Friday, February 17, 2012

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This C list boy-bander who was once a much bigger star, is not only struggle with substance abuse. He’s struggling with fidelity. He is recently cheated on his girlfriend by having a one night stand with his stepsister.


  1. I love the idea of "struggling with fidelity." You get to have all the sex you want, as long as you pretend to feel bad about it!

  2. I have no idea on this one, but did you guys see this?

    This was a blind, no?

  3. AJ from Backstreet Boys. He just got married and has been in & out of rehab.

  4. ^@Tealily - yes, thanks for the link!

  5. @ Tealily, you're right. Here's another answer to a blind from CB :

  6. Going back to the Carter well, Nick Carter. He seems creepy enough to bang his step-sister.

  7. I'd guess one of the Carters since the entire family is all so messed up.

  8. Re the blind - no clue. Just UGH. Hope the 'rents don't find out.

    Now, about Salma and Sofia, damn I hope that's not true. I like Salma and find Sofia adorable and besides, Salma should be glad another Latina actress has broken the Hollywood race barrier.

  9. Has to be one of the Carter boys. If in fact this is real. It is BuzzFoto, now...

  10. While Sofia Vergara and her overpowering Latina sexuality aren't lost on me, I can see Salma's point--when she talks, she reminds me of someone doing a Charo impersonation. Hoochie-coochie!

  11. Well..I'd like to know if the step-sister was gained in adulthood? I mean, they aren't technically related, so I can see something like that happening if they weren't raised together.

    But that said, he's a married, cheating, druggie and wouldn't put it past him to cheat with his own family. Yuck!

  12. ^^oops, it does say girlfriend & not wife. On board with the guess for Nick then!
