After my reveals about Rihanna and Chris Brown hooking up again I have thought long and hard about how this would be the worst thing Rihanna could ever do. I understand if when she got beat within an inch of her life by an a-hole that if she did not want to be the spokesperson for domestic violence than that was her choice, but that is completely different than forgiving the guy and dating him in public again. It is bad enough they have been hooking up on the side for well over a year, but now it is about to become public. Rihanna had a pre-birthday bash on Monday. Se invited less than 100 of her closest friends and had it at a house. One of those less than 100 people? Chris Brown. So, basically you are telling everyone at the party that you are close, so the next step is showing the world.
You know, Katy Perry was there and I don't understand why she does not say anything or do anything about this to Rihanna. I also can't believe she would be in the same house with Chris Brown. If I had seen the f**ker there I would have walked out. Have I told you how much I hate Chris Brown? Think he has hit Rihanna since the night three years ago?
The sad reality is that she is doing exactly what a large number of abused women/men do. They forgive and forget in the most unhealthy way possible, by returning to the abuser. Unfortunatly, because she is in the spot light, she is basically giving those situations validation. I would like to see some percentages of situations like this and if the abuse continues or that they do manage to find other ways to cope with their anger. I bet it isn't even worth doing though. If Chris Brown showed any remorse or seemed even a bit contrite than I would say that it is possible (but highly unlikely) that he went to therapy and was a better person. But he is reguarly making comments and tweets about how people are always "hating" on him. Gee, wonder why. As Enty hash tagged #Chrisbrownisanassofepicproportions
ReplyDeleteI personally think Rihanna would have gone back with him after the first beating, but her publicist and manager told her not to, because her career was taking off and they didn't want her image to be ruined. They probably were together the entire time. He'll hit her again at some point, and she'll stay with him. I just hope it doesn't become an Ike and Tina situation. I think Rihanna needs help, cause something's keeping her with this ahole abuser.
ReplyDeleteThey're both sick, and they're both bad examples for their fans. He's a sociopath, and she's an abused woman coming back for more. The timer on his beatdown clock is about to go off again.
ReplyDeleteI hate her more. She is the one with all the power in that relationship and has everything to lose, and she is throwing it all down the drain for the whole world to see. The worst part is we already know how this is going to end up so just like Lindsay Lohan, it's time to start the clock.
ReplyDeleteIt probably won't be too long now before those bring a child into this word, thus taking their mutual mental illnesses and personality disorders to an even more horrible level. Because, you know, babies make everything better! **sarcastic eyeroll**
ITA. That is a gene pool that will produce nothing but gutter trash.
DeleteStupid is as stupid does. Hard to work up any sympathy for her now. Unlike other abused women, she has the financial means to do whatever she can to put distance between them.
ReplyDeleteWasn't Chris Brown the musical guest when Katy Perry hosted SNL? I'm sure the host has some say in musical guests...
ReplyDeleteShe never really saw a problem with it, since she hit him and was violent during their relationship. I'm not blaming her for the beatdown, but there is something in her that isn't healthy and never has been. Hopefully, this will open people's eyes to what he and she are all about, and we can all move on and forget them. These are not good people or worth the time, even if Chris was once one of my favorites. Heck, I even liked pre-beatdown Rihanna a lot.
ReplyDeleteWhen she gets beat up by him again (because she will) I hope she won't be looking for pity because I won't have any.
ReplyDeleteShe is young, in love and stupid. It's hard to have sympathy for her, but I really hope she gets her sh*t together soon.
ReplyDeleteI don't hate her for this. I think it's really sad and I agree with what BigMama said that it's what a lot of abused people do. People get addicted to abusive relationships and it's hard to break the cycle. I don't envy her and the hard lesson she's going to learn if this is true. She's going to face a lot of judgement, so she will withdraw from her friends/managers/relatives, and eventually the only person left is the person who is hurting you and you feel trapped. I've seen it happen many times, and it's hell.
ReplyDeleteI just can't with these two. As long as he's allowed to act like a spoiled little bitch, he won't change.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he'll roll his car or wrap it around a tree one day.
Stupid stupid girl...please how about an asshole ban, I can't take too much more of these fools...
