Wednesday, February 01, 2012

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This couple is considered A list, and have been together for a long time, not just by Hollywood standards, but by life standards. A source tells us that although there have been speculation about affairs in the past, the two have remained 100% faithful to one another. The secret to their success? They’re both asexual.


Anonymous said...

Well, it isn't Warren Beatty.

spacecowboy78 said...

SJP and Ferris Bueller.

Sass71 said...

I think the NY Post just revealed a BI:

danatestingsite said...

SJP and Matthew?
Kyra and Kevin?

Daveb said...

I'll have to think about it. Says Hollywood but doesn't specify that one or both are actors, simply A list. Long time by Hollywood and life standards implies 20-30 years to me.

Del Riser said...

Rita and Tom?
Kyra and Kevin?

Cheryl said...

Asexual definitely made me think of Matthew Broderick and SJP. No chemistry, the rumors of male and female lovers for him, separate homes. Neither one has built their career on sex appeal.

Peridot said...

joanne woodward and paul newman?

Cathy said...

It's one thing to write an item about someone being gay, if a witness sees an encounter happening, but how do they determine someone is asexial - by catching them NOT having sex? Seems like a hard thing to prove...

Cathy said...


crila16 said...

Reah Pearlman and Danny DeVito.

MISCH said...

If A-sexual neither are having sex with anyone...
Enty...children ?

Dishtlk said...

oOOoooOO Rhea and Danny are a really interesting guess... but DeVito seems like he likes the ladies... But Kyra and Kevin were my first thought.

AKM said...

SJP and MB came to mind for me, too. I could see that. Then again, as others have mentioned, how does one prove that? I suppose one of them could have told a friend who then told a friend, and so on, and so on?

shopgirl said...

okay, Paul Newman is dead so there goes that guess. I agree with Kevin and Kyra and what the heck ever happened to that blind revealed that they were about to call it quits?

Audrey said...

Kyra and Kevin came to mind immediately. I don't think it's SJP and MB because there are rumors that he likes young coeds. If one is asexual, they're not interested in sex at all, not just with their partner.

Trixie said...

Since he doesn't say married, what about Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn? Although, I have a hard time picturing him as asexual. I know that there have been rumors of Kurt cheating and Goldie knowing about it.

Jennifer H. said...

Melanie and Antonio

I'm sure that's completely wrong, but for some reason they popped right in my head.

Lauren said...

Keely Shay Smith and Pierce Brosnan.

RenoBlondee said...

I wouldn't think Kevin and Kyra.
SJP and Matthew fit better, but how long have they been together? Also, yes there was that reveal that he hits on young girls. Huh. Stumped.

RocketQueen said...

Don't think there have been any rumours of infidelity with Kyra/Kevin.

I'll go with SJP/Broderick.

hikerhead said...

like the kurt and goldie guess; and what about harrison and callista?

Bunni said...

I think its SJP & Matty, it was said they haven't had sex in 5+ years.

Mango said...

Didn't SJP admit somewhere that she and MB haven't had sex in eons?

SueRH said...

It doesn't say married, just together.

Audrey said...
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PS said...

Lauren, that is a great guess. I don't know if they are really A-list, but, wow - what an interesting and realistic guess. His first wife was older, almost a mother figure, and didn't take the playboy route after she died. He was devasted and stayed single and celebate for a long time, until he dated and long after married Keely. She's gained a tremendous amount of weight since, and he is incredibly loyal. Which, actually undercuts this guess, since there are no rumors of affairs. How about Oprah and Stedman?

Nellie said...

Hugh jackman?

Nellie said...

Oprah and her man!! Yes!

FrenchGirl said...

SJP and her husband?

PS said...

I have another guess, besides my Oprah / Stedman ... this blind may not be about them, but I know this couple is a-sexual: Marlo Thomas and Phil Donahue. They've been together FOREVER, and there are rumors he is gay, but, they are actually faithful to each other, love each other very much and have zero sex.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I have a hard time believing this about people who have kids, like Broderick and SJP. I mean, yeah, the girls were born via surrogate, but James was a "normal" pregnancy via SJP. If one is asexual, one is completely uninterested in sex, hence the hiccup about kids. I'm trying to think of an H-wood couple who either don't have kids or whose kids are adults now ...

How about Ed Harris and Amy Madigan? They've been married since 1983, had one kid in 1993.

Angela said...

Taylor Hackford and Helen Mirren.

MadLyb said...

I think it's a beautiful thing when sexually compatible/asexually compatible people find each other.

I'm liking the Marlo Thomas/Phil Donahue guess, 'cause I can't think of anyone else who fits, other than William H. Macy and Felicity Huffman. Or Ozzie and Sharon. Or maybe Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson?

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Oh, not, NOT Taylor Hackford & Helen Mirren--when you see those two together, you know they're still having plenty of sex and enjoying it immensely! ;-) (Can I be like Helen when I grow up? Pretty please?)

misspoppypants said...

I think most of the people guessed on here are not A list. The blind says A.
I remember reading an article in which Goldie said she didnt believe in long term monogamy and they had an open relationship of sorts, kind of a dont bring it home, dont get emotionally involved relationship. So 'cheating' rumors would not have been valid. Plus, not A list-- neither are SJP/MB, or Marlo and Phil. Would not think Kyra and Kevin are A list but could be wrong. Think we haven't hit on it yet.

lutefisk said...

Sheldon Cooper/Amy Farrah Fowler.

I can't think of any couple that are both A list besides Brad and Angie.

Anonymous said...

I thought Broderick cheated and she forgave I dreaming that....with a 20 something nobody?

Sis Cesspool said...

Nellie, the men's department at Neiman's Chicago would not disagree with you......

bunnymother said...

Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin

Andrea said...

Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest.


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