Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cissy Houston Watching Over Bobbi Kristina

After doing not so great a job with her daughter, Whitney Houston, Cissy Houston has decided that she can do a better job watching Bobbi Kristina. She started by selling the footage of the funeral procession so that Bobbi could have a little cash. Well, drug dealers don't like credit so that is probably a good move. Bobbi is 18 so I'm not sure what Cissy can really do. She can yell and scream but she does not have any kind of legal standing to tell Bobbi what to do. This is not like Michael Jackson's kids. Bobbi is an adult and presumably is the sole heir to Whitney's fortune which might not be much today, but will pile up again and Bobbi will be able to spend it at will and whether Cissy wants her to or not.


  1. I wish I could be more optimistic about the outcome of this. I really do. The money will come just like it did with Michael Jackson and big money is the last thing Bobbi Kristina should have access to right now.

  2. Well, hopefully between Cissy, Dionne, Pat Houston, bodyguard Ray, the Winans and other well-meaning family/friends, BK will have some decent advisors.
    At least they might be able to convince her to set up a trust or something. I mean, she's gonna party...what 18-yr olds don't? And why should she not have fun? I just hope she isn't all depressed and goes downhill with it all.

    IMO she needs to finish high school if she hasn't already, go to a good college and get a degree for starters. Then she can get on a path that most teenagers follow and get a decent start on life on her own. She seemed intelligent even as a young girl on Being BB. Hopefully her brains kick into high gear.

  3. There will be some money from Whitney's estate, but not like what happened with MJ. MJ had publishing rights and writers credits on his songs, which means more $$$. I read somewhere that everytime I Will Always Love You gets played, Dolly gets 8 cents. Whitney doesn't get that much.

  4. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Sadly, I also see this not ending well. Bobbi K will be caught in a vicious tug-of-war between her mother's family and her father for both her love and money. And unlike MJ, there are no publishing rights or iconic moments that can be mined for money. The money coming into Whitney's estate will be OK, but not great.

    You would think the adults in this situation could pause and try to be civil for Bobbi K's sake. But that would be the smart thing to do. And no one in this sad saga appear to be particularly smart.

  5. @selenakyle That going to college thing is probably the right idea, but how many children of celebrities actually go? Even if she did go, she would still be drinking and drugging and partying. But yeah, she is going BK is going to have to do something. Hey, maybe she can go work with Ivanka Trump in some capacity.

  6. I'm sure she had an estate plan and Bobbi's inheritance will be in a trust until she reaches a certain age or ages. She's not going to get it outright at 18.

  7. Elizabeth said...The money will come just like it did with Michael Jackson - that's actually not true. Whitney was not a song writer, her biggest hits were other people's songs. Makes a huge difference when it comes to royalties. They'll probably have to put together video performances to sell or some shit like that.
    In other news, this was interesting:
    Sony raised price of Whitney Houston's Greatest Hits 30 mins after news broke, claim they were just "fixing an error"

  8. Thanks, I'm almost glad she won't be such a target with huge buckets of money coming at her - not just family, but the Sam Lufti types too.

  9. Every time I see BK in this thread I think Burger King......I think it's my lunch time.

  10. But remember, whitney has one new album coming out and I'm sure there will be a few compilations as well. Hopefully, there is a trust set up so this will not get out of hand. And add into the tug of war Bobby's kis none of them have this type of money.

  11. What's with dissing Cissy? Seems to me Whitney was doing great up to the time she met Bobby Brown and at that point, she was an adult and able to make her own decisions and descent into drug addiction. What can a mother do past that? Am I missing something?

    Whitney, like many others including MJ, surrounded herself after a point with people who enabled her addiction and seemed (to me) to push away those who didn't.

  12. Nunaurbiz,
    I disagree Eddie Murphy broke up with Whitney because he said she was really into drugs. This is pre-Bobby Brown.

  13. Anonymous9:26 AM

    ITA, Nunaurbiz.

  14. Naurbiz, Whitney was doing drugs long before Bobby came into her life. Their marriage was a case of two addicts enabling each other, thus insuring that their addictions could just go on and on and on. BK has a rough life ahead of her. Between her genetic predisposition for addiction and all that she was exposed to growing up, she doesn't have a very rosy future, I'm afraid. And no, there won't be a ton of money rolling in from the estate.