ReplyDeleteAt some point, most women realize that you can't change someone else, not matter how much you love them. There is nothing the woman can do to reform an abuser. She cannot agree with him enough, cannot keep far enough out of the way when he is angry, cannot be quiet enough. Something will set him off. Even if Chris Brown never raises a hand to Rihanna again (unlikely), the likelihood that there will be emotional abuse remains. If Brown has received help for this behavior - and has learned from it, good for him. If not, he learns nothing and has no reason to change -- he has beaten this woman and she returns to the perpetrator. Why change?
ReplyDeleteI have no use for Brown but I do like Rihanna and have my fingers crossed for her. I hope she wises up sooner rather than later.
ReplyDeleteNO ONE CARES...IS IT THAT HARD TO UNDERSTAND??? We live in a disgusting world, it's par for the course.
ReplyDeleteI can only wonder what in Rihanna's psyche has told her that violence and love are one and the same. I work in a transitional housing program for families impacted by domestic violence (as well as homelessness), so I have seen this pattern played out time and again. There are, sadly, a lot of women who return to their abusers multiple times. Some women seem to believe that this is the best they can do, or that they have somehow done something to "deserve" the abuse; for some others, it is all that they have known after growing up with a father who was an abuser, so it actually seems normal to them. The worst part for me is seeing the impact of DV on very young children; I won't go into it all here, but witnessing DV seriously impacts young children's mental health, brain development, and ability to learn how to regulate their own emotions. It's a terrible, terrible cycle. One of the sweetest mothers I ever worked with was a refugee from Darfur; one week after she left our program, she was murdered in front of her children by the ex-boyfriend she had recently broken up with because he had become abusive, and she had decided enough was enough. It feels like it never ends.
ReplyDeleteLong post sorry
ReplyDeleteMy now recent ex hit me in November. The next day I called my othe ex (who I share custody of our dog) and told him and I slept on his couch for 6 weeks til my new apartment was ready. The abuser had 3 boys who's mother abandoned them and I was helping to raise them. I have no contact with them anymore but apparently my mother wants to be involved in their life and expected me to just get along with the abuser for the kids. I said no now we aren't talking
This morning I was dropping off my rental car and another younger girl was there and she looked tired. She said she had been up all.night cause her boyfriend of 4 hears hit her. I told her my story and how I am struggling but I am working to get Better financially. I told her that and her friend agreed with me. I said its never ok and as har as it will be to untangle everything it is possible. She gave me a hug. I didn't know this girl from Adam.
Rihanna has done a disservice to me and every other girl who is going through this
Congratulations for getting out. You did the best thing.
DeleteIt makes you wonder what she has grown up with to think this is a normal relationship. Even if he never lays a hand on her again, the "incident" will always hang over their heads. People will always keep bringing it up - she will say they don't understand, he will feel more and more like he is being attacked and that people are taking her side, and he will eventually take it out on her, with his fists. And she will blame herself. If she survives this time.
ReplyDeleteI have lost all respect for her. The public will probably forgive them both. After all, CB has been forgiven since he has performed in high venue places such as last week's Grammy's. The IQ of the masses is cumulatively below 40.
ReplyDeleteAnd the cycle continues. Chris Brown gets to give the ultimate f-you to his critics, because if the woman still wants to be with him, then it's vindication in his mind. Hey, she *wants* it. She even sang how she wants it.
ReplyDeleteThere *will* be another abuse incident that becomes public. And when that happens, he won't feel any more contrite than he did the first time. This guy will be the ruin of her career, which will make her more dependent on him.
Eventually, we can all hope that she comes to her senses (please, god, before it becomes fatal), and gets away from him. If and when she finally does that, and if she publicly condemns violence against women, she will be a big role model for women in violent relationships. I shudder to think that she won't get there, though, before he causes serious or permanent harm.
Amy - your resilience is admirable. I'm sorry for what you have been through and for the three boys. I'm glad your ex stood by you.
ReplyDeleteI have no comment about Rihanna. I am sorry she is drawn to him.
Amy, I'm so sorry you had to go through that, and that your mom was not supportive of *your* needs. I admire you for your strength to leave a bad situation, and for your encouragement of other women to also leave and get help.
ReplyDeleteDamn, Amy. Sorry about that.
ReplyDeleteMy former roommate said her control freak fiance said Rihanna had to have done something to deserve it.
