Monday, February 13, 2012

Bobbi Kristina Goes To Emergency Room Twice For Stress

On Saturday night and again Sunday morning, Bobbi Kristina had to go to the emergency room because of the stress and anxiety from the death of her mother, Whitney Houston. Both times she was discharged shortly after arriving. Bobbi Kristina, who is not stranger to drugs and has even been photographed snorting coke was not allowed to see the body of her mother which contributed to the breakdown Saturday night. On Sunday she broke down because she heard her dad was coming back to town to take care of her. Look how well Bobby Brown took care of Whitney. I would break down too if I knew he was coming to look after me.


  1. I dont think now is the time for snark, Ent...We all know Bobby was dbag.. Lets let this kid adjust to this horrible, life changing event.

  2. Whitney was doing drugs long before she met BB. Hope the daughter gets the support and love she needs.

  3. I thought she and her father got along ok. I was surprised that he DIDN'T go to see his daughter immediately. Guess being filmed at a concert being all weepy and stuff was more important.

  4. I don't think you can blame anyones addiction on someone else. & She's only 18 maybe its not the time to attack the only parent she has left. So sad, I can't imagine losing my mom.

  5. I hope the best for Bobbi kristina and i think she had an intense and complicated relation with her mum but they adored each other.
    I don't know if Whitney yet was into drugs before Bobby Brown but yesterday a friend said me that she was really into cocaine after her pregnancy to lose weight (she was very big at the end)

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  7. Enty, seriously although I love the snark this is a situation that really needs none. Whitney's ultimate demise was of her own making, SHE CHOSE to take drugs and now the sad outcome is her death. No one is to blame but her and her alone, Bobby never forced her to take anything. As for Bobbi Kristina, her mother just died completely unexpectedly I am not shocked at her having a breakdown. I feel bad for her and I hope she is able to make it through this difficult time okay.

  8. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I wouldn't want Bobby Brown taking care of me either. I would take my chances with Whitney, ahem Cissy and the older aunts.

    Whitney could have been a "recreational" drug user before Bobby, but after him, she went to SHIT.

    Enty, if you have some serious dirt on Bobby, spill it!

  9. I don't know if Enty is snarling here about Bobbi worrying about seeing her dad, or if that is an accurate statement. I too was surprised that her dad didn't immediately run to the airport to be with his daughter. Makes me think all is not well there

  10. I had some dirt on Bobby Brown back in the day but it seems irrelevant now.

    I feel for this kid. She had a raw deal growing up and now she's lost her momma. Poor girl.

  11. I read on another site that Bobbi Kristina is a drama queen. However, I'd freak the heck out if my mom died. I don't understand why she wasn't allowed to see her.

  12. She's over 18, she does not need him...where are her aunt and grandmom ?

  13. I'm just now coming on CDAN for the morning here so I might've missed something... But has anyone asked or mentioned how (or if) Ray J. has any play in this scenario? I know he was turned away from the hotel, too.
    Were they dating? Was he a bad influence on Whitney like Bobby had been (basically--anyone who got high or partied in any way was a bad influence...although her using was solely her responsibility)?

    Just wondering...a recent pic of them at a prize fight showed them both clearly high as a kite (IMO--I've seen plenty of high as a kite in my day)...

  14. I totally agree with what Lady J posted above.
    I have no idea what the dynamic between father and daughter is here but if it helps her through this difficult time than he should be with her.

  15. While I'm sure Bobby was not a good influence on her, Whitney is solely responsible for whatever she whiffed, sniffed, snorted, smoked, and injected. No one else.

  16. Ray-J was totally there but this fact is now being whitewashed by the media - not that he had ANYTHING to do with it (I doubt he did) but better not to be associated with it.

    As for this poor family of Whitney, Bobby and Bobbi - I think they all love each other very much, I think they are all f'ed up on various substances for sure but Bobby Brown is NOT responsible for Whitney's drug problems and never was (as others have also commented).

    This is just sad and I think it is good for Bobby to be with Bobbi during this very sad time, even if they do have drug problems they are still people with feelings.

  17. I think it may have been a little late to cancel the concert? Bobby does have to make a living. I also think he did the right thing though to come to CA given the reports on his daughter.

    Why was Bobby responsible for taking care of Whitney?

    Enough with blaming him for everything.

  18. Enty, your constant ragging on Bobby Brown for not somehow saving Whitney from her own demons is incredibly patronizing, and it's getting really fucking old. They have been divorced for YEARS. He has a new woman in his life. I'm not saying he's a saint, and he should definitely be there for his kid, but how much responsibility for Whitney was he supposed to *have*, exactly? She died at the age of FORTY-EIGHT. We all agree that Lohan is more than old enough to take control of her life, right? Why is Whitney somehow different?

