Monday, February 20, 2012

Bobbi Kristina Gets High After Mom's Funeral

Apparently that rehab visit did not accomplish what it was supposed to for Bobbi Kristina. Shortly after her mother's drug overdose funeral, Bobbi Kristina was seen by at least two people getting high herself. This comes on the heels of her getting high and drunk last week the night before her mom died at a party and the trips to the emergency room after her mom's death which were said to be caused by "stress." This is a pretty vulnerable time for Bobbi. I'm thinking another trip to rehab might not be a bad idea.


  1. I think BK could be in need of a conservator. She won't know what to do with the estate financially. Cissy or Dionne might be the only ones who don't have a dog in the fight with money. But their age is a concern.

    I just think BK is so tied up in her mother's image it never occurred to her that she would be without her mother at 18. Being Whitney Houston's daughter is a lot more exciting than just being Bobbi Kristina.

  2. I think her money needs to be in trust. Dione has gone broke before and Whitney was taking care of cissy. not to mention that bobby brown might try to manipulate her as well. Last week before whitney died, and I say bobbi kris i asked my sister why wasn't BK in college or getting some typ of training. My sister asked if I knew if she'd finished high school... this is so sad.

  3. This is not going to end well. She is only 18 years old and already has all these drug and alcohol issues on top of losing her mother. It's awful. Unfortunately I don't see a happy ending. Hope I'm wrong.

  4. You have to want to change. Period. You can go to rehab a hundred times and still won't help until you are ready to make the change.

  5. I think the only person who would understand Bobbi-Kris and be able to intervene would be Lisa-Marie Pressley. I really hope she tries to reach out to Bobbi-Kristina before something tragic happens.

  6. If people actually saw her "getting high" then why wouldn't they say what she was getting high on?! If she was smoking a bowl, not really such a big deal. If she was smoking crack, then you might have some cause for concern.
    I know addiction is addiction, but let's be real: when I was 18, I was a fun loving college freshman...
    Give her a break.

  7. @ crazy, I agree to a point. The difference here is that she definitely HAS addiction issues, so for her "getting high" on anything could be a slippery slope. But, honestly, after a funeral who DOESN'T want a drink or toke to chill?

  8. I wish that Bobbi Kristina would get away from her family and spend some time with Janet Jackson. JJ doesn't need Whitneys money and seems like she sincerely wants to help BK.

    Janet knows how Bobbi feels because she lost her brother Michael to drug abuse. She also gets how to deal with being in a dysfunctional family.

  9. If my mom died, I'd probably be getting high too.

    But I hope someone helps BK and takes care of her.

  10. What s this money you all speak of? Have you forgotten Whitney not only died pretty mch penniless, but her bills were being paid by Clive Davis? At this point Bobby Brown has more money than Whitney did at the time of her death.

  11. I feel bad for this girl because she already had this monkey on her back before her mothers death, I really hope that Cissy or somebody responsible in that family can get her into rehab and act as a conservator or get whatever inheritance is coming to her put into a trust account.
    I have a feeling that this will not end well for her.

  12. She should probably get a will in order in between her highs.

  13. Her grandmother will try her best but this is bad,
    I was wondering about how far she got in her education because Whitney been dragging this kid around for years.
    As far as money the record company will pay itself back first for all the advances Whitney took before this kid will see a dime.
    Things do not look good.

  14. "Getting high" as in smoking weed, or as in something stronger? Sorry, but there IS a difference, IMO. Hubby and I got high as in smoked weed between my Grandmama's funeral and the burial. I needed to de-stress and stop crying for a minute or two within the awful several day juggernaut of non-stop crying, for one thing...but that's just me...

  15. I totally believe weed should be decriminalized, but it IS a depressant -- as is alcohol. Sure, there's a huuuuuuuge difference between hitting a bowl and hitting a crackpipe, but I'm sure it didn't really ease her pain or paranoia. Personally, I've never gotten wasted before or after a funeral. Not judging you guys who have, but I can't imagine it would have made me feel any better.

    Forget college (for now). If she's really on drugs, this poor child needs rehab. STAT. If Bobby Brown is really clean, he probably knows this -- but she's too old to be admitted by a parent. What is he supposed to do?

    Regardless, unless you're *also* the only child of two superstar drug addicts -- whose exploits have been well-documented throughout the duration of your whole entire life -- and you're currently reeling from the very recent death of your mother, I don't think it's very fair to judge her motives right now. We can't even imagine what it's like to walk in those shoes.

  16. It seems that she was ALWAYS with Whitney and though I hate to say it, chances are they did drugs together. She was born into fame and now that her Mother is gone, I agree with what another poster said who is BK besides Whitney's daughter?

    I don't think things will end well for this young lady.

  17. Do you guys remember a few years ago, she stabbed Whitney? Or rumured to have?

    I hope she can pull herself together and actually have a nice life. I can't imagine loosing your mother at such a young age.

  18. Here's what Bobbi Kristina has learned in life: getting high is harmless. I know, weird under the circumstances, but look what happens: People always come flocking around and take care of her after she checks out.
    Someone needs to get completely militant with her to slap that notion down hard and merciless or she will end up like her mother, and a lot faster, too.