  15. The best thing BK and every one around her could do is to take a good look at themselves and be honest.

    There's an endemic hypocrisy in that family, that seems to be passed on from generation to generation.

    All this talk about being religious and growing up in church, etc... Please.

    Let's get real people.

    Yes, Whitney sang in the church choir on Sunday mornings as a child - after they'd spent Saturday nights in the nightclubs, because Cissy was trying make it big as a singer.

    From what I've read, Whitney was around drugs and every type of filth that can be found in that environment since she was 11/12, and she was doing drugs since she was a teen.

    Then every time anybody dared to ask if she was involved in anything less than pure she'd start with the church talk, and "the Lord" this and that...

    Bobby K. is following the same pattern (remember her response when the photos of her doing cocaine surfaced?)

    She's been anything but "smart". Having fun (at 18 or any other age" should never mean doing drugs.

    She should know that very well, because she's seen her parents destroying themselves with them.

    This is all a very sad situation.

    I hope they stop kidding themselves - one and all - and start pretending they are something they are not and just work towards living a positive, healthy lifestyle from now on.

  16. I don't think Bobbi Kristina has anyone looking out for her. She has been in trouble in the past and neither her parents nor Cissy were able to stop it.

    Whitney had troubles before Bobby Brown came on the scene but I think Clive Davis was able to keep her in check back then. With Bobby around, things went from bad to worse.

  17. Thank you, Giulia. Am I wrong in that originally the funeral was supposed to be on a Friday, and in private except for live streaming on the internet? When they couldn't get the big venue and decided to tone it down I thought, good - otherwise we just might see the crux to Whitney's problem with drugs.

    Now the footage is being sold. Mmm hmmm.

  18. God, this story has turned into a clusterfuck of epic proportions.

    I really want the deets on Aretha Franklin not showing up to the funeral? Did she really piss off Cissy in an interview.

    Not letting Bobby Brown's children into the funeral, but allowing all of these other celebrities who have barely brushed shoulders with Whitney is completely fucked up.

    Selling the funeral procession footage - completely fucked up.

    Sorry, this family is just off the wall, IMO.

    Unless Bobbi Christina has a mentor unrelated to this family mess, she is pretty much screwed, IMO.

  19. I remember hearing as a child that Whitney's brother Michael? was gay, and somewhat excluded from the family because of it. Given Whitney's rumored relationship with her homegirl Robyn, I'd say that probably played a major reason in her drug use, I mean Bobby Brown and Eddy Murphy hinted at it back in the day....

    Anywho, the Houston's are a typical dysfunctional family that decides what they "want" and "don;t want" to see....

  20. Anonymous9:58 AM

    i wonder how messed up our families would seem if we lived in the spotlight and had cameras thrust in our faces. no one knows what the truth actually is unless we are behind those closed doors.

    but let's keep holding celebs and entertainers to higher standards.

  21. The media coverage in the NYC area suggested Brown was offered three seats and he showed up as a party of 10. They chose their own block of seats in a relatively small sanctuary and he was asked to have 7 of his guests move elsewhere. He kept moving the entire group to already-reserved seating areas and was asked to move twice more. Then he tried to visit with his daughter and was barred from her by security guards. He made a spectacle of himself by kissing the casket then left in a huff. The only reason he tweeted a relatively dignified explanation was that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton leaned on him to keep it civil.

  22. well said ea17!if my mother was held responsible and judge unfairly for every one of my fuckups, she would be called a bad mother. which she isnt. so many angels in the comment section lately. must be nice.

  23. Cissy Houston has to be over 70 and probably not equipped to supervise a teenager with apparent serious issues. I've always thought it odd that she took Whitney with her to perform backup in major NY jazz clubs (Sweetwaters and Mikael's) when the girl was in her teens. Now that I'm older, I sense the girl was a wild child herself and her mother thought it better to keep an eye on her in the evenings and maybe introduce her to the business herself, rather than let shady characters have contact with her. Whitney was sent to elite Catholic schools in Bergen County, but still did not go to college (not a good sign.)