Big surprise considering this is the psycho asshole that practically moved in after less than a month of dating and went ballistic when she was preparing the turkey for Thanksgiving and there was nothing for him to do.
"I just want to help you. You're being such a brat. Why won't you let me help you?"
If he's not hitting her already, I give it 3 months until he does.
Why does everyone think of her as some innocent girl? She's hardly innocent, and just as guilty.
ReplyDeleteThank you all. Yes I have never been that close with my mom as she has always been jealous I'm a daddy's girl. However we did pull together for the boys when I was still with him. Try had also lost their grandma a few years ago. The 11 year old has severe mental issues (I'd put him at sociopathic) and wasn't getting therapy til I steppe in. The 10 year old has spina bifida and I got him into a good clinic at children's hospital. The 4 year old was my best buddy. He is such a cutie patootie and he doesn't remember his mother. It has been so hard not to have contact with the boys but I know it is what I must do. I'm 34 and educated woman never married no kids and thought this would be my instant family. Bad bad idea. I have found a man who is amazing and treats me like I should be treated. There are happy endings
ReplyDelete@Amy - I'm sorry you don't have the support of your mother. As a mother myself, I can not imagine not being there for my daughter when she was making such a hard choice to have a better life. It isn't much but it would appear you have alot of support on here. >hugs from a mom<
ReplyDeleteI think some of you are forgetting the most important aspect of this situation.
ReplyDeleteAbuse does not discriminate against race, beauty or money. Rhinanna shouldn't be expected to control her issues because she's been blessed with all three, and we have no right to judge who she choosed to be in her life abd how she handles Chris.
HOWEVER - many of you (in my opinion) are 100% correct. She is a public figure and for many, a role model (if only because they want to have her talent or admire her for it). This creates a responsibility from both her and her handlers.
Similar to the grammy performance / win - taking Chris back sends out the wrong message (and an extremely dangerous one).
She should have the right to be with whomever she wants - but her label / managers should NOT continue to represent her.
Being a star is a privelege - and many other women who are equally as talented (and attractive) should take her place until she is ready to love up to the responibilities expected of a star.
Monstersinc's comment about the concert when she was 17 is 100% correct. I look at this situation like I do "Two and a half men" and the episodes re-runs that should have their own channel at this point like the housewives on Bravo.
I will not support any show that supports an actor that hurts women.
Enty has shown us the way with the Kardashian embargo - the only way to stop people believing that their behavior is acceptable is to stop supporting it financially!
Oh my God. I can't deal with some of these fucking ignorant comments.
ReplyDeleteI'm just going to post a link to an article I came across the other day, and then I'm abandoning this thread before all the CB apologists come slithering out.
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ReplyDeleteOh Amy, you sound like a wonderful person. I'm glad you have your happy ending! *sniff*
ReplyDeleteAmy, you are brave and smart. Good for you. *hugs*
ReplyDeleteRhianna has no self esteem, it is obvious by the way she carries herself. I don't see sexy when I look at her, I see "trying".
He'll beat the living shit out of her again, and she will get zero sympathy from the public.
I give it three years before he kills her.
ReplyDeleteHe'll be sentenced to prison for 6 months, but get out in 2 for good behavior and overcrowding. Then he'll go on Barbara Walters, cry, say he's sowwy, get a 5 record contract and a book deal.
Amy, I'm also glad you got your happy ending :) You go, girl :)
ReplyDeleteWhen, and not "if" CB beats Rihanna again, and we all know he will because he's a total ass, I hope every single one of those jerk producers of the Grammy's who welcomed him back with open arms and featured him not only on one, but TWO numbers that night, has it on their conscience for the rest of their loser lives. Every single person who is trying to remake his image needs to be held accountable. And if she dies, they need to be held responsible for her death.
Unfortunately, it won't happen.
BTW - maybe there was someone working for the Grammy's who doesn't like him or what he does. Did anyone else catch that the performance that immediately followed CB's Grammy award acceptance was Taylor Swift singing "Mean?" I just thought that was rather ironic - and appropriate :)
Getting past the "how can she take him back" argument, how awkward of a couple are they going to be? The whole world knows what happened.
ReplyDeleteJust picture them going out for dinner with other people. What do you say? That would be the abusive elephant in the room.
@ Jennifer, I know I shouldn't respond to you but seriously. Did you see the pictures of her face? What could you possibly do to someone to deserve that much of a beating?
