Sunday, February 26, 2012

Colin Firth & Cameron Diaz Party Alone

Colin Firth decided to go to a party without his wife. That is very, very rare. Who did he go with instead? Cameron Diaz. Yes, the same Cameron Diaz who got hammered at the party and decided that more lace is a good thing. Colin looks like he is pretty happy with himself too. Well, when you have Cameron rubbing up against you all night how can you not enjoy things?


  1. i still think she is fugly, time and acne have not been good to her face.

    She did get a good boob job though, not too overdone for her body type.

  2. Oh Colin, say it isn't so!! I'm hoping this was just a fluke and he hasn't joined the Hollywood jackass club

  3. Is this supposed to derail the hounds off the trail of Diddy?
    I'm OK with it.

  4. I'm with @B626. That was my first thought. What's the opposite of Diddy? Colin Firth.

    Cammie got her drink on. Right after this photo was taken, she made a booty call to Diddy. I hate to point this out, but her face is looking stretched out. She be sucking on more than the cubes in her drinks...

  5. That is one odd pairing.
    I'll have to go with ^^ you too about the Diddy thing.
    I hope.

  6. I don't know what Cameron's done to her face but yikes! I used to think she was so pretty, now she just looks strange/haggard.

  7. Does anyone else think she is starting to look like Courtney Love?

  8. Given how dreadful she looks, I would hope Colin would be revolted that Cammy was "rubbing up against" him all night. His wife is so much better looking than raggedy Cammy.

  9. Cameron Diaz is too young to look so used up especially considering what she used to look like.I hope everybody is right about Colin being the anti-Diddy for PR reasons.

  10. Colin is a god and would only rub up against Cameron if his wife said it was okay.

  11. Im not really sure why Diddy is getting ragged on! I think he could do better than her!

  12. they worked togeter and it was at Weinstein's pre-Oscar party:who want to spend 3 hours of your life to hear Weinstein says he "did " THE ARTIST buzz,THE ARTIST will win huge because of him without to drink!

  13. He looks more uncomfortable to be leading around a haggard drunk Cam then pleased he had her doing lap dances on him.

  14. Diddy hosted a party in Orlando last night. The local news was ecstatic. I can't imagine who was worthy enough to invite.

  15. I will not believe Colin did anything wrong ;)

  16. I love Colin, and used to really like Cammie, she is looking a little ragged around the edges now. I refuse to believe that Colin was anything but a gentleman the entire evening.

  17. All I can say is she is NOT made for hi-def television. Yikes!

  18. That hairdo does nothing for her. It ages her even more than her hard partying already has. Sad; she used to be lovely.

  19. The Sweetest Thing was on earlier. It's shocking how poorly she's aged. That hair -- both the cut and color -- are doing nothing to help.

  20. Anonymous1:24 PM

    She has drank all her beauty away. Girl looks nearly 50 and she's what 39? Booze is bad kids.

  21. Cami has never been pretty. This is a bad picture. Shes an amazing actress and keeps a rockin body though.

  22. I love Colin, so I can't even begin to think that he would hook up with her. I was never a Cameron fan, but this past year she's just been a pathetic mess. She needs to just sticky with Diddy and leave Colin alone.

  23. At least he's still wearing his wedding ring... that counts for something, right??

  24. Enty hinted last week that Colin and his wife are swingers with another Hollywood couple, but Cameron is not part of the equation. I actually like the hair but NOT on her. It does age her. I think it was A-Rod who did the most damage to Cammie.

  25. What about the return of Ghost Hand?

  26. You know, as haggard as she looks, I bet Cameron is all kinds of fun to party with. Especially if you don't mind someone throwing up on your shoes.

  27. Methinks she might have a little more going on in her life than just alcohol and weed.

  28. Didn't they just finish f"Gambit" together? No matter, I would like to think he's got better taste than that.

  29. She's too good for Mr. Darcy! As much as I love him, he does stray. Sometimes even leaves evidence behind, right, Meg Tilly?