  24. weezy, Bobby Brown brought his kids and his brother. They were Whitney's step-kids. They knew Whitney all their lives and she loved them as her step-kids. Whitney sang at Bobby Brown's mother's funeral a couple of months ago, she loved his family and they loved her. Do you think she would have wanted Bobby Brown treated that way? Security moved Bobby Brown and his family three times in front of everyone and wouldn't let him see his daughter in the front. Here is a picture of his son crying while they were outside waiting for the car. http://www.dlisted.com/node/45096/images/spl362365_006.jpg

    Funny how there was plenty of room for celebrities, many who likely hadn't seen her for years. I'm not particularly a fan of Brown but her funeral was not the time or place.

  25. Sorry, but I don't understand "Reserved" seating for funeral AT ALL, unless you are blood. Granted, there are no mega superstars in my family. And seriously, I'm not trying to be a goody-two-shoes, but this IS a gossip site and the funeral WAS made public, so I'm not going to feel badly for trying to discuss it with all y'all.

  26. Elizabeth, Bobby is a performer. He knows what his reputation is, as a public figure and to Whitney's handlers. He knew he was lucky to get the plus-2 invitation as it was, but took advantage of the event to make a spectacle of himself,positioning himself and his children as victims.

  27. Weezy I respectfully disagree with you on this.

  28. How did Bobby's kids know Whitney all their lives when they were born before he was with Whitney( or at least one would hope, otherwise no wonder the family didn't want them there) Bobbi Kristina knew Whitney all of her life for obvious reasons, but Bobby's kids?

    And granted, he probably wanted the kids to pay their respects to the woman who paid his child support for him so they wouldn't starve. But really, we don't know how often his kids were in touch with Whitney so since Bobby or no one in his family paid the funeral expenses, no one in Whitney's family owed his kids much.

  29. Elizabeth, I had no idea that his kids, her step children were part of the entourage. I assumed it was just his buddies. funny how the press didn't report that.

    that is sad. also, aretha not showing up was sad. whats up with that aretha? what is more important than to show up at the funeral of a loved one? even if she didn't want to sing, she could have gone to the funeral.

  30. Bobby Brown's three oldest were born in 1985, 1990 and 1991. He and Whitney were married in 1992. Basically, they have known Whitney their entire memorable lives. I'm sure we're going to see many Vanity Fair type articles outlining that Whitney resented what Clive Davis had molded her into and chose Bobby Brown for the very reason that he was what she knew. She has publicly said she had a drug history long before Bobby came along. How do you think Bobby Brown's family would have, and did, treat Whitney at their family funerals. She and Bobby were together for 15 years and she loved his kids. I didn't watch his show but apparently they were on together all the time. Of course, the Houston family can't market his kids but they can market the celebrities, so there was plenty of room for them.

  31. Annabella, I didn't know they were his kids at first either. Then I started reading the comments of people that watched his show and they were exclaiming, "those are his kids!, she loved those kids so much!" and the more the "entourage" business came out, the more bothersome it was. Then Dlisted made this horrible post and the last picture they showed was his son crying outside. That really ticked me off because I have boys and can't imagine this at a funeral. Then you saw all these pseudo celebrities there and had to wonder, when was the last time they even saw her? But the kids couldn't sit down?

    Some have said, Bobby left her because she would not stop the drugs and he wanted to be clean. Considering the outcome, and that they've been divorced for five years, that's sort of believable.

  32. Cissy is 79, I just hope Whitney has a will and her estate doesn't get caught up in probate and the lawyers suck it dry going through the court system.

    One good thing about getting a divorce it usually gets a person to update their finanical affairs. So even if Whitney had 1/2 decent lawyers. Bobby would of been taken off insurance and her will (hoping there is one) would of been updated to reflect Cissy as I assume executor and Bobbi Kristina as her rightful heir and Bobby taken out also.

  33. Anyone else wondering why Melba Moore wasn't there?

  34. Doesn't her estate still owe Clive Davis a huge amount of money?? I doubt BK is seeing much money at all since Whitney didn't write her own songs.

  35. Just for the record:

  36. Giulia said...Having fun (at 18 or any other age) should never mean doing drugs. She should know that very well, because she's seen her parents destroying themselves with them.