This will not end like Ike and Tina.
ReplyDeleteHow do we know Katy hasn't said anything to her about it?
ReplyDeleteI agree with you all. This will not end well.
It's a terrible situation all around. It's a vicious cycle.
ReplyDeleteChris really thinks he's the victim, that everyone is out to get him. Not true, of course. And if he were really trying to understand his issues and get better, I could cut him some slack, because he's young and having watched his mother being abused, maybe he's warped into thinking it's OK to hit someone. But he's clearly not learned a thing from this nightmare and until he does, he's a lost case. One can only hope he doesn't hurt anyone else in what is sure to be a downward spiral at some point for him.
Look at some of the men Rihanna has been connected to: Matt Kemp, who had abuse issues with a previous ex. Shia LeBeouf, who's an angry drunk. Even her mentor, Jay-Z, hit a woman in the face. Her dad is pretty messed up. So it stands to reason that Rihanna doesn't see what being around destructive people can do to her, and has become self-destructive in her own right.
All the money in the world can't help Rihanna until she works through her issues. Calling her stupid and hating her doesn't help. That's a form of self-misogyny, IMO. And you wouldn't feel that way about a family member or close friend. So don't get smug when it comes to a celebrity have similar problems.
It's awful and I hope Rihanna saves herself from more pain. And yes, I hope Chris can look inward to help himself. It probably won't happen, no point in being naive about it.
It's all just so very sad.
Rihanna has stated in interviews that her father was a crack addict, who beat her mother. She saw it.
ReplyDeleteAnd apparently Chris Brown also saw his own mother being abused by his stepfather. Sigh.
I knew this was going to eventually happen, based on her actions after the fact. I saw some people on Twitter saying they might perform together at the Grammy's, but obviously that didn't happen.
The worst part about this is now, all the Chris Brown defenders are going to see this as a victory in proving his innocence.
Does anyone else remember that Glen Cambell and Tanya Tucker had a very violent drug/alcohol fueled relationship back in the day? He got a standing ovation and a lifetime achievement award. As I watched the Grammy's last Sunday I had a feeling that as long as the artist made money the establishment would develop a workaround for whatever cracks in the public's idols feet of clay.
ReplyDeleteI knew sooner or later Rihanna would go back to her abuser. Some women are strong and smart about not going back but their are others that are not strong and end up going back to them. Most of the time they also end up dead. Very sad.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should hand deliver the article about Wendy to Rhi Rhi. It could be her some day.
ReplyDeleteJuliane: I thought the same thing. Granted, Glen and Tanya happened 30 years ago. But if we know about, someone at the Grammys remembers, too.
ReplyDeleteDomestic violence is treated too lightly in this world.
My husbands brother beat the crap out of his wife for years...she and I became really close..and all she would talk about on the phone is him and their problems...i begged her to leave but she never would...she finally left him after 12 years...remarried moved to atlanta and has a "good man"
ReplyDeletebut now whenever we talk on the phone it's all about my brother in law...some women love the drama I think.
Maybe you should hand deliver the article about Wendy to Rhi Rhi. It could be her some day.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should hand deliver the article about Wendy to Rhi Rhi. It could be her some day.
ReplyDeleteI have no sympathy for women who repeatedly take abuse. They're just as sick as the guy who hits them. I don't know how many women I know who refuse to leave men who hit them.
ReplyDeleteWell one person said it but I am going to expand on it a little bit more...
ReplyDeleteThis was years ago when Chris Brown only had maybe 1 or 2 records at the time and he was on Tyra when she still had her talk show. He was talking about one time when his mom's bf was beating her and he was hiding in his room and was so scared that he pissed himself, even though he was like 12 years old or something. He then went on to say that he would NEVER become like that guy. That's why I was so shocked when it first happened....now I feel so sick everytime I hear someone mention him.
To all of you who hate women who take abuse: I hope you're never in the position of passing judgment like that on someone you love. Or worse, yourself.
ReplyDeleteAmen Layna!
ReplyDeleteBut he ain't no woman beater no mo'. He even gots himself a certificate that says so. He's changed.
Look how he goes off the handle when a stranger criticizes him on twitter. He acts like a big fuckin' baby when something doesn't go his way or when somebody refuses to kiss his ass. Now every time anybody says anything about him he'll just come back with, "Fuck You! I got a Grammy!"
