Sunday, February 12, 2012

Brandi Glanville Says Eddie Cibrian Is A Good Looking Guy

I don't know that I would ever expect someone who was married to someone to call their ex ugly. OK, well most of the time. In my case, it happens frequently. It is like once they see me in the daylight or through sober eyes, I can tell that it will go downhill from there. Brandi was being interviewed about Eddie's new sheet and towel ads where he is half naked. Brandi wants him to do great because that keeps the checks higher. You have to love her for being blunt. Has she got that marriage annulled yet? If she has not, Eddie might want to look at that and see if he gets a reduced amount to pay if she gets remarried.


  1. I love this woman! She just tells it like it is. I don't think I could still say he's good looking if he put me through that hell. But I would wish him well biz wise so I could get paid! Rock on, Brandi. You're my hero. :)

  2. He IS good looking- just becasue he is a cad, a jackass, a cockroach and a cheater- it doesn't take away from his good looks.
    Remember Third Watch- OMG that was alot of goodlooking people together on one good show- a great show in fact...

  3. He looks cross-eyed in that pic.

  4. Anonymous10:28 AM

    He's squinty like his squeeze du jour. I've never thought he was good looking.

  5. He has nice dimples. HE def traded down in the looks department.

  6. He is good looking, but he's also a lowlife shit.

  7. Alot of people seem to think she's cool or tells it like it is. Didnt she get arrested for dui? She comes across to me like a cheap floozy. Of course he's no prize, but I do admire how he never says anything.

  8. Brandi comes accross to me like a cheap floozy, not cool at all. Didnt she get arrested for drunk driving? Nothing cool about that. He is no prize but very good looking and I like how he never comments. Now thats rare; keeping your mouth shut.

  9. @auntliddy - he doesnt have to say anything. His new wife has her friends attacking Brandi on Twitter and Facebook. If he was a man he would tell LeAnn to knock it off. But instead he sits back and lets her encourage her friends to attack the mother of his children. He's a cheater and a passive-aggressive douche.

  10. Lol, she may have called him good looking but at the end of the interview she still got a few digs in.
    She sited Beckham as having a 'much better body' and she said Eddie had to work especially hard to stay good looking, as he is Cuban and a big guy, and thus, packs weight on more easily. LMAO!
    I can sense some undercover bitchery between those sentences ;-O

    And yeah, what Mango said.

  11. She has many times called him good looking post-divorce. The headline is not exactly breaking news

  12. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I give her credit. It would be tough to call your ex good looking especially after what she went thru with this guy !
    I mean, come on, how many women was this guy banging while he was married to Brandi? I wish her the best. I think she's a truly nice person --she just likes to have fun and has a dirty mouth. Big deal. I think we would be good friends if we ever met ! LOL

  13. he's generic looking to me. bleh.

  14. Brandi being so open & blunt about things makes me like her more. Even if I don't agree with what you are saying or doing, I will respect you more if you are up front about things. Nothing is worse than a two-faced person, IMO.

  15. ^Oh yeah - I agree with her that Eddie is attractive but reading that he is a douche-bag all the time makes him less so I think.

  16. i don't think that vegas wedding was ever legal to begin with i don't think they got the license. Just did the ceremony as a drunken goof.

    I can only imagine how much Eddie is missing Brandi right now and telling himself "30 million 30 million with LeAnn".

  17. Apparently Mango has never had a close friendship with other females. You don't have to make your friends do stuff like that, they do it on their own because they got your back. Your assumption Leanne is making her friends yell at someone online is hysterical.

  18. Apparently your friends are 13, Princess.

  19. I love her. If you read her words they can sound lame but when you hear her talk, she's awesome. Very sincere. And the marriage wasn't legal, it was just a pretend one, no certificates or anything were filed.

  20. @ Princess - I have many close female friends. And if I told them to BACK THE FUCK OFF, I would hope they would.

  21. He has a nice body but the face is a bit off in the eye region. He's a model. He should keep his mouth shut and just do his best to look pretty. Unfortunately I need a bit of intellectual stimulation, so I just couldn't.

  22. These two look far better together than Eddie and LeAnn.

  23. God they're a beautiful couple together. They look like Barbie and Ken. What was he thinking about(besides money) when he decided to leave the gorgeous Brandi and go to the homely Leann? Gross.



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