Thursday, February 16, 2012

BuzzFoto Blind Item

These young lovers recently exchanged rings. Don’t worry, nothing legal and neither of them are calling them promise rings but they are sure acting like they are. They don’t always wear them in public but the minute they are together they slip them on. How cute!


  1. Justin and Selena.

  2. So things are better between them? She has gone through a rough time lately with her mom's miscarriage, so hopefully Justin has been supportive and they have as a couple made it through. I like them together. They're both too young to get married, but their backgrounds seem like a good match.

  3. Duh...Justin and Selema. There's a pic of the ring he gave her all over the news today. Not really a Blind.

  4. crila, was just about to say the same thing.

  5. I love how they're claiming this as a "blind" two days after Justin and Selena tweeted that picture of their ~entwined fingers.~

  6. Suri Cruise and Brooklyn Beckham?

    actually, the scary part is those might be actual guesses within the next 10 - 15 years. Hold on to your seats

  7. Ha! The Beckhams are not Scientologists so none of those boys would ever get near Suri.

  8. Isn't Suri promised to the sun or something?

  9. Right away thought of the "Beaver and Selena".

  10. I'm shocked BF actually has a real blind, one they didn't make up.