You think he was douchey before? We haven't seen anything yet. Next time he beats her he's gonna laugh all the way through it.
Yes, I saw the photos of her face. I too was a victim of abuse from my mother and then in a relationship. I'm not remotely insensitive to abuse. However, she s not remotely the innocent victim she makes herself out to be. Everyone in entertainment knows this.she was as much of an abuser in that relationship, and her behavior since the incident is not her acting out. That's just her: boozing, drugs, and sleeping around. She likes control over others.
ReplyDeleteNo woman ever deserves to be hit, never ever. And yes, Chris Brown is a complete douche. But that girl is just as guilty of being abusive and having issues with impulse control.
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ReplyDeleteat the end of the day, she is still a woman involved in a DV relationship. On average a woman will leave about 7 times before it sticks. We cant assume/expect that because she is a celebrity that she is different from other DV victims, and has some super power way of being over him. She will leave when she realizes he wont change, and everything he says is a manipulative way of getting her back. I think we all want to believe that people can change, and sometimes it takes multiple times to realize they wont. I work with DV perps as well as victims, and many perps return for another round of 52 week batterer programs. some never return, but thats not to say they have changed. i think some do, but they realy have to realize they are wrong and probably struggle with anger everyday, much like addiction, one day at a time.
ReplyDelete"To all of you who hate women who take abuse: I hope you're never in the position of passing judgment like that on someone you love."
ReplyDeleteAlready am! How many more times am I supposed to beg someone to leave? How many more years am I supposed to care about it? It's been 20 something years so far. There is no earthly reason she needs to stay except for her own screwed-up head. At some point you have to take responsibility for your own life and your own relationships.
And no, I'm not going to suddenly be in an abusive relationship. Please. Some of us have a little more self respect than that.
@Amy- glad you are staying strong and have made the best choice for yourself despite how hard it must be every day to be away from the kids. Someday maybe you will be able to be there for them but there is zero chance of that if you end up dead first. Keep on sharing your good news and progress!
ReplyDeleteAnd I could not agree more that due to her fame by openly taking this douche back she is basically giving a big F U to everyone going through this who isn't lucky enough to have her fame or financial resources. I'm not saying she is stupid, I don't hate her, I actually feel quite bad for her, but she does have an opportunity to do something here and she is clearly not taking it.
I think the fact that lately Rihanna looks a hot mess and stoned constantly might factor in here too. Agree that this will likely not end well.
Finally I agree I want a ban on Chris Brown worldwide-- I don't want to see his smug face or hear him talk or sing or read his tweets or anything. And all the people who take to social media and claim they would be happy to beaten up by him... seriously, that is a horrible thing to think or even say, it is so disrespectful to women like Amy and even Rihanna herself (despite the fact she doesn't realize it) who are victims of these sorts of crimes, and more than anything it is just honestly disgusting. So Enty do the right thing and please make this site a Chris Brown free zone, don't give this loser and his batsh*t fans any more attention than he is already getting.
@Telly bo. I wonder if you look as stupid and you come across? So, IF Rihanna gets back with this dude then you will HATE her more?? Er, Hate? Do you actually know this girl personally that would warrant such a strong emotion?? For sure the situation is a serious one and people feel strongly about it but hate, really?
ReplyDeleteI don't hate you but people like you disgust me.
@izahart-she's been a hot mess and stoned for years. It's not anything new for her.
ReplyDeleteAgain, he has impulse control issues. That includes drugs, alcohol, and being abusive herself. Yes, women can be abuses in a relationship s well ya'll.
@jennifer excellent point that abuse can go both ways. I do think at the end of the day physical size matters in abusive situations but it can certainly be mutual or initiated by the woman. And I guess I never noticed how f'd up she looks all the time until recently and also kind of assumed Jay-Z wouldn't stand that kind of behavior... but shows what I know!
ReplyDeleteKrab - I find your last remark extremely insulting. It often has nothing to do with self-respect and you clearly have no idea what it is to be in that situation and not have the resources and ability to leave. For example, what if you're from a culture in which you are forced into marriage as a teenager, and have no money or education and your family will disown you if you get a divorce? Making blanket statements and blaming the victim are not helpful - try having some compassion.