  19. High on what? That's the big question...

  20. I read the link and what I don't like about all this is the freaking out, the drama, the histrionic overreaction -- people calling her angrily, hungrily, luridly, "blowing up her phone" as the cliche used to be. I mean, her mother died. If she can't handle it and gets high, this is not the time to rush screaming and shrieking at her. People get high. Some people stop getting high. Some people who use drugs really need to get high when their parent dies. Relax, people! (And, I should add, I am not a fan or supporter of drug use. I'm just saying, take a breath, family of Bobbi Christina. Give it some time. Let her process this.)

  21. This is all the kid knows. Did any of us expect anything different? I wish her well, but she needs a miracle.

  22. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Let's hope that Lisa Marie does not introduce her to Scientology!

  23. What she needs is to be taken somewhere far, far away, where there is no access to drugs. I'm thinking an Indian ashram...I'm serious! I'm not a Hindu, but for some reason I've always thought that, if my life completely fell apart, I'd want to go to an Indian ashram and do yoga and meditate and clean floors or whatever my job would be there. ;-)

  24. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Jennifer, rich people broke and regular people broke are two VERY different things.

    Also Whitney may not have written any songs, but as an A-list singer ten years back, she could have demanded a small percentage in royalties included in her contract from the actual songwriters.

  25. What do you mean by getting high? Shooting up, snorting, smoking weed what? You guys are so vague and why not NOT report to the world and let her mourn in peace? Please!

  26. When it comes to Whitney being broke hey are the same thing. The woman literally had zero, and her net worth wasnot much more.

    I'm fully aware of rich broke. I grew up in this industry and have worked in film and TV for over 20 years. Just because your a mega star doesn't mean you're rich, and Whitney was NOT rich, or even getting by. She was living off a $150k advance from the record company and Clive Davis was paying all of her bills. Now she's dead which means the remainder of that advance goes back to the record company and there's nothing but Whitney's estate of personal items left.

  27. my bro died a heroin user and I smoked the biggest joint I could find after his memorial. Don't judge unless you've lived it. grief is a tricky fucker.

  28. Even if Whitney was truly broke when she died, do you remember how much money MJ's estate made the year after he died? Everyone is looking for her CDs, movies and downloading her music like crazy. Her greatest hits CD is #2 on iTunes and I will Always Love You is #5 on the singles chart. There is plenty of money rolling in to take care of BK.

  29. try netflixing her movies online. They just pulled all her movies streaming on netflix becuase the studios want the money bump from DVD sales.

    BTW what is wrong with Bobbi Kristina going out there and getting a job? James Brown's daugheter is a Dr.

    Get some help, go back to school and make something of your life. She shouldn't aspire to sucking off her mommy's estate and getting high all day with hanger ons.

    Call Francis Bean Cobain maybe she can give her some good life advice. The girl goes to college, lives in a modest home and just lives without the mama drama.

  30. The show Inside Edition just said that Cissy Houston disinvited Aretha Franklin because she didn't like the interview she did on The Today Show. I think that explains the real reason Aretha canceled.

  31. The big problem with Bobbi getting high is that she is an established addict who has already been hospitalized twice in the last week or so and is suicidal. Any kind of drug use is going to be disastrous for her right now.

  32. timebob, I was just about to post what you already said. Bobbi Kristina isn't homeless. She can live with her grandmother and get a job. Being forced to be just a regular person may be the best thing that could happen to her. She needs to get some real friends and stay away from all of the bad influences in her life.

  33. I feel sorry for her. Also, agree with jax. Everyone handles grief differently.

  34. considering she and her mother were kicked out of the club right before her death after getting caught doing coke in the bathroom, i am going out on a limb saying it's more than just smoking some ganja.

    she and whitney were on a whirlwind spiral together that rivaled Dina and Lindsay. Everyone wants to keep the pristine image and blame Bobby for everything. I think there is more to this story and that young woman needs help, quickly.

  35. Back in the days when Myspace was still relevant, Bobby Kristina added me. Why? I'm not sure. I was a hs junior at the time, and given my love for weed im sure i had something weed related on my page. Anywho, i didnt realize how YOUNG she actually was at the time. But i will never forget the pictures she had on her profile. She had an album just of her smoking different blunts she rolled. Pictures of her with pink-starred contacts of her with giant bottles of wine/vodka/rum (the Dame Dash pose if you will).

    Anywho, I just recently found out due to her mom's passing that she's 18! I'm 23 now, so she must have been around 11 or 12 when those pics were taken....

    I understand the need to smoke a bluntsky every once in a while or drink a glass of wine, have a beer and some artery clogging food to deal with stress....but this girl needs HELP. Fast.

  36. "her mother's drug overdose funeral"

    This blog has jumped the shark SO hard. God, this place sucks. It used to be human and gentle. Now it's just another gossip blog with sensationalistic (and very bad) writing.

    Her mother didn't have a "Drug Overdose Funeral". She had a funeral. Because she died. She was only 48. Her daughter is still a child, only 18.

    I seriously need to take this blog off my bookmarks. At least Dlisted is funny.

  37. BK's father had to do concerts in the week after Whitney died, and the night of her funeral, because he needs the money on a day-to-day basis. He is illiterate and not a candidate to manage or parent BK in any way.

    I agree BK probably has substance abuse issues, but I find it hard to believe she got away from that crowd of people at the funeral, the repast afterward or her grandmother's home, all wanting to "console", "counsel" or "comfort" the girl. Plus she had to be kept corralled in order to get to the interment the next morning. I don't think she would have escaped supervision until Sunday night, after the post-burial visitation at Cissy's Edgewater apartment (this per Darlene Love's interviews on Monday morning tv.)



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