains me greatly.

    And for the record, my husband is a lawyer and he doesn't talk very "lawyerly" (LMAO) and he makes loads of irritating spelling mistakes. He also isn't an expert on areas of law that he doesn't practice, say trial law, but he is an ivy league-educated man who is very good at what he does!

  24. In regards to the radio show:

    I've only been reading for about 6 months now but I did go back and read a lot of the site archives and comments and saw a lot of people talking about this radio show - Enty included. What is the deal with that? Last I remember seeing was a bunch of people wondering if it was ever going to happen. From what @Ida said it seems like there must have been a few broadcasts at least. Are they archived anywhere? Wonder why it never took off? I'd love a CDAN radio show.

  25. @Mooshki -- I *was* talking about Jezebel. ;-) I had assumed that all the Gawker sites share the same policy; I guess it's the just the snottiest, most offensive one that censors people.

    This was the post that got me banned:

    My response to that totally offensive headline wasn't profane, or any less indignant than anyone else's. But I *did* dare question whether or not they'd use the same jaded, cynical tone if a homeless young woman had died. And boom -- banned!

    I'm rereading that thread, and one of the admins (or, I'm assuming she's one of the admins) even said this in the comments:

    "OK, folks. Before adding to the pile-on, please consider whether or not your comment contributes anything to the discussion that hasn't already been said.

    Editorial suggestions, as always, should be emailed to the editors, not parsed out in the comments."

    *eyeroll* Wow. THAT'S not totally condescending. Then what, exactly, is the point of being ALLOWED to have your say?

    Of course, Jezebel is the same site that published *this* example of progressive and brilliant journalism:, you know. Whatever.

    The thing I most admire about Enty is how he only deletes the comments that are hatefully misogynistic or racist. No matter what, the dude is definitely able to handle personal criticism.

  26. ^Exactly.

    I've yet to find another site where I can say how I feel to a group that is open-minded enough to discuss or not delete my constructive thoughts.

    Say what you will about Enty, the timing of the posts, the content the posts or anything else but this site is the most balanced I've yet to find. I can't even fault him (yes, I believe Enty is a him when it isn't Jax posting..) for posting his personal views every once in a while - it's his site & he (and whomever he allows to post here) should be allowed to do so.

  27. I don't think Enty's a lawyer either, but I don't care! It's still a fun site to read and comment on.

    Yeah, I thought the radio show thing was weird, but I like the fact that Enty's seems to bring on the celebs. I would bet an arm that "Rom" was Debra Messing.

  28. @Henriette -- Honestly, I felt kinda bad for Rom in that thread. There should definitely be room for blind item dissenters here, and it seems silly for people to have gotten SO MAD at a person who was probably just some Messing superfan. I actually like Debra, too, and I don't *want* to believe she's the alleged Cokemom...

    ...buuuuut, she probably is.

  29. He's a lawyer. I had a close friend that lives in LA went on a date with him.

  30. *that* went on a date with him. He told her he'd tell her any blind answer she wanted to know except for MV.

  31. Any bind? Sheesh he gives it away pretty easily - haha.

  32. @Electric Warrior -- we all know MV is totally J-Lo, anyway. ;-)

  33. Lololol @Laura!!

    @Electric Warrior - Totally convinced Enty isn't some fat slob. Am I right??

  34. I've been reading since I think her name was Hez was the leader of the pack. There was even a luncheon with some of the posters and of course, our man could not attend.

    Being an attorney doesn't make anyone a genius, I know because I sure worked for a couple of idiots at law. But, obviously Enty has friends in high places. Mr. Himmmm seems to be a friend and also knows the rich and famous. Mentioning the old Wyndam hotel in NYC convinced me of that. It's obvious though that Enty doesn't (and couldn't possibly) write everything.

    I remember the money thing and while I thought it was weird, I didn't question it and I didn't send any money either. Maybe he got behind on his alimony to the five exes? I love the blinds, all the pictures, (miss Full Front Fridays), but most of all the comments are what make this site what it is and why I'm here 20 times a day!

  35. Al can say for.sure is.that whomever is.writing this blog is not the same writer as 3-4 years ago.

  36. @Audrey -- The thing is, you *can't* say that for sure. And I honestly don't know WHY people say that. It's not as if Enty's writing style or opinions have changed all that drastically in the past few years. And it's not as if it's abnormal for a person's writing style to gradually change a little bit over time, anyway.

    There are times when other people post movie reviews or whatever, but they're always credited. There are certain names who are bandied about as the "real" Enty(s), but I'm reasonably sure those people have their own shit to do.

    I just don't get the suspicion towards the author of this blog in that regard.

    And I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I am genuinely bewildered that there are people out there who think Enty is a woman. As. If.

  37. @Electric Warrior

    I also "know" someone who met him.

    I notice you didn't mention what kind of lawyer he is, but maybe your friend didn't tell you.

  38. Ida, Jezebel is so schizophrenic. They ban people for saying completely reasonable things, and some of the stories they post are full of WTF. The one thing I do like about the site is that people will talk openly about female biological issues. I've learned a lot of interesting stuff there. (Mostly from the comments, not the bloggers.)

  39. ENTY is not a lawyer because he judges people too quickly without all the facts.

    I think he's in the entertainment business.
    Maybe a celebrity?!

  40. This reminds me of something...I was watching I Love Lucy for the first time in ages yesterday, and they had an episode where there's a "blind item" (can't remember what they called it) in the paper about a band leader having an affair with someone in the show.

  41. I found Enty's site through Gawker, back when it was interesting. Now Gawker sucks so i just cut out the middleman. BTW, this is gossip. We're not debating policitcal science here, the stakes are much higher.

  42. @EW: Yes, please dish on what the *real* Enty looks like... I'm more interested in that than hearing if he is really a lawyer. No matter what he does for a living he delivers good gossip.. And that's what matters to me. And wondering what he looks like :)

  43. My brother is an attorney. He is actually pretty good. He speaks and writes poorly. In fact, I know quite a few attorneys that do not speak well, nor write well. My brother, much to my chagrin, speaks as if he is from the Jersey Shore. I can't speak for Enty, but I can say it's a fallacy to believe that attorneys should be able to speak and write correctly. It doesn't make them any less effective.


  45. "ENTY is not a lawyer because be judges people too early without all the facts" BWAHAHAHAHA!

    Seriously, lawyers are humans. Just regular people who went to law school. They can graduate from the worst law school and the bottom of your class and, if you pass the bar, practice law.

    Sheesh, "lawyer" does not make anyone all that special.

  46. I came here through Gawker/Jezebel too! I used to love it, but it became absolutely intolerable, the whole tone there. Ickies. Not a lot of room for dissenting opinion or not fawning over Ryan Gosling and whatnot.



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