Saturday, February 18, 2012

Chelsea Clinton Is Going To Get A Contract Extension

I don't know who called in what favor, but apparently Chelsea Clinton has been saved from elimination and termination from NBC and will have her 90 day contract renewed. No one saw this coming. Her reports have not been great and watching paint dry is infinitely more interesting than her reports, simply because when paint dries it leaves you to your own thoughts and with her reports there is always this buzzing sound in the back of your head. I think it is some kind of secret codes that are going out to aliens who are then given instructions on how to take over the planet. See? Paint drying means your mind can wander and then next thing you know there are conspiracy theories about aliens and secret messages coming from boring reporters on television.

NBC is expected to announce that Chelsea will have her contract renewed. Look for that Bill & Hillary Clinton one hour special on NBC real soon too.


  1. If Anne Curry can be a journalist, I say anyone should be allowed to give it a go.

  2. its no worse then having Julie Chen given show after show by her husband Les Moonves on CBS.

  3. NBC is kissing Clinton ass. How is this a surprise?

    Looking at her, I wouldn't be shocked if she's involved in an alien invasion. She had no chance to be a winner in the gene pool lottery. Bless her heart.

  4. i dont know why you are surprised. nbc is to the democratic party what fox is to the GOP.

  5. didn't her husband quit his job so he can go ski and bum off the Clinton name. She has to support him now.

  6. She seems like a nice person but broadcasting is just not her forte.

  7. Not having any talent hasn't kept a lot of people out of TV careers, but Chelsea is indeed charm-free.

  8. Poor girl got the worst looks from both parents. I'll bet she barely eats.

    But, hey - what else could she do? Design handbags, jewelry or clothing for QVC?

  9. Exactly KJ. And during a political year, of couse NBC wouldn't let the golden goose loose.

  10. Most reporters start in tertiary markets and work their way up, so people don't see when they suck when they are learning their trade.

    She should go work for an NGO. If she doesn't want to work for her Dad's someone else would hire her. Hell, 41 would hire her.

  11. I miss her curly hair.
    And I would rather look like her than me.

  12. She is woefully lacking her father's charisma.

    I'm reluctant to say anything negative about her looks after Rush Limbaugh's negative comment about her years ago, but oh, what the hell!

    Chelsea, it wouldn't kill you to get a chin implant!

  13. Oh she's no worse than any of the other jackasses on tv! Kathie lee anyone? Hoda kot ? Katie couric? Matt lauer! They stink but make millions, and I will never understand it. Maybe they always show up, maybe thats it.

  14. Just looking at her bores me! She really missed out on Bill's charm and charisma. Bet she is cut loose in February 2013 when election coverage is totally over.

  15. Whatever happened to her husband? There is no more mention of him.

  16. lutefisk.. maybe he is still off 'finding himself'

  17. JoElla, I think he may be lost for good.

  18. PBS is doing a whole thing on the Clinton years. Bringing up Monica Lewinsky stuff again.

  19. She's paying her dues. And by "paying her dues" I mean, she's being given a resume point that anyone else would have to work for years to earn.
    I would be disgusted with my elite betters and their transparently fraudulent hiring shenanigans, except they're neither better nor elite. So I'm going with amused.



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