    Bitter Queen said it best yesterday:

    "Frankly, the Bobby Brown blaming (and forgetting the truth of Whitney's roots) is just founded in two intertwined narratives: female disempowerment at the hands of men and a ridiculous cultural understandings of African American masculinity."


  19. There are multiple references on this site (and others) to Whitney's apparent drug abuse prior to Clive Davis discovering and mentoring her; I personally think it was convenient for her, at the time and later, to allow the impression that Bobby Brown had "dragged her down" to float around as PR spin; she may not have said it, but she didn't deny it.
    "How can you tell a drug addict is lying? Their lips are moving."

  20. ITA agree with Ida, previous posters, all who think that while the situation is of course very sad it isn't the fault of Bobby Brown. It seems pretty well documented that drugs were a part of her life prior to his entree. Where it went from there.... who knows for sure what happened, but at the end of the day, adults are responsibile for themselves. Even codependent, drug-addicted, famous adults. And they have been apart for years.

    I feel for her daughter and hope that she gets the care and support she needs, and perhaps even realizes that this is an opportunity for her to make a change in her life (assuming the coke snorting comments are true) that could have made a world of difference for her mother, truly committing to being sober and beating this horrible disease/not letting this disease take root in her life as well.

  21. Anonymous8:50 AM

    team enty and bobbi kristina. rip whit whit!

  22. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Ida B, did you get that dream job?

  23. ^I did. Thanks for your interest.

  24. I feel awful for Bobbi Kristina and I hope she is able to pull herself up from this shocking blow.

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  26. I can appreciate the snark, ENTY. I'm not sure if Bobby Brown caused the problem, because Whitney was responsible for her own demise. However, addiction really is difficult to treat. I also don't think that Bobby Brown HELPED the situation. If he had been a positive role model and not a drug buddy maybe things would have been different. They both should have gotten "straight" but chose not to. Regardless, Whitney has no more demons. And Bobbi Kristina will need much support ...

  27. I just hope she has good financial managment the way Michael Jackson's estate did.

    I thought Whitney was deep in debt due to her big spending/drugs and bad investments. With no real form of income, no album sales and failed touring due to her voice being gone.

    This kid doesn't seem to have any life skills and won't be able to handle the harsh reality of life without some strong guidance.

    Time will tell on this one.

  28. Whitney was way into coke well before she met Bobby Brown, as anyone whoever saw her backstage at her shows can attest to. I'm personally very sad about her passing, but Bobby Brown (while certainly a dirtbag) wasn't responsible for getting her into drugs.

  29. i can choose to read it or not,but I'm not going to tell you what or how to blog.

    BB might not be responsible for the drugs but he sure as hell didn't make her life very easy while he was in it. when you have TWO drug addicts in a marriage there are 3 sides, his/hers and the truth.

  30. All of you saying she did drugs BEFORE she met Bobby Brown have no proof of that fact. You are repeating rumor. I saw her in concert before Bobby enterered the scene, multiple times. No drugs or hint of drugs. Then in 1993 a friend who knew her said she was doing drugs. Around the same time she was busted with marijuana in a Minneapolis airport. This was the year after she married Bobby. When did her voice start to decline? After Bobby.

    He did not shove drugs down her throat. She is ultimately responsible. But she was clean before Bobby. I think ENTY knows it, too. Believe what you want to believe.

  31. I don't care what Bobby did in the past, but it's bullshit he didn't immediately drop everything to go be with Bobbi. Inexcusable.

  32. I don't think seeing someone in concert a few times gives you any insight to when they started drugs. That's not proof either. People who haven't done drugs don't usually go straight for the crack. I don't doubt it at all that Whitney was on drugs before she met Bobby.

  33. My kid hated his father at her age. If Bobby didnt rush to her side there's probably a reason.

    When someone gets clean, they have to leave behind everything associated with their abuse.This is why LiLo and Kelly Osbourne wont be clean until they give up the clubs and parties. Maybe Enty knows something we dont about Bobby discouraging Whitney from rehab because then he would be left behind.

  34. That poor thing. I hope she has the strength and support to stay clean. Her aunties and grandma need to shelter her from the storm. It is hard enough without publicity and fame. I feel for her, I really do.

  35. I was really confused WTH Bobby didn't immediately fly to be with his daughter either?? I wasn't aware they had bad blood & regardless of whether he has to earn a living, it seems odd that he wouldn't opt to not perform that night.

  36. Righteous people here are such hypocrites!! Snark? This is not Whitney Houstons eulogy site. Enty should be entitle to report and give his opinion on his own site.



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