ReplyDeleteit's her choice as Whitney H and Bobby B
ReplyDeleteAbuse does go both ways. I didn't call the cops because after he hit me I cold cocked him twice in the cheek. I am not proud of it but it was my reaction after being hit.
ReplyDeleteI will never judge anyone who struggles to get out Of an abusive relationship. However going back when your in the clear is not cool
I've skipped the comments to this post because I suspect they'll just upset me. Women who have never been in such relationships have a hard time understanding why an abused woman goes back and can be quite nasty.
ReplyDeleteI was with a guy for a year who showed signs of being abusive until he really beat the crap out of me one night. I struggled to understand what had happened for a couple of weeks, then broke up with him. About 6 months later, I took him back and it lasted for another few months. To this day, I'm not sure why I took him back and I"m embarrassed by it. I am NOT an idiot or a doormat, but it happens.
I'm not going to victim blame here. Just hope she manages to get healthy, emotionally-speaking.
Its easy to judge what you don't understand and hopefully some of these commentors will never have to experience it and see that its not so easy.
DeleteThe thing is, everyone assumes that this was happening to her all the time and this was the time he got caught, versus she was verbally and physically abusive and he finally snapped. Doesn't justify his reaction when he snapped, but he snapped. Push and push a person for over a year with physical and emotional abuse they will snap at some point.
ReplyDeleteWhat if she started the whole thing? She looks like a victim but no one really knows what really happened but them. When we think about what happened, we always put ourselves in the place of the victim, but she is not the typical victim. She has money, fame, power and can date anyone she wants, and after dating a lot of people she is going back to him. Maybe, like Whitney said, she is her worst enemy.
ReplyDeleteWell if a party was the first step in coming out publicly, I guess it only makes sense that the next step would be to collaborate on a song together. Then they can craft a story about realizing they still had feelings for one another while writing the song or some other BS.
They're free to live their lives. I don't support them and I changed the channel when Chris Brown appeared on my TV during the Grammys. I do, however, feel bad/sick/disgusted for the millions of people that consider them role models.
I absolutely cannot abide Chris Brown. He is a repulsive POS. Don't really care about Rhianna either way, but if she gets back with this douche, I will skip over every item I see on her. I do that for the most part anyway, because she's not my thing.
ReplyDeleteAnyone attempting to excuse or justify a man beating a woman needs her head examined. Chris Brown beat the holy living sh*t out of Rhianna. I can only hope to god women defending him are not raising sons, because they are contributing to our misogynist rape culture. It's a wonder men think they can treat women like garbage, you know?
I can't help but wonder if they had/have a sort of BSDM sort of relationship and he just either forgot or ignored the safe word. If Rhianna is into S/M but Chris isn't, he probably doesn't understand the safe word rule.
ReplyDeleteEven if she isn't into that (but I think she is) she forgave him the day after he beat her and only grudgingly pressed charges because someone told her too. And that also would explain why Chris has never shown one ounce of remorse. Why should he if she forgave him along time ago?
I don't think she is a victim at all, or at least not Brown's victim. If I am right though, they really better start learning the rules of safe play.
I am actually not a big fan of Rihanna and used to be a huge fan of chris browns before this happened. But all I feel for her now is sympathy she's a typical abused woman except she has the entire world watching. I hope someone who loves her steps in before its too late.
ReplyDeleteI too had been hit by a boyfriend and ended it, like Amy. However, I don't feel Rhianna or any other woman who stays/goes back to an abuser has done ME a disservice. Each person's personal background and emotional health is different.
ReplyDeleteNice victim blaming. She went back to him so she deserves it. How about he's a piece of shit for (possibly in the future) hitting a woman who gave him a second chance?
Those who are blaming Rihanna for Douchebag Brown hitting her have obviously not read the police report of the incident.
Yes it's disturbing and facepalm-worthy that she is forgiving him and (apparently) going back to him, but anyone who says she "deserved" to get beat is as much a douchebag as Chris Brown is.
This makes me really sad.
ReplyDeleteI've never been a victim of abuse so I don't know what it's like to be in this situation.
I believe that violence is evil. It is hate. And someone who truly loves someone doesn't hurt them with cruel words or actions.
I hope someone will keep her safe from herself.
ReplyDeleteThat is very